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Calling all spriters!

If by that you mean resizing, I'm not sure. If I do get a team for making my game using Sphere then I wouldn't have to work inside the 64x64 restrictions and would be able to make whatever size I wanted. But if I can't get a team together (as I need someone who knows how to script in Java), then there's no point, so don't do anything yet until I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

EDIT: Also, I've set up a thread in Video Games: Upcoming Games discussing what new features to have in my game if I do make it with Sphere. So take a look and post anything you think would be good for the game.
So, I didn't hear what you were going to do with Qwail. Can you please tell me if you're using it for a banner? If not, that's fine. I just like drawing my best scratch.
If by that you mean resizing, I'm not sure. If I do get a team for making my game using Sphere then I wouldn't have to work inside the 64x64 restrictions and would be able to make whatever size I wanted. But if I can't get a team together (as I need someone who knows how to script in Java), then there's no point, so don't do anything yet until I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

EDIT: Also, I've set up a thread in Video Games: Upcoming Games discussing what new features to have in my game if I do make it with Sphere. So take a look and post anything you think would be good for the game.
So if you can, fit the whole dimensions as 80x80 so you can incorporate D/P sprites onto your game.
But that's the thing, if I can make them as big as I want, I could have them bigger (as I also don't have work inside the normal screen size(I think)) and more detailed.
But that's the thing, if I can make them as big as I want, I could have them bigger (as I also don't have work inside the normal screen size(I think)) and more detailed.
But if we work by D/P standards we don't have to do anything about the current generation; just put them into the files. This way you can put all four regions easily.
All right, the sprite isn't quite finished, but I've got a Spore creature of it Here. Please, no one sprite it for me. I can do it fine.
I just wanted to give you a little preview, okey?

EDIT: I've got the sprite!


PokéDex entry: Felispar's fists and hip-guard are made of stone almost as hard as diamond. This Pokémon's punch can shatter walls harder than its own fist.

Type: Fighting/Rock
Shatter Pokémon

Height: 4 feet 1 inch
Weight: 119 pounds

Base stats:
HP- 90
Attack: 120
Defense: 100
Special Attack: 45
Special Defense: 70
Speed: 95

Level 1: Mach Punch
Level 1: Leer
Level 1: Karate Chop
Level 1: Bullet Punch
Level 15: Rock Throw
Level 18: Agility
Level 21: Comet Punch
Level 25: Bullet Punch
Level 28: Mega Punch
Level 33: Revenge
Level 39: Submission
Level 44: Double Team
Level 49: Rock Slide
Level 55: Cross Chop
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So does this mean that I should fit to 80x80? That certainly would be easier and I would have more fakemon designs available. You probably don't know now but I'm just thinking outloud.
Okay, it's official, I'm switching Pokemon Aotearoa from hacking FireRed to making a whole new game using Sphere. I have aquired the assistance of an amazing scripter but he's also working on another Pokemon game called Pokemon: The Lost World, which is anticipated to be the greatest Pokemon Fangame ever.
Anyway, since he's also doing PTLW, he's going to work on the systems for my game whenever he's not working on the other game as he's only one of the scripters of PTLW and only scripts when he's required.

So, from now on, any sprites should be 80x80 and so this should give you more room to sprite. Also any sprites already done in 64x64 need to be resized and the original creator has first say.

Also, at the moment I'm working on adding snow to my current tiles.

I don't think Predafrost and its base form need any revamps; they're already done in DP palettes.

Finally! I have an idea for the Aotearoa trio: we already have FMC's guardians, right? Why not the Doom trio? Famine, War and Pestilence.
As you wish.







I'll try enlarging some others, but not the bird line. It was a pain to sprite.

Also, I think that Fawntler, Shriel, and the goat fakemon are sized just fine.
Alright, like I said I already have a D/P sprite for Qwail.


I don't really want to sprite the fire Tyrannosaurus, but I'll see if I can remake Ropteryx, my bats, and anything else I may have submitted.

EDIT: Dump the bats, I made a new one. It's called Batty, a Normal/Flying type.


It's not a little-kid name. Batty means crazy.
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So, what about my sprite? How is it? Do I need to make an 80x80 version of it?

I'll finish the stats and things.
Batty Data

HT: 2'7"
WT: 27 lbs
Type: Normal / Flying
Ability: Cacophony
Insane Pokemon
Dex entry: No one knows how it gets its food. Common guesses are that it's so crazy that it lives on its own hyperactivity.
Evolution: None

Opterblyss Data


HT: 4'11"
WT: 65 lbs.
Type: Dark/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Dark Joy Pokemon
Dex Entry: Though unseen by humans, its talons are said to be sharp enough to cause nuclear explosions. When folded, its wings seem smaller than they actually are.
Evolution: None
Notes: Was originally known as Ropteryx, but was remade.
I don't think that they would suit the story, the Pokemon that I'm designing and making myself which I'm keeping secret, kinda fills that role, but I'm not saying anything else about it :sweatdrop:

Is Opterblyss a remake of Raptoryx?

Great sprites, thanks :grin:
Seriously, are you ignoring me here? I asked for critique on my sprite three times now.

I'd like it if you could use it in a banner, but Sugimori style art needs to be made for it. I can't do that, though, so I guess I'm out of the question there.
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