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Calling all spriters!

Grimdour: At the moment there are the five guardians of Aotearoa which FMC is designing and I have an idea for another ledg which I'm keeping secret, you'll have to play the game to find out what it is. Also, I might put some more in if people think that it's a good idea, so suggestions are welcome.

Tropiking: Great, thanks.
Grimdour: At the moment there are the five guardians of Aotearoa which FMC is designing and I have an idea for another ledg which I'm keeping secret, you'll have to play the game to find out what it is. Also, I might put some more in if people think that it's a good idea, so suggestions are welcome.

Tropiking: Great, thanks.
Sounds great.

If you want, I can do the stats for all of them since you're technically making the game from scratch using the FR/LG template.

Speaking of which, will you be able to code in all four other regions and all the Pokemon if we manage to devamp them?
White Wolf, I drew Qwail. You can change the colors a bit if you want (like you did for the current Aotearoa banner), because I was intending for this to be put in a new banner... Darksong told me that she'll scratch an "awesome Fighting/Rock-type Pokemon" soon, so look for that soon. If you can, when she's done, you can put that in the banner too.
As I promised earlier, here is that revamped Cankyl.


Much better than the original.

EDIT: Also, I've decided on a name for the Marowak evo. Slaskull.
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Tropiking, great, the new Cankyl is much better and Slaskull is great, I'll change it on the website now :grin:

Cryptica, do you want me to make a new banner for Qwale using your drawing?

Grimdour, I been thinking, because I'm now making the game with Sphere, I might be able to change the parametres so I have a bigger space to work inside the game, as long as I can find a scripter who can do it. Which also reminds me, I've had a reply from a guy at the Sphere website and he can do a bit of the scripting for the game. He's really good but he doesn't have much free time.
Porygon evolution? Porysion, then into Porysion2?

EDIT-The Absol Prevo is called Wolsol and is NORMAL type. The Category is Cute Scare.
Porygon evolution? Porysion, then into Porysion2?

EDIT-The Absol Prevo is called Wolsol and is NORMAL type. The Category is Cute Scare.
No, Terry. If it were up to me Absol would stay as it is. Porygon already has too many evolutions, anyway. It's nice that you're active in here, though.

@ White Wolf: Sweet. If you need any stats for the Pokemon I'll do them.
Terry, Grimdours right, I don't want my game to be filled with just new evos and prevos, I want new pokemon and stuff like that.
Since I've been inactive round here for a while, I'll try and come up with names for the un-named pokemon. For example, Armarow, for the Marowak evo. Or what about Raptark for any of the dark type dinasaurs.

Also, why have you not included any of FMC's concept art on the site?
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@White Wolf: You can include Qwail if you want. That was the whole purpose of drawing it, but you don't have to.
Kai: When I uploaded the current artwork to the site I was at the library and only had Kratos Aurion's pieces on my Memory Stick, I was going to do the rest when I got home but I must have forgotten. I'll upload them now.
Kai: When I uploaded the current artwork to the site I was at the library and only had Kratos Aurion's pieces on my Memory Stick, I was going to do the rest when I got home but I must have forgotten. I'll upload them now.

Fair enough. And as for the names of the pokemon? Armarow and Raptark.
I like Raptark for the final stage. Also for the Marowak evo, I like Slaskull better than Armarow. It just seems to fit more.
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