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i wouldn’t tbhyeah. like she picked me n0 and then we kinda strategized after that together on who to choose ... she had me fairly pocketed by end of d1, even though i didn't claim to her until a while later. idk why she chooses to reneighborize me as a wolfi frankly don’t see why w!rari would choose to neighborize in the way they did
huh, what do you mean?if i were w!rari i’d target kyeugh D4
oh yeah!it could be tofu too tbh.
huh, what do you mean?if i were w!rari i’d target kyeugh D4
#JustMasonThingsfwiw my count is the same
well no, as i've been saying, if i'm not mafia then rari is. i will agree there's certainly one between us and rari does have their role confirmed which is a good look for them, so i don't completely disagree with this thought process, but it doesn't mean that it's literally impossible i'm not mafia or something.there is no way skylar isn't wolf, just based on PR claims
there should only be 10 town power roles
Emmy - confirmed cop
Herbe - confirmed rolecop
ILS - confirmed doctor
RNP - confirmed jailer
Tofu - confirmed lynchproof
Butterfree - fishing brother, least likely to be scum after mewtini
MP7 - see above
Mewtini - greenchecked by Emmy and confirmed JoaT by Herbe
rari - confirmed neighborizer by both mewtini and skylar
VM - I know I'm vigilante ofc
which leaves only skylar, who has to be mafia
tbh yeah, if there's a swing i expect it'll be keldeo and maybe koko (?) onto me at the last minute. i'm kind of surprised keldeo's still voting where he is.I fear the swings and the vote changes! I'd imagine at least one vote on Keldeo is a wolf to lead us into a false sense of securitybefore they flipflop
if i were mafia i'd probably try to come up with a very underutilized role that wouldn't be counterclaimed, like necromancerwell no, as i've been saying, if i'm not mafia then rari is. i will agree there's certainly one between us and rari does have their role confirmed which is a good look for them, so i don't completely disagree with this thought process, but it doesn't mean that it's literally impossible i'm not mafia or something.there is no way skylar isn't wolf, just based on PR claims
there should only be 10 town power roles
Emmy - confirmed cop
Herbe - confirmed rolecop
ILS - confirmed doctor
RNP - confirmed jailer
Tofu - confirmed lynchproof
Butterfree - fishing brother, least likely to be scum after mewtini
MP7 - see above
Mewtini - greenchecked by Emmy and confirmed JoaT by Herbe
rari - confirmed neighborizer by both mewtini and skylar
VM - I know I'm vigilante ofc
which leaves only skylar, who has to be mafia
Only if I made an error.btw, jack gives a ten minute grace period after eod to correct your vote—is that only if what he has down for you is erroneous, or can you actually just choose to change your vote during that period because you feel like it?