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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
As for this: I'll admit that at this point in the ISO I was pretty deep in the kyeugh/Keldeo w/w tunnel. However, by the time you voted Keldeo today, the only votes that had been placed were bluwii on Keldeo, Trebek on Keldeo, mewtini on Keldeo, and rari_teh on Keldeo. So yes, I would definitely say Keldeo was under fire. Votes only moved onto you after you came in.i can kind of see where you're coming from with a lot of this post, but i really don't get this. in a vacuum i guess i can see what you're saying, but pretty much no one has wanted to press on keldeo this entire game, and even now, when we can be virtually certain that one of keldeo/blu are scum, he'd only arrived at a majority a few hours ago. i've been trying to get people to acknowledge this all day, and have been sitting on this vote here for ages and very actively campaigning for other people to do the same, which is not exactly reluctantly moving onto him because he's under fire. i get that there's an element of self-preservation at play there, but i don't think it's really fair to say that i've been dragging my feet on the keldeo thing and trying to hedge on the whole blu when i've been pretty transparent about my thinking during all this and it's been an uphill battle until a few hours ago anyway.
I thought the skylar wagon was meant to be a distraction to move the vote off Keldeo but now I see they're probably w/wdamn now i'm out of my VM tunnel, i just thought it was weird he kept defending skylar once evidence had actually cropped up
hi king. it's stressful but we are vibing. i just drank a liter of water at onceSeems a little quiet for EoD at the momentScary scary
How's everybody holding up?
shoot, i never thought about this bc i was only going off of how godfather operated in ToS, but this could actually explain some of the rougher edgeswasn't going to mention for fear of derailment, but it looks like things are kind of quiet now, and i figure i'll say it just in case i die: the coexistence of town cop/rolecop points at a mafia godfather. idk how jack would handle the flip, but if it's held constant wrt the copcheck, they could have died already and flipped green
i am sorry tbh(it is also kind of weird in retrospect that it took me this long into the day to realize that there's no way rari isn't scum. i'm kind of just putting the pieces together i guess. i can't really blame mewt for being so pocketed given she doesn't have any mechanical reason to believe i'm telling the truth. rari has played really well tbh! )
yeah. like she picked me n0 and then we kinda strategized after that together on who to choose ... she had me fairly pocketed by end of d1, even though i didn't claim to her until a while later. idk why she chooses to reneighborize me as a wolfi frankly don’t see why w!rari would choose to neighborize in the way they did
the godfather would probably be myuma in that scenariowasn't going to mention for fear of derailment, but it looks like things are kind of quiet now, and i figure i'll say it just in case i die: the coexistence of town cop/rolecop points at a mafia godfather. idk how jack would handle the flip, but if it's held constant wrt the copcheck, they could have died already and flipped green
hey, that’d be nice if we secretly have another dead wolf. it could only be myuma in that case, right? unless rnp was the godfather and was claiming the real roleblocker’s actions as his own...wasn't going to mention for fear of derailment, but it looks like things are kind of quiet now, and i figure i'll say it just in case i die: the coexistence of town cop/rolecop points at a mafia godfather. idk how jack would handle the flip, but if it's held constant wrt the copcheck, they could have died already and flipped green