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Cats (2019) Mafia

active votes:
stryke (4): herbe, myuma, kokorico, rari
myuma (5): mewtini, kyeugh, bluwiikoon, m+7, keldeo
ultracool (1): seshas
kyeugh (1): rnp

seshas/ultracool 797
rnp/kyeugh 833
herbe/stryke 910
myuma/stryke 957
mewtini/myuma 979
rari/myuma 1032
kyeugh/myuma 1040
tofu/abstain 1058
kokorico/stryke 1059
blu/myuma 1111
keldeo/stryke 1120
rari/stryke 1132
m+7/myuma 1140
keldeo/myuma 1141
UGH I haven't even read the last several pages buuuuut where I had read up to I could nod along with kyeugh's case on myuma
... ...idk if I should be no longer vibing based on that.

my instinct is to accept the mind meld, though.
Yeah, I'm a bit nervous about the consensus myself, but I feel good about the reasoning. I don't have anything else I feel personally invested in.
Vanilla townie lmao. It's why I'm a tad bit more ho-hum about being lynched, bc it won't put town at as serious of a disadvantage as if I actually had a role
I'm sorry I was going to be caught up and read myuma's posts but then sudden deadline not being where I think for my second mafia game in a row >:/
active votes:
stryke (4): herbe, myuma, kokorico, rari
myuma (7): mewtini, kyeugh, bluwiikoon, m+7, keldeo, trebek, bfree
ultracool (1): seshas
kyeugh (1): rnp

seshas/ultracool 797
rnp/kyeugh 833
herbe/stryke 910
myuma/stryke 957
mewtini/myuma 979
rari/myuma 1032
kyeugh/myuma 1040
tofu/abstain 1058
kokorico/stryke 1059
blu/myuma 1111
rari/stryke 1132
m+7/myuma 1140
keldeo/myuma 1141
trebek/myuma 1143
bfree/myuma 1147
Well, I guess do we lynch Stryke then? Someone will have to help me with the more mechanically correct move here. I can switch.
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