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Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Mew is supposed to be a cat of some sort. That particular sprite looks odd, though.
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Eevee or Umbreon, just because they're so cute. Also, a Shinx, Luxio or Luxray would be nice.
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Absol, big, furry, cat/dog things that looks awesome and can scare mean people, hurrah!
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

^ My Eevee and Skitty can scare with their cuteness :D
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

My Togekiss will pick up your Eevee's and place them on the roof.

But anyway, Togekiss would be awesome pets.
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

A Houndour- I could evolve it, and, once it evolves, I would have my fav. Pokemon ever! Plus, I would finally have a dog!

Quilava- Fire type, and just cute and awsome!

Umbreon- I have no reason, except pure awsomeness!

Charizard- No particular reason, actually. Maybe others I might think of later are possiblites~
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

it would be cool if I could raise a Flygon, all the way from its youth as a Trapinch and watch it grow.
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Raising a Flygon will be awesome. Especially when finally seeing your beloved Vibrava evolve into something gigantic and awesome.

Although you can't exactly keep in it the basement anymore...
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

I changed my mind.

One of these:


Purugly and Absol




I might think of more in a while, but not at the moment.
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

My Togekiss will pick up your Eevee's and place them on the roof.

But anyway, Togekiss would be awesome pets.

My Eevee can jump off the roof :P

I have a listfuls now.

Eevee - cute and awesome
Skitty - cute and awesome
Vulpix - cute and awesome
Mudkip - cute and awesome
Ralts - cute and awesome
Absol - cool and awesome

Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Who would want to keep it in the basement? I guess the only problem is, it'll start to be expensive to maintain, but hey, at least it's cold-blooded, so you don't have to feed it every single day... Actually, I figure, give it a 20lb turkey (about $10 where I live) once every week or two, and it would be relatively cheap to feed. (turkey is one of the cheapest meat you could buy, per pound).

Actually, a lot of Pokemon would be cool to have as a pet, but Flygon is full of win.;)
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?


No, seriously! I know I'm obsessed with it, but think about it. It's a living plush toy. (well, possessed really, but it still counts!) You would never have to feed it, you could cuddle with it all you wanted, it's a ghost type and thus could walk through walls, possess things, lay curses, etc~ Think of all the fun stuff we could get up to! And with those arms it could easily hang around your neck like some kind of creepy backpack. X3 And depending on whether it feels pain or not, you could probably sew decorations onto it~ Don't see how it would mind, sticking pins into it's body to generate curses and all.
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Quilava- because Typhlosion would be too big to hide in my closet.
Absol- is awesome.
Togetic- I don't know.
Eevee Evos- because they are made of awesomesauce.
Weavile- because it ROCKS YOUR SOCKS!!!
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Entei! Duh...

The best Pokemon ever
(No, not 'cause he is a legendary...)
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Ima add to my list.

Togekiss (raised from Togepi)
Lairon (raised from Aron)
Eevee (epic)
Bannette (because of Chimera xD)

And more when I think about it.

EeveeSkitty said:
My Eevee can jump off the roof :P
Which my Togekiss will then decide to fly it to Cerulean City and leave it there >)
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Ditto. Cause then, I could have any Pokémon I wanted.
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?


No, seriously! I know I'm obsessed with it, but think about it. It's a living plush toy. (well, possessed really, but it still counts!) You would never have to feed it, you could cuddle with it all you wanted, it's a ghost type and thus could walk through walls, possess things, lay curses, etc~ Think of all the fun stuff we could get up to! And with those arms it could easily hang around your neck like some kind of creepy backpack. X3 And depending on whether it feels pain or not, you could probably sew decorations onto it~ Don't see how it would mind, sticking pins into it's body to generate curses and all.

Suddenly I feel the urge to hatch a Shuppet egg. ^^
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