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But why would I make coffee in the first place if I don't like coffee...?

I'm saying that you dislike it to such an extent that you've resorted to taking the coffee of other people -- who enjoy it -- and throwing it out before they've finished it.

The life of a tea-only drinker is a sad one, it seems.
That is an honourable and worthy way to have your coffee, and I wholly approve. >:D I wanted to give you some and go on about how it's iced, buuuut I decided that was silly~
YES! One problem, I don't really like coffee. It's too bitter. But I had to bring this up on the thread.
That Scene in ToS said:
It's hot! Don't you enjoy how HOT this coffee is?

KIDDING! It's ICED coffee! See how icy and COLD it is?

Lol, J/K it's actually HOT!

*hit over the head with a mug by Colette*

^ This was one of my absolute favourite scenes in the entire game. I laugh my face off every single time.

I'm saying that you dislike it to such an extent that you've resorted to taking the coffee of other people -- who enjoy it -- and throwing it out before they've finished it.

The life of a tea-only drinker is a sad one, it seems.

But that's just mean.

And don't TVTropes me, da yo!

Well what else would a tea-only drinker do with coffee?

I dunno, leave it alone?

I hate the taste, but I wouldn't become the evil mastermind DR HATES COFFEE!!! who bursts into offices and breaks the coffee machines for no reason other than It's Evil.

I've got better things to do. Like cuddle kittens.
Coffee's cool with me, I was raised on it. My mom makes like this awesome coffee that just makes me energetic throughout the whole day even with two hours of sleep. Seriously, it's that good. Lots of milk and sugar, though, I can't tolerate it if it's black. Sometimes, when it's available too, I'll flavour it with pumpkin spice. Aah, I love that stuff.

Also, I like frappucinos. Those are nice too. Cold coffee's one of my favourites.
But that's just mean.

And don't TVTropes me, da yo!


I love you and your Glee gifs. Seriously.

Anyhow uhhhhh I enjoy coffee right I enjoy coffee occasionally, but the caffeine has no effect no me so I mostly drink it cause the warmth is good for my throat. :v Tea for the same reason. I'm not picky.
I hate the taste, but I wouldn't become the evil mastermind DR HATES COFFEE!!! who bursts into offices and breaks the coffee machines for no reason other than It's Evil.

...b-but that would be the best superherovillain ever

wait why would an evil mastermind destroy something because it's evil [objection! bubble]
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