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Mine are a mixed bag; I have the no-added-effect high-appeal move, one other pattern-breaking move, and then the other three all share a consistent theme.i am surprised though because my moves do share a consistent theme despite having different effects. whereas these don't seem to
curious which applies to other people
hm... mulled this over briefly... not totally opposed but i think not right now. d1 claims rarely a good idea. would rather wait until we can collectively pool enough information to identify liars, which i doubt is possible toDay. (and ofc telling you one would give away the gist of all of them, given the shared theme.)post 'em.
just the flavor then, if you're so worried.hm... mulled this over briefly... not totally opposed but i think not right now. d1 claims rarely a good idea. would rather wait until we can collectively pool enough information to identify liars, which i doubt is possible toDay. (and ofc telling you one would give away the gist of all of them, given the shared theme.)post 'em.
since other people have shared their strategy already though i will do the same: i ignored the thing about cleverness as WIFOM and just used my move with the highest appeal, which happened to be +6. sadly it was one of the ones opposed to cleverness (either coolness or beauty) which is how come i'm not joining you up with the extra votes :(
and if the vote is purely based on "her role format is slightly different from some other people who've posted!" consider: why would i be truthful about that if i were mafia
you mean like the move names? uh sure i don't see the harm in that, they don't seem relevant to the effects. body slam, petal blizzard, frenzy plant, stun spore. (i guess this gives away that cuteness is the theme i don't have, but eh, i find it hard to imagine how that would be possible or useful to take advantage of.)just the flavor then, if you're so worried.hm... mulled this over briefly... not totally opposed but i think not right now. d1 claims rarely a good idea. would rather wait until we can collectively pool enough information to identify liars, which i doubt is possible toDay. (and ofc telling you one would give away the gist of all of them, given the shared theme.)post 'em.
since other people have shared their strategy already though i will do the same: i ignored the thing about cleverness as WIFOM and just used my move with the highest appeal, which happened to be +6. sadly it was one of the ones opposed to cleverness (either coolness or beauty) which is how come i'm not joining you up with the extra votes :(
and if the vote is purely based on "her role format is slightly different from some other people who've posted!" consider: why would i be truthful about that if i were mafia
oh! yeah i have a little italicised line of flavour text beneath each one. but that's mostly just rephrasing the in-game effect of the moves in in-universe terms - the only one that even references the move itself is stun spore which describes it as "a shimmering shiny" (MF accidentally a word there perhaps?)your moves don't have non-mechanical descriptions?
i don't think that this is relevant? u-pick flavor doesn't tend to be game or role-altering.Lilligant isn't exactly a Pokemon lacking in moves with Cuteness, either.
mine does as well fwiw.i dont think the lack of a certain type is what does it for me cause like i said my role has a specific wording that suggests that not every townie has every type of move
mine does not have this wording; does anyone else's? not sure if this is an indicator (very well may not be) but I'm curious whether/how many more people will claim to have it and claim to not have itmine does as well fwiw.i dont think the lack of a certain type is what does it for me cause like i said my role has a specific wording that suggests that not every townie has every type of move
my role mentions absolutely nothing about this!mine does not have this wording; does anyone else's? not sure if this is an indicator (very well may not be) but I'm curious whether/how many more people will claim to have it and claim to not have iti dont think the lack of a certain type is what does it for me cause like i said my role has a specific wording that suggests that not every townie has every type of move
i am once again assigned not clevertfw you log in to see that you're assigned not clever at day phase✌