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Can you cook?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 32.6%
  • Somewhat

    Votes: 21 48.8%
  • No, I'm a master microwaver cooker microwaver important person of microwavers extreme!

    Votes: 8 18.6%

  • Total voters
Salmon burgers with brie... Quasadillas... Anything with cheese, really.
Man, if you find the right things anything can be delicious.
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Cajun chicken pasta, penne, homemade alfredo sauce, spicy, with grilled seasoned chicken breasts. Secret sauce... secret seasoning... I like spicy.... except too spicy... last time a little too much cayenne...
I've gotten a lot better with cooking since I've had to do it for myself (which I realize was three years ago, but it's a slow process for me). I can do simple meals and quite a few desserts.

I can also do things with food colouring that should be illegal.
What do you guys put in your ramen? I just made ramen with three kinds of egg (Scrambled, hard boiled and egg dropped), and carrots and onions. I'm curios to know what others do.

EDIT: Also, I use chicken when I find leftovers in the refrigerator.
what talk more about this

one of these, of course!

except I can make them better so it actually goes in stripes. it takes a bit of work though!
What do you guys put in your ramen? I just made ramen with three kinds of egg (Scrambled, hard boiled and egg dropped), and carrots and onions. I'm curios to know what others do.

EDIT: Also, I use chicken when I find leftovers in the refrigerator.

Wait, you make your own ramen? Sheesh.

I fail at using dough to create anything from scratch, mostly just because I'm really impatient.
I can't cook at all. Seriously, I'm afraid of using the TOASTER OVEN (Well, that's mostly because of that time with the paper towel.....)

...But, I love reading about food on TvTropes, specifically weird food combos.

I'll need to learn at some point...
Rainbow cakes are hella rewarding in the end because they look awesome. I made them and brought them to school but I had to convince my friends it wasn't space cake :o(

I can cook alright but I won't talk about my boring dishes. Instead, I'll post these:


They were for friends' birthdays. The Rubik's Cake was about 10x10 centimetres and it took FUCKING FOREVER TO DO because I'm retarded and while the three separate cakes were in the oven (they're layered) for an hour each I just dicked around watching True Blood instead of getting ahead on the rest of the cake :|||
And the tiles are made of marshmallow fondant, which is the stickiest thing in the universe and a complete pain in the ass to work with.
And the cake took a grand total of nine hours to make, somehow (taking into account that three of those were spent doing nothing).


it was totaly worth it.
I can't cook at all. Seriously, I'm afraid of using the TOASTER OVEN (Well, that's mostly because of that time with the paper towel.....)

I'm pretty sure I went through the same thing, as my paper towel caught on fire and I had to throw it in the sink. But that just made me want to cook even more.
I'm in the Cooking Prep course at Thunderbird, so I can make desserts and I'm now learning to make stuffed fried mushroom caps, chocolate cheesecake, and stuffed chicked breast. Yum? ^^ When I graduate, I get my Food Handler's license :D?
Made myself some pasta with pesto sauce and fried onions and bacon today. Good've gone a little easier on the pesto but other than that I think it turned out pretty good.
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