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Cornny the Crispy Crunch

You 'stalk' off, and after a while come across a rat chewing on a stalk of Cornn. Take her or go, leaving the Rattata behind?

Grass Cornng

In the dull yellow-green of the stalks, you find a bright-green leaf, poking out from amidst the other plants. It's shivering slightly.
An odd Pokémon, quite small, pops out and yells. Chika! Take her or go?


You part the Cornnstalks in front of you, a couple of the ripe fruit falling and hitting your head. While squishing the occasional berry underneath your shoes, you see... A spiky, mischievous-looking creature, stacking twigs and sparkly rocks in a random pattern.
Take the Zigzagoon, or leave him?


Jumping right back into the Cornn, you quickly cross paths with a... bristly, preoccupied raccoon. Take him or go?

After trekking through the Cornn for a good while, you sit down, panting, and start pulling on some grass. It turns out to be a good idea, as a Pokémon pops out... A male Oddish, Stay or go?


You dive into the corn, looking for movement in the stalks. So you nearly miss the little, snoozing prickly thing at your feet. Take the Zigzagoon or leave him?


You leave the preoccupied raccoon and its berries to their own devices, heading off in some random direction. You soon find a similar-looking Pokémon, with a ring on its stomach and large, floppy ears. He's hanging from a Cornnstalk. Take the Sentret, or go?


You leave the area, heading west. You hear a rasping noise, and eventually come upon a large, pale housecat, licking herself and shining the gold coin on her head. Take the Meowth, or go?

You pass over the Spearow, careful to keep your feet away from its sharp beak. You wander through the Cornn aimlessly, finding yourself increasingly lost with each turn you take. Worse, when you attempt to backtrack, you seem to have forgotten which way you came. You begin shouting, hoping to catch the attention of the Cornnfield's proprietor. After a few aridly warm minutes, a shadow passes over you. Its a Fearow, with the man on its back. The bird lands, and the man outstretches his hand.

"That'll be a dollar, young man," he adds.


You ignore the common Grass-type, trotting away and hoping for a rarer Pokémon this time. When you hear a sound, you continue at the sound of a decidedly human voice. Intrigued, you hurry forward and find... A female Chatot, staring at you inquisitively and streaming cursewords she no doubt picked up from lost Cornn-goers.

Dragon of Fire:

Ignoring the Flying type pecking at the ground before you, you stroll forward leisurely, attepting to find more interesting prey. You notice a puffball off to your right; the snoozing Venonat doesn't notice you. Take her?


After circumventing the preoccupied raccoon, you leave it behind. After several minutes of boredom, you hear a tweeting, melodious song; a female Taillow, peering questioningly at you from above.

((Sorry I left this for so long, guys.))

Handing three dollars to the man on the Fearow, you part the Cornnstalks in order to form a path. You begin to hear a sharp thwapping sound. When you investigate, it turns out to be a Cubone, play-swordfighting against the stalks of Cornn. Take him?
Careful not to step in the way of the Cubone's swiping, you edge past him, intent on finding a new Pokémon. After quite some time, a tweeting from above alerts you to the presence of a Starly. Take him?
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