Kung Fu Ferret
The Sultan
- Pronoun
- he/him/his
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Ouch. No kind of compensation?And my state is forcing all restaurants to close (except for take-out/delivery) for a MONTH starting Tuesday. I know it's a pandemic... but a MONTH where I CAN'T go to work?! How the fuck am I supposed to pay my damn rent?
I'll ask my boss if I can use vacation time for this.Ouch. No kind of compensation?
I suspect my workplace is gonna stay open until/unless a case pops up or the governor yells at us to close, because I work with Fun Chemicals and we can’t work from home.
I am in the fun position of having to go to the eye doctor tomorrow, and the eye doctor's office is literally in a hospital. Thankfully it shouldn't be the part of the building where people with known/suspected COVID should be checking themselves in, so I'm not really all that worried (and while there are some cases loosely in the area, I don't think we've had a significant number yet), but it's kind of a weird thought, heh. I wish I could reschedule but there is unfortunately something of a deadline on getting these glasses double-checked and maybe returned, so bleh.
One of the things that bothered me specifically was the fact that my therapist had to cancel his appointment with me this week. This might not seem like much, but he's literally one of my favorite people, and seeing him is one of the best parts of my week. I always look forward to it, get anxious about missing it, and have OCD rituals related to it (rules like "be extra careful about expiration dates so I don't get food poisoning and miss it" and "don't stay up too late the night before in case I sleep in and miss it"). I was not in a good mood when he emailed me and canceled. Still, I know that it's best that he stays home, as he's 70 years old.
Usually I send him a ten-page paper once a week, and then he reads it before I see him, and we talk about it. Yesterday I emailed him asking if I could go ahead and send a new paper anyway, and he said yes, so I started writing that today. So far I've written about some of the things that have been going on. I have a feeling that I won't get to see him next week either, sadly, but at least there's this.
I'm hearing GameStop is gonna stay open regardless of what law enforcement says. Wonder how well that'll go for them...So the governor is now mandating shutdowns, with NASTY repercussions for not cooperating unless your business is “life-sustaining.” Which apparently mine is, cause apparently we count as pesticides???? I don’t understand.
I feel like this categorization slash decision-to-not-close-these will get reconsidered soon. Who knows?
I lowkey wonder if it's just the end for them if they have to shut down. So maybe they're just, like, screw it. :PI'm hearing GameStop is gonna stay open regardless of what law enforcement says. Wonder how well that'll go for them...