Kung Fu Ferret
The Sultan
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Hey, same here! Ours is three weeks though, but potato potahtoAnd my state has a stay at home order, for the most part, starting tomorrow for TWO WEEKS
we're gonna have to push back graduation into like, mid summer, when this will all hopefully die down.
I'm starting to not respond to her texts because i don't know why, and i feel bad but it makes me upset or sad when she texts me because i miss her and it's REALLY starting to affect our relationship.
i miss my girlfriend too.I had depression for like a week because i miss my girlfriend.
I'm really sorry that you are feeling this way right now. yes, the online school is not the greatest, my siblings are being annoying as well, and i just want to see my friends again. FRICK YOU COVID-19!!!I can only hope i catch coronavirus and get over it so i can visit my girlfriend. And go back to school. And see my other friends and AAAHH F*** you coronavirus.
But we are certainly not getting a vaccine before very very VERY late autumn at the earliest. And if we do get it earlier it's going to be some awful thing that barely works. Our best bet is social distancing, but i was out riding my bike (Mind you i stayed AT LEAST 2 meters from everyone i saw) and heard like 5 old people saying "Social distancing! What a joke!" and so i have no hope for that...
Chances are i'm going to catch it eventually. There are 351 CONFIRMED cases in austin so about several thousand cases in austin that aren't confirmed. When i catch it (Or maybe i already have) i'm going to stay home for two weeks and then maybe i can live life as normal. I'm pretty healthy and i eat healthy and i'm vegan (most the time) and all that jazz so i'd say there is no risk for me.
At the same time i'm starting to have depression because of all of this (Mostly missing my girlfriend)
I'm starting to not respond to her texts because i don't know why, and i feel bad but it makes me upset or sad when she texts me because i miss her and it's REALLY starting to affect our relationship.
If my summer break is all bad because of this i'm gonna be F***king pissed. My mom is planning to see her dying father in june and we don't know if we'll be able to visit him, not to mention he's at HUGE risk for the CoronaVirus because of his conditions so he could die first and my mom would be heartbroken, and i'd be a little sad because then i would never really meet him (last time i saw him: age 4). Not to mention my little cousin who is ADORABLE is coming too and i really want to see her.
I'm mostly over depression right now but there is so much boredom. I could do the marquee of doom five times in a ROW i'm so bored.
And online school just SUCKS. Most of my teachers are doing a half-baked job and just piling on work for me to do or not enough work and IT SUCKS (Although not enough work doesn't suck AS much). It's just the worst. Only one of my teachers is doing it right and she video calls us everyday, and she doesn't give us too much work. It's getting really overwhelming and it is the worst.
My little sister's online school however is just... well hear me out. She talks with her friends practically screaming while she talks, then at 10:00 she begins school work until about 12:00, and then she eats lunch talking to her friends the whole time TOP VOLUME MIND YOU, and i had to eat lunch on my desk twice because her friends all happen to be the little sisters of jerks who hate me (long story) and then she works more and then calls her friends again TOP VOLUME during my french class. Then my french teacher gets upset because She's too loud and i have to yell at her (yell at my sister not my french teacher).
However at least i'm doing better than some people but STILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Worst of all, i was really enjoying my life. I had just got over a bit of depression and anxiety, and i joined a new school where everyone was nice and understood me, and i found an amazing girlfriend and a bunch of friends, and i had just kind of cut ties with my Dad, also known as my Ex-dad (He's still there i just ignore him. He's a jerk. Long story. I don't wanna talk about it.). Anyway my life was perfect and then this had to happen. THIS COULD HAVE HAPPENED LAST YEAR WHEN MY LIFE SUCKED!?!?!?
My sister has no school on friday?!?! WHAT!? Now she's playing loud games on our Amazon Echo.
Thanks for reading my rant. That was nice to get that out.
Oh wow!!Several people on my street have caught the virus, so me and my family have stopped taking walks outside (which the government still allows us to do, as long as we stay away from other people). It's incredibly annoying to think "Oh, maybe I'll go on a run today," and then realise that it would be a bad idea for me to.