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Closed Creeping Darkness

((Shoot, I shouldn't have asked, then. >_<))

Vai nodded to Silver and dashed after him, almost tripping over Torei, who had stopped.

"What is it- Woah!" She spotted the Jolteon's body, and the kits in Torei's arms. Her Enculli had attached itself to a Serviper's head.. What had happened? Silver was over to her side, standing, but not moving.

Well, if Torei's attacking, I should probably help.. Maybe we could weaken the Serviper enough to catch. Vai looked at her Pokemon, and at the Serviper again, before nodding slightly.

"Okay, Hakoi, use Confusion on the Serviper, Asaio, use Quick Attack and come back!" If she remembered right, Psychic type moves were super effective against Poison types, or that might just be a bit of information that came from nowhere. Either that, or they were uneffective..

Hakoi poked at the Serviper's senses, and might have grinned as it flinched. Asaio launched himself at the snake and ripped at it with his beak before turning and landing on Vai's shoulder again. It might have been weak enough to catch, but Vai paused and looked at Silver and Torei to see if they needed help.

((Stormy is accepted. C: You received a male Kiddam, and I'll post the family's info soon. He knows Ember, Stomp, and Leer, is Level 10, and his ability is Flash Fire.))

The massive snake bellowed as it felt the bloodsucker latch on, snarling murder. It thrashed it's tail, annoyed at the interruption of it's meal. Silver was frozen in place, but then pulled out his Pokedex to scan the snake Pokemon... Perhaps the dex would have useful information.

"Seviper, Poison type, The Fang Snake Pokemon. This big guy is male and level 20." The dex purred.

Level twenty? At best, their Pokemon were around ten levels less than that... Silver swallowed in an attempt to clear away the fear building in the back of his throat. They were in trouble...

He reacted the only way he could think of. He grabbed his new Natu's Pokeball from his belt and tossed it into the clearing.

"Sparkler! Give that snake a Night Shade!" He yelled, attracting the serpent's attention. It swiveled it's head around to face him, and the Natu appeared in a burst of light. She squeaked, but obeyed the order. Her shadow extended behind her and lashed out, striking the Seviper's eyes. It bellowed.
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Oh, God! Mark thought when the Seviper dealt the killing blow to the mother Jolteon.

"Umm, Gush, Water Gun at the snake's eyes!" Mark faltered, feeling a little bit sick. The Bettaqua, looking equally disgusted, nevertheless complied, loosing a stream of greenish-blue water into the snake's eyes.

With a hiss, the Seviper turned to the Water-type, opening his mouth wide. Fangs glistening, the reptile wiggled closer to the attacking Bettaqua.

Hearing a terrified whimper from Gush, Mark faltered, wondering what to do. His Burmy only knew Protect at this point, no attacking moves whatsoever... But maybe...

"Umm, Burmy, jump in front of Gush and use Protect!"

"What? On that th-?"

"Just do it!" Mark yelled, being uncharacteristically bossy.

Looking highly surprised, the female Burmy lept off of Mark's arm and landed in front of Gush, a shield of green light forming around her in midair. The Seviper struck, but his needle-sharp fangs glanced off of the protective barrier.

((Just a question. Why don't I ever see you playing female characters, FMC?))
((hmm, I guess because I am a girl and It's kinda fun to pretend I'm not? x3 I dunno.))

"Now use Peck!" Silver said, voice wavering. This was bad, so bad, they could get killed, this thing was over eight feet long, full of poison, and pissed off...

Sparkler faltered, but obeyed, attacking the Seviper while it was attacking Mark's Pokemon, stabbing her beak into it's side. The snake wheeled around, brandishing it's tail. Purple goo oozed from the tip, and it swung, cleaving the air with a swoosh. Sparkler managed to Teleport a few feet away just before being hit, and the blade sliced a thick branch off the tree, sending crashing to earth.

Oh god don't let it get her don't let it hurt anyone let's just get out of here this is bad...

The Seviper hissed in displeasure at the miss, and glared at the irritating little bird that dare attack him. It let out an ear-splitting Screech, and Sparkler squealed, landing on the fallen branch and covering her ears. Silver clapped his hands over his ears as well.

The Seviper took this opportunity to lunge for the Natu, mouth wide.
"InkBlood, use Tail whip!"

InkBlood lets out a growl and whips her tail around the snake's head, striking it's eye. She then latches off of the snake's head and clammers over it's eyes. She gives the snake a evil grin.

'Say it!'

"InkBlood! Bite!"

She latches onto the snake once more, feeling her rows of fangs puncher the soft fleash around it's face. She then starts to lash at the Serviper wither her tail.

Torei on the other hand moved away from the snake more, protecting thr small kits in her arms. She watches in horror as the snake threahses from the attacks of the others.

This is bad...so bad......

Then. Her heart stopped when she saw it lunge for Silver's Natu. Torei quickly grabs the ball on her belt that contained Nibbles, and thorws it, crying out.

"Nibbles! Metronome!"

The small greenish baer looks at the flying snake and starts to wiggle his fingers at the snake. I odd glow appeared, shifting colors to find a move to use at random.

((FMC. I give you premission to choose the attack that appears. Have fun with that))
((Well that was interesting. ilu randomizer!))

After the Metronome attack settled on a move, a dark glimmer appeared above the Seviper's head, forming into a a sawblade-like shape that expanded rapidly, cutting into the snake's side. It screamed, thrashing in pain as blood oozed from the cut. It backed away from the group, battered and bruised, and ready to retreat. It had no use for Food That Hurts, and decided that it would come back for it's kill.

Silver had uncovered his ears and was staring at the Munchlax in awe. he'd never seen that move before... But it looked like something that legends had spoke of...

((Metronome > Spacial Rend))
Vai watched almost bemusedly as a glittering.. thing cut into the Serviper, and searched through her messenger bag for a Pokeball.. Ah. She enlarged the ball and jumped at the Serviper, throwing the ball.

"Come on.."

((FMC you want to decide if I get it or not..?))
Ugh... It killed her...

I bet it won't even eat her...

Kimori stared at the carcass, disgusted. She didn't even notice when Abun slithered off her neck to attack.

He slithered up to the Seviper, starting to climb it so that it could get to a place where the head couldn't reach him. Of course, being at a lower level, he was much too slow.

It sank its fangs into him, who was tiny by comparison, pumping an amount of poison meant for much larger enemies than the foot-long Polipent.

Oh God.

She quickly recalled Abun, hoping that he was okay enough to only be knocked out.

Apis wouldn't be enough. She was immobile now, and even her new shell would prove too weak to the Seviper's fangs.

Then again, she had doubted the Kakuna before, and had been proved very wrong.

Kimori threw her Poke Ball, making sure to release the Kakuna close enough to the Seviper to attack.

"Apis, you can still remember String Shot, right? If you can, then use it to tie that thing up!"

Even though Apis was unable to reply with a yes or no, she answered by releasing a gooey web. She aimed for the tail first, so that it was disabled. The only way the Seviper could get it off was to bite through it, and she was pretty sure that it didn't want to. Even though she had never tried it, she guessed that the gooey material tasted something awful.
((The RNG really likes you guys .___. You had a like... 15% chance for capture))

The ball sucked the shocked Seviper into it with a bright burst of light, clattering to the ground and shaking violently, the Pokemon inside desperate to escape. But it was too weak to fight for long, and the ball stilled, letting out a soft 'ding'.

[[Dragon: You may add a level 20 Male Seviper to your Profile and subtract 1 Pokeball. Keep in mind that it's badly hurt and probably won't listen to you. x3]]
((...And now Tala conveniently pops up nearby? XD If no one has any objections to that plot device... :P))

Tala had sort of slouched her way to the lab, once she had located it. It appeared that she had been late, which was all to the good, because despite the appeal of having a Pokemon, she did not want to interact with the professor, nor did she want to be pushed out on a journey. The other trainers had already left, and, if it hadn't been for the dream that she had had, she would have just taken the Pokeball and gone right back home to 'rest and prepare'. With her Pokeball in hand, she shuffled the rest of the kit into her backpack, pocketed the money, and looked around. After building up enough dramatic suspense, she released her new Pokemon.

The red light materialized in the form of a baby goat-like creature, with a collar of flame that, at the moment, was barely visible. "A Fire-type..." she said, mesmerized. "Cute. You're a... Kiddam, right?" There was some digging, she pulled out her Pokedex and pointed it at her new Pokemon. After scrolling through stats, attacks - which she memorized for later - and basic information, she reached the evolution. "Ralem? Hm. Fire-goat-thing. A name, a name..." she mused, as the yet-unnamed Pokemon began to rub its head against her leg. "How about Ra? Unoriginal, but..." And she reached down to tentatively stroke Ra's head. "You're warm."

This done, and with a curt conversation with the Professor - who wasn't paying her too much attention anyways - she set off for the Park. Yay, forests and rare Pokemon! She didn't want to catch them, nor did she want to get in a battle, but it would help if she at least sort of followed the rest, even if she was an hour behind. Ra ambled along behind her, occasionally butting his head against her leg in order to make her speed up, so once she actually entered the park, she was jogging. Her jeans weren't the best for slogging through bushes and such, but at least she didn't have to worry too much bout getting them totally ruined. She spent the next twenty minutes trying to avoid going near any wild Pokemon - though Ra complained, and loudly.

"Don't you want to see how strong I am? Please? Just one battle?" he pleaded, all too cute and innocent and oozing charm.

"Sorry, Ra, I just... I didn't want to be - " She was cut off by a piercing scream. ...What? Something was hurt - or dying. She dove off in the direction of the sound, followed by her little flaming ball of doom. The scene she crashed into looked like a nightmare. Squalling kits, a dead Pokemon, and a Seviper that froze, disappearing into a Pokeball... And people. Quite a few, and all accompanied by Pokemon. "Damn. I found them already?" she murmured, hoping none of them heard. She edged away from the others, trying to get close enough to the corpse, and the poor babies, to maybe comfort them. She dropped to her knees, holding out a hand to the Eevees, and making soothing noises. The humans were ignored, because they looked like they had the situation under control, and she couldn't stand by when Pokemon were obviously frightened and in danger...
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Torei, who was still holding the three eevees close to her, looks over at the scene where the Serviper once was. She smiles to see that the snake was gone and called to her two pokemon. InkBlood skittered over to her and climbs up her back to rest on her shoulder again. Nibbles hobbles over and sits next to Torei and smiles up at her, not knowing the move it used. Torei fishes for his pokeball and returns the tiny bear.

"You've earned the rest...and I'd return you too, InkBlood, but you'd perfer it there."

Torei then uncurls herself and rests the eevees on her lap. She studies them silently, petting their soft fur.

"You poor dears...your mother is gone now..."

Torei then hears a strange clicking sound. She looks around a bit but doesn't see where it's coming from. She shrugs and goes back to comforting the babies.

It's not gonna work, it's not gonna work, it's not gon-

That girl's, Vai or something's, Pokéball let out a *ding*.

Suddenly the danger was gone. And his Pokémon were okay, not even scratched!

Wow, I am one lucky bas-

Mark's thoughts were interrupted as the Burmy lept back onto Mark's arm, almost making the trainer fall, half from surprise and half from the Burmy's momentum.

Swinging slightly, the female Burmy muttered, "Wow, human, didn't know you had it in you. Interesting."

Guah, meanwhile, clambered up Mark's jeans and into the front of his blue shirt, sticking his small, slimy head out of the top.

"Well, of course he had it in him!" the Bettaqua exclaimed proudly. "Since you seem to have such a high opinion of yourself, think about this; he and I were able to take you down!"

"Oh, wow, it only took two of you to take down a half-asleep Burmy who only knows Protect. With the advantage of surprise." the Burmy said snidely. "Bravo!" she added sarcastically.

"Okay, you two, break it up!" Mark started. "There's nothing to be f... Oh, I forgot about the babies!"

Dashing over to Torei, who was apparently reacting maternally to the children's plight, Mark squatted down.

"Umm, is there anything I can do?" Mark asked.
Torei turns to Mark, a small smile appearing on her face. She then looks back down at the Eevees and her arms and leans against the boy, a rare moment of her being a bit tired sweeping over her.

"We...need to find food from these three. They must be hungry after all...this"

She sweeps her hand out at the scene before her. She then cranes her neck around and looks at Silver.

"...these three are too young to be on their own...and they shouldn't be seperated. So....would you like to pick one of these girls, then see if anyone else would like one?"
Silver walked over to Torei, wary of any sound. He glanced at the corpse of the Jolteon, frowning. Poor thing... She'd died to save her babies, and he'd done nothing to help. Guilt washed over him, and the start to tears welled in his eyes, but he wiped them away. He kneeled next to his friend.

"How do you know they're girls? Did you check..?" He asked, reaching out to stroke the middle one's head. "But... This little one can come with me." He added, reaching out his arms for the baby.
Tala frowned. Ew, normal people. Still... absently patting Ra on the head, she gestured to the kits. "Um... I could take care of one." she said soflty. Sure, no one had noticed her yet, but they were bound to now. And she didn't want to be noticed. Great. "Er..." Awkward silence! She didn't dare scoop Ra up to cuddle him, especially considering he was heavy but she settled for staying in her crouch on the ground, pattin his warm head with one hand, and extending the other tentatively. Eevees were cute, if overpopular, and the kits looked sad and frightened and she just had to care for one.

"Um. I'm Tala..." There, introduction made. She felt like crawling into a hole in the ground, or running away... Just hanging around made her feel nervous. They were trainers, they wouldn't understand her, they would think she was weird... Eugh. Normal people were just headaches waiting to happen.
Vai blinked a few times, not.. was that her Pokeball? She walked over to it and picked it from the ground.

"We'll need a name for you, too.." Scanning the ball with her Pokedex, she sighed. The Serviper was male, and the Eevees were female.. "Taking one of those Eevees would be greedy, now that I've got this guy, wouldn't it? Uh. I'll leave them to you guys.." She trailed off, looking at Hakoi and Asaio.

"Wow," Vai said again.
[[ Congrads. FMC can now add a Lv. 3 Eevee, Female, to her profile. This Eevee knows Helping Hand, Tackle, Tailwhip, and Shadow Ball. Congrads to Stormy. You can now add a Lv. 3 Eevee, Female, to her profile. This Eevee knows Helping Hand, Tackle, Tailwhip, and Shadow Ball. Both have Adaptability]]

Torei looks at the new member and studies her silently. She felt Silver close and study one of the three in her lap, but paid him no mind. She then smiles, sensing that this girl was trust-worthy. She holds out her hand to the girl in welcome.

"Welcome. Please...pick which of the remaining girls"

Torei then smiles when the girl does take one, turning back to Silver and Mark.

"I know they are all girls...can't explain it, but I know. Please Silver, treat her right. She's a baby that lost her mother."
Silver gently scooped up the terrified baby Eevee, cradling her in his arms. She whimpered, covering her eyes with her paws. Silver smiled down at the little fox Pokemon, stroking her head.

"It's alright... I'll take care of you. Don't worry." He cooed, rocking her in his arms a bit. The Eevee whimpered.

Silver looked back up at Torei, but was startled when he noticed the new girl. She introduced herself, and Silver nodded.

Tala looked down at the Eevee, and gently picked it up. "Here, Ra, we've got another companion now. And with no battling at all." she said with some relief, ignoring the Kiddam's grumbling. It wasn't that she was afraid of fights - she just didn't like them. "...Hi." This, of course, was to the boy apparently known as Silver. Now, with the Eevee kit safe in her arms, and seemingly relaxed enough to sniff her tentatively, she took a few steps away from the rest of the group. She wasn't a group person. Conversations with more than one person made her nervous, and a stressed out Tala was apt to either run away, or lash out verbally. Neither of those options appealed, and she wasn't looking to make friends here anyways.

She leaned against a tree, absently finger-combing her hair while holding the kit with her other arm. At her feet, Ra looked up at them both longingly, until she gave in, sat down, and awkwardly cuddled him, wary of the flames that were liable to spring up around his neck.
Ivan breathed a sigh of relief as the murderous Seviper fell and was sucked into a pokeball (whoever had thrown it must have been praying to Arceus for all its worth). After the encounter with Pinsir, he had become far more aware of the potential danger involved with pokemon, but seeing the bloodied Jolteon corpse was...well, sobering, to say the very least. As all of the trainers had pitched in with their respective pokemon to fight the serpent, above it all he had heard the frightened cries of the young Eevees who were completely helpless to hide and watch as their mother died. And if this is what happens normally, he asked himself, how much worse could it become if the Tenebritate were to come to power?

He strode past the crowd of rejoicing trainers, to a smaller gathering on the sidelines of the clearing, where the Eevee kits were hiding. They were still there, along with Silver and his hyperactive friend - the Enculi girl, Torei - who were trying to offer their comfort to the whimpering children. Then, however, Ivan noticed something else, a detail too simple to see unless it was right under your nose: there was someone else there, another girl, one he hadn't seen before - he recalled an unfamiliar voice saying "Tala" in self-introduction not too long ago, and could only assume it had been her.

No sooner did this happen that she got up and left, one of the small foxes in her arms - Torei wasn't throwing a fit, so Ivan deduced that the baby wasn't being taken unjustly - and what looked like a small, brown-furred goat wreathed in fire trotting at her side. He took a short glance over his shoulder; everyone else was too preoccupied with their own agendas to pay any attention. It would be of no good to any of them if one of their comrades just vanished into the blue without a trace, especially on a quest such as theirs.

He considered donning his shades for a moment, but turned the thought away - he wanted to seem friendly, not self-absorbed - and quickly caught up to the retreating girl. "Say," he inquired, his voice gentle and kind, "I couldn't help but notice that you weren't with us at the lab not too long ago. And yet, you also seem to a beginning trainer like we are..." He trailed off, unsure of where he was supposed to be going with this, before randomly blurting out without even thinking, "Would you like to have a battle?" ...Oops.

((Even the shortish cop-out posts take a long time to get done. :/ ))
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