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Closed Creeping Darkness

((Prepare thyselves; incredibly long, incredibly sappy monster post is approaching.))

Ivan felt the daze pass as the figure mysteriously vanished from the clearing, leaving his signature cloak as the only proof of ever being there to begin with. Just a few minutes ago, he had been an ordinary trainer, setting out on his quest, and now he was supposed to save the world from some unknown evil? And the mere notion of dying in the process...it was far too much for a child his age to stomach.

Lumina suddenly squawked in confusion when Ivan turned around and left the clearing, back out into the thick foliage, without saying a word to his "comrades", but as they crossed through, he nervously asked the fiery bird, "Lumina, are you afraid to die?" "Tiel!" she insisted, completely confident. "I suppose you're right," he responded, although there was still an uncomfortable, sickly feeling in his gut, "We are going to be getting stronger on this journey, chosen ones or not, but it's an awfully heavy burden we're carrying; I shudder to think what could happen if we failed - death might very well be the least of our worries!"

And it was in that moment that Murphy's Law decided to come crashing down on the trainer like only a ten-dozen pound giant stag beetle barreling in from behind can. Ivan was catapulted out of the trees and onto the grassy floor outside in the open as Lumina fluttered from his shoulder and urged him to get up, all while the assailant emerged from the leafy covering. The Pinsir's many long teeth chittered rapidly in time with the massive horns on top of its body grinding together, as angry the glare of its sharp eyes, and it flexed its thin but incredibly powerful arms menacingly; it wanted a fight, and it planned on winning no matter what.

"Alright, now this is the challenge I've been looking for!" Ivan exclaimed, perhaps a little too enthusiastically, as he rose and dusted off his fiery clothes, then pointed at the Pinsir and ordered, "Lumina! Use Scratch!" She hesitated, glanced towards her trainer nervously, but went forth anyway, narrowly weaving around the beetle's swipes to get in a hit with her talons - it was to little effect, however; the chitinous armor was just too strong. But then, as the Pinsir lunged towards the fleeing bird for a counterattack, it made the mistake of coming too close to the flaming trail her tail had left behind, and it roared in pain when the burning cinders came in contact with its eyes.

"Nice going, Lumina!" the boy congratulated his beaming pokemon as she returned to his side and he reached behind him, to his backpack, and took out one of the red and white spheres stored there. "Now! Go, pokeball!" he shouted dramatically, just as he had seen other trainers do on TV, and threw the device at the thrashing beetle with all of his might. The Pinsir, however, was hardly ready to give up like this, and, in the middle of its fit, seized the pokeball with its pincers and squeezed hard, reducing the device to shreds of metal. For a moment, time was still and the forest silent, as Ivan only stood there with his arm outstretched, that confident expression still on his face, but now all of its color was gone. "This does not bode well."

Now the Pinsir was more than serious; it was absolutely enraged. Through its reddened, squinting eyes, its gaze fell on Lumina, and she shuddered for one brief moment, all the time it needed to leap forward, grab the small Pyratiel in between its horns, and slam her to the ground. "Lumina!" Ivan yelled, too shocked to grasp the situation fully, too scared to look at her battered form, lying in an indent punched into the dirt. Angry chittering alerting him back to the main predicament, the Pinsir now approaching him, having eliminated its previous opponent and still wanting more. This close up, he could see that the beetle was almost as tall as he was, the tips of its horns coming just to his forehead, and he saw every little spike adorning them, and all the scratches left from previous victims who had desperately clawed for escape as they were crushed.

"This is no game," he recalled the cloaked figure's words from earlier as he backed away, "You all will be in real danger." Uhh, okay, I'm willing to accept that there's danger involved; you can stop now, he thought desperately, as if the advancing Pinsir could hear those thoughts, let alone care enough to listen. But no, there was no way out; he could always run away, but then he would be leaving Lumina for dead, and then what kind of trainer would he be, to let his first pokemon die just like that? But then it was too late even for that, as the beetle's clawed hands reached out for Ivan, its pincers clenched together, snapping in anticipation. He cowered, turned away, put his arms over his head, whatever it would take to get away, and shouted out, "Please, Lumina! Help me!"

In that instant, the Pinsir shrieked in pain as flames erupted on its back; Lumina circled overhead, cawing loudly to get her opponent's attention. It clicked, chattered, and screamed, angry and in disbelief that the bird was still fighting, but alas, she was now too high up for it to reach. The bird opened her beak again, letting loose another stream of searing embers onto the beetle's charred body. As it collapsed onto the ground, engulfed in flames, Lumina alighted on Ivan's shoulder once more, and pointed to it with a dirty feather; "PyRA!!" "Right!" he affirmed, pulling out a second pokeball and hurling it as strongly as his shot muscles would allow at the smoldering Pinsir. The ball made contact, opened, and absorbed its target in a flash of red light. Once more, time felt like it slowed, but Ivan and Lumina stood fast, keeping their eyes trained on the steadily wobbling sphere. Once...twice...three times...C'mon, he thought, crossing his fingers in desperation, Just give in. Then it stopped, emitted a small ping, and lied there in the grass motionless.

Ivan had just caught his first pokemon.
((Don't kill me. I really want a Caterpie.))

It wasn't long before Tamara noticed a small tree next to her. On the branch was a little green worm with huge black eyes. It turned its head up and gazed longingly at a succulent leaf, not noticing the human and Palmlee.

"That's a cute Pokemon," Tamara said to herself. She smiled as it grabbed the leaf above it playfully and began munching, dangling from the top.

"All right then, Cherry Pie. You can use Growth, and then Gust," the trainer said cheerfully.

Her long-necked Pokemon nodded, whipping up a small wind with its not-yet-formed leaf wings. At the same time, it seemed to gather the sunlight around it, causing it to power up the move it was preparing. Cherry Pie unleashed the wind at the Caterpie, causing it to drop off of the tree with its mouthful. Crying out, the green bug faced the Palmlee but seemed too scared to do anything.

Tamara grabbed a PokeBall from her belt, tossing it at the Caterpie. The larva was sucked inside, its black eyes remaining wide and circular.

This was it. Tamara watched the capsule intently, but wasn't overly focusing on it. It gave one shake -- she knew it was caused by the creature captured inside it -- and a second wobble. For another moment, it shook, and then stopped moving.

Tamara wasn't sure. Had she caught it?

The PokeBall gave a silent click, so quiet that Tamara almost missed it. However, Cherry Pie had heard it, and jumped up and down excitedly to tell her trainer the news.

Tamara leaned over and grabbed the PokeBall at her Palmlee's feet. "Looks like you have a teammate now, Cherry."
Ira nodded.

As he said... this is no game.

Flameheart was shaking, but looked determined. It looked as if he would explode into fire any second now.

The Trainer reached down and ran his fingers along the Pyratiel's back. Flameheart seemed to relax, and he perched on Ira's shoulder.

"Let's see what we can find here..."
Vai looked down at the Pokeball on her belt, with the Starly in it. "Well, your teammate needs a name, Hakoi.." She took the ball off her belt and bounced it up and down on her hand for a few seconds, before tossing it down. The male Starly appeared, and blinked. "Uh, I've caught you, if you're confused.." He looked at her sharply.

"Well, alright, they say Trainers help Pokemon to get stronger. And..?" Vai grinned.

"My name's Vai, and this is Hakoi." She paused. "Does the name.. 'Asaio', sound good to you?" The Starly tilted its' head, and nodded.

"Asaio it is," he agreed, and flew up to the shoulder opposite Hakoi. Vai winced, hoping it wouldn't be a habit for her Pokemon. She wouldn't want.. she quickly flicked through her Pokedex- a Staraptor getting used to roosting on her shoulder. Might break her back.
"Oookay, that was a bit creepy," Mark mumbled to no one in particular. The brown-headed boy pulled out the pokéball of his recently-caught Burmy. Tapping the button in the center, Mark released his new Pokémon.

The bagworm Pokémon appeared, blinking in the sudden light. Almost immeadiately, the Burmy hopped up and attached to Mark's arm.

"Hey, what are you doing?" said Mark, alarmed.

"Well, it's the very least you can do, you know. Attacking me out of nowhere like that! Hmmph!" said the Bug-type in a nasal, feminine voice. "Oh, and, I can see that Bettaqua on your other arm. If he gets a ride, so do I!"

Oh, brother. That's the last thing I need; An argumentative sack of leaves.
"Holy crap, Abun," said Kimori as the cloak fluttered to the ground. "This is weird."

Abun didn't reply. When Kimori looked at him, he was looking at the spot where the figure with the Shaymin had disappeared.

"Um... Abun?"

"She was pretty, wasn't she?" he breathed.

Kimori didn't have to ask what he was talking about.

"Oh God, Abun," she said, "you're worried that I'll get excited about catching my very first Pokemon while you go fall in love with the freaking queen of Nature!"

"Hey, I'm not in love with her!" he cried indignantly. "Just because you think someone is pretty doesn't mean you're in love with them! I think you're pretty, but I don't nessecarily love you. Well, not in the way that you're implying, atleast."

"Well you have a crush!"

"This is going to be one of those awkward Pokemon-trainer relationships where sometimes they like each other like most starters and trainers do and sometimes they hate each other."

"We won't hate each other. If you don't absolutely lose your mind."

There wasn't any arguement, even though Kimori could've sworn she heard the Polipent mumble something that sounded a lot like "whatever" into her neck.

"C'mon," she said, "let's go look for more Pokemon."

She took towards a pond she could see nearby, but ended up tripping over thin air.

"What the heck!?" Abun shouted as he was jolted off her neck, just at the same time another voice yelled, "Kec!"

An odd green lizard materialized on the place Kimori had just tripped over, and she just now realized that there had been a red zigzag floating in the air that turned out to be on the lizard's belly.

Kecleon, Kimori realized.

"Um, Abun, use Absorb!"

Little green orbs flew from the Kecleon's body to the Polipent's. The Kecleon cried out in pain, running up to the small green snake and licking him with its long tongue. Abun stiffened.

Oh crap, Kimori realized, paralyzed. Not very good.

"Use another Absorb!" she yelled.

Normally, he would've been faster, but the paralysis slowed him down, and the Kecleon scratched him with sharp claws. The Polipent yelled before fainting.


Kimori's other Poke Ball suddenly opened up, releasing the Weedle.

I forgot about her, she realized, feeling guilty.

"Let me take care of this," Apis hissed. She crawled up to the Kecleon with amazing agility and stung it in the face with her tail stinger.

It cried before fainting, too.

"You're good," Kimori murmurred, but the Weedle paid no attention. She was gathering herself up, a courageous expression on her face, and she began to spit goo all over herself. The goo hardened instantly, forming a cocoon, until the only feature on the yellow cone was two large, black eyes, staring out at Kimori.

She stared at it in shock.

"You evolved," she stammered.

The large eyes blinked at her, the Kakuna unable to make a noise.
[[Leviathan - You may add a lv13 male Pinsir with Hyper Cutter to your party and subtract 2 Pokeballs
Darksong: You may add a lv6 Female Caterpie to your party and subtract 1 Pokeball
shadow_lugia - you may update your Profile with a lv7 Kakuna

Also sorry about the lateness of this x_x]]

Silver grinned. He caught a Pokemon! A Natu. He went and scooped up the ball and held it in his hands. It felt warm, a signal that it was inhabited. He held up his Pokedex to analyze the tiny bird. After a few seconds, information was displayed on the screen.

"Level 9 Natu, Female. Synchronize. Knows Peck, Leer, Night Shade, and Teleport." Silver read off the screen. "Not bad. I think I'll call you... Sparkler."

He thanked Speckle and recalled him into his Pokeball, placing it on his belt, and then placed Sparkler's next to it. After that, he started to fiddle with the settings of his Pokedex. One of the options stood out to him.

"Voice simulation...?"

He pressed the 'OK' button and started to flip though the options. Default (which was already selected), Young Girl, Young Boy, Teenaged Girl, Teenaged boy... simple enough. But under those were a few more choices.

Professor Oak, Steven Stone (Grampa...?), English Accent, Scottish Accent... Smooth Operator? He selected the last one.

"Thank you for selecting my voice, sweetie." Came a silky female voice from the Pokedex. Silver almost dropped it with an audible 'eep'.
((:O that was funny...

I'll make Ira look for Pokemon kthxbai))

Ira was glancing around the area for Pokemon while Flameheart twittered about near the trees. Like all other Pokemon his fire didn't start anything.

I should find a companion for him, thought Ira. He seems rather lonely at times.
Torei watched Silver catch a Natu, crossing her arms and tilts her head to the side. She wondered if this was the pokemon he wanted to catch so badly, and if so, it meant that he'd have no reason to stay in the park anymore. She opens her mouth to ask him this when she noticed that he was fiddling with his dex. She rolls her eyes and walks over to him, leaning over her shoulder like a bored cat. She then sees that he dropped his dex when it spoke to him in a silky girl voice. She snickers and leans on him some more, wrapping an arm around his neck.

"Are we embarrassed by a dex function? Silver-my-love, you are silly."

She ruffles his hair and pushes off of him, walking around him and picks up his dex. She holds it out to him and smiles.

"Now...was that Natu the pokemon you've been dieing to have or is there another?"
The pokeball which held Pinsir was warm in Ivan's ever-so-shaky hands, just like Lumina's had been - he had expected it, however, to be far more than that, to be as scalding hot as the fire which had enveloped the beetle before being absorbed into the device's red light. This was one of the crowning achievements in a pokemon trainer's career - the first wild pokemon he or she ever caught - or so he had heard. And to think I was expecting a Rattata! he grinned, though his thoughts were not without a twinge of the lingering guilt and fear he had felt only moments earlier.

One hand reached for his pants pocket and pulled out the slim orange-red pokedex, flipped open its cover and held the scanner over the pokeball in his other hand. "Pinsir, the Stag Beetle Pokemon," the dex's mechanical voice chimed as a picture with some statistics was brought up, and Ivan and Lumina both leaned in to get a closer view in the bright sunlight, "its pincers are strong enough to lift objects twice its weight. It will mercilessly tear its prey in half, or hurl whatever is too hard to be broken for a great distance through the air." Lumina gulped as she recalled the precarious situation she had recently been in, but Ivan had just about completely forgotten his grief as he hollered ecstatically and loudly, "Awesome; this is just the kind of power we needed! Now we're a shoo-in for the Pokemon League - nay, even the Shaymin guy's quest is looking on the up and up! C'mon, Lumina! We need to go train!"

The bird was shocked and in complete dismay; she nudged her trainer's head gently, stared into his eyes pleadingly, her own dark eyes glimmering in the light. "What's wrong, Lumina?" he asked her, oblivious until he remembered that the battle had taken an even harder toll on her than it had for him. "Oh...I'm sorry, I had forgotten about you in my excitement. You have earned yourself a nice, long rest, in any event." The Pyratiel sighed in relief while Ivan stowed away the pokedex and Pinsir's pokeball, then pulled out another one of the red and white spheres. "Sleep well, Lumina," he said as a thin red beam shot out from the ball, struck the bird on his shoulder, and pulled her into its confines.

Ivan next thought of what would be his next objective; without a pokemon at his side, his options were considerably limited. He could, conceivably, try to look for another wild encounter and hope for the best, but, after the last rather...malignant meeting, there was more to worry about than just how easy it was to catch a given pokemon. There was still the party of other trainers who had gathered alongside him with the cloaked figure and his Shaymin; Judging from some of their previous behavior, he deduced, it's none too likely that they've just up and left by now. No, they're probably still here.

It would be difficult, however, to find any of them; after all, he had only been led here on part of Lumina and the presence he had felt coming from the clearing earlier. Without either, he hesitated at the remaining path of blindly stumbling through the thicket, in which, for all he knew, something even worse than frenzied bugs awaited. But he steeled himself, clenching his hands into tight fists, because is it was for this that he had wanted to become a trainer, to see the world in all its glory, its beauty, and its uncertainty. And with that, Ivan pressed on through the wall of trees, trying his best not to scream.

In all honesty, it wasn't anywhere near as bad as he had thought it to be - in under a minute he found himself at, or at least in the vicinity of, the previous clearing, where he recognized the stump and the dark cape left abandoned in the soil. As he breathed heavily and regained his composure, he could see that many of the trainers had, in fact, yet to leave, and were simply loitering about here and there, some with their own pokemon alongside them. This time he was far more composed, not as nervous as he had been after the gathering, and he walked forward to attempt to mingle with the crowd.
Silver accepted the Pokedex from Torei and placed it in his bag.

"No... I... Want an Eevee." Silver mumbled, looking at his feet. "Ever since I saw one here when I was younger. Can you help me find one, maybe?"

Silver ran a hand through his hair, his hand brushing his sweaty forehead. He hadn't noticed how hot it was out before, in the excitement of the Shaymin and catching a Pokemon. But now he noticed it, he was sweltering in his suit... maybe it wasn't the best idea to wear it on his journey... But shorts or jeans looked so unprofessional! He sighed.

[[Ok, since handling the Pokemon is a bit much for me now that my desktop comp is busted, I'm assigning moon-panther the task of secondary updater so I can have help.]]
((*points to self* Wha....? Oh fine. Appoint me without asking why don't you *grin* jerk))

"An...Eevee...? Like the pokemon granny's Espeon used to be? Cool!"

Torei jumps on the spot, grinning her Torei grin. She then looks down at her bag where her newly added Munchlax was sitting. She pats the pokemon's head, then pulls out his pokeball, returning the small pokemon.

"I don't want you to get hurt, my dear...umm...Nibbles! Yeah!"

"How...inventive, human."

Torei puffs out her cheeks and looks at InkBlood, raising her pokeball in front of the Enculi. InkBlood eyes it, clinging to Torei's neck more. Torei grins, putting the ball back.

"Ok. You can stay out, but if it gets too dangerous, I'm zapping you inside."

Torei then looks at the treed area and pulls her toque down more on her head. She then makes a run toward the forest and yells back to Silver.

"Come on slow poke! We got to find some Eevees!"
"Wait up, Torei!" Silver yelled, starting after her. But then he stopped and turned back to the lingering group of others.

"You guys wanna come too? We can all find Eevee together! The more the merrier!"

He wiped his brow again and turned, heading after his friend again.

[[my god why are all my posts so short. I'll do better soon, I promice.]]
Vai waved to Silver and Torei, Asaio almost falling off her shoulder as she nodded.

"I'll go with you, if you don't mind!" She called up to them, and grinned. "We might find you two another teammate," Vai said to her Pokemon. And maybe a female, she thought.
"Eevee?" Kimori asked, breaking her attention away from the Kakuna. She loved Eevee. They were adorable and furry, and she liked all of there evolutions. There wasn't anything she could find at fault with an Eevee.

"Sure!" she said, recalling Apis. "I'd love one."

"Eevee, huh?" said Abun. "Sheesh."
Why won't this bug get off my arm? mark silently begged, trying to dislodge the Burmy on his forearm.

Turning to Silver, still waving his arm around in vain, Mark replied, "Oh, I don't see why not. Eevee are kinda cool, if overpopular. That's what I always wondered. How can Eevee be so 'rare' if everyone loves them? Wouldn't breeders supply a lot?"
Flameheart came flying back quickly. There was some tiny yellow-and-black Pokemon chasing him. If someone could understand Pyratiel talk, they would hear "IT'S GONNA GET ME WITH ITS ELECTRIC!!"

Ira held out his Pokedex with the Pyratiel cowering behind him. "So it's a Pichu...? And apparently it sometimes startles itself with its electric attacks...." He closed the device. "Good enough for me."

"Use an Ember," he told Flameheart, and the Pokemon obeyed... but didn't move from Ira's shoulder. The embers struck the Pichu and it started running around like the sky was falling.

Ira rolled his eyes. "Get on it with a Scratch."

Flameheart timidly flew out and scratched the Pichu before hurrying back behind his Trainer.

"Afraid of each other?" the Trainer threw a Poke'Ball. It shook once, twice... Flameheart was too curious. He flew up and tapped it with a talon. Shooting open, the bird rocketed back to his trainer.

Ira gaped. "You messed it up." He threw another Poke'Ball.

It wobbled once, and then twice, three times.... and clicked shut with a barely audible "beeeeeeeeeep"

"Malfunction?" He stepped forwards and picked it up. "Your name is Mal."
[[Cryptica may add one Female lv8 Pichu to your Party and subtract 1 Pokeball]]

Silver shrugged at Mark, wiping his forehead again.

"They're hard to get to breed I guess... But wild ones are almost impossible to find, so those are prized." He said, nodding and then darting off into the woods.

"If you guys are coming, better hurry up!"

The woods were thick with insect sounds, the chirping of birds, and other Pokemon sounds. It was rather distracting, but Silver tried not to pay attention to them. Leaves and twigs crunched underfoot, and it was still boiling hot. But when he heard a loud cry pierce the humid air, he froze and looked around.

There was a smallish clearing to his left, and in it, a battle was going on. A Jolteon was facing off with a Seviper, and the electric type looked badly wounded. Behind it, three young Eevee were huddled, fear in their large eyes. The Jolteon launched an electric assault, but the massive snake dove out of its way and struck.

Silver winced when he saw the killing blow, and the Jolteon's death scream rang out loudly, her babies wailing and trebling in a heap.

"Wh... what the hell..." Was al the boy could say, frozen in place.
Torei fell silent wheh she saw the scene before her. There was a snake that was fighting a Jolteon, a moomy trying to portect her babies. Never had she imagine she's find a litter of Eevee...under attack.

When the Serviper delivered the final blow, Torei's insticts went into over-drive. She leapped out of a bush near Silver and lundges for the kits, gathering the orphans in her arms. She goes to get up but stumbles back to the ground. She then does what comes natural.

She curled into a protective ball around the kits, sheilding them.

"InkBlood. Any thoughts?"

'Other than running? I could attack.'

"A..attack...but....it's huge!"

InkBlood hops off of her shoulder, letting out a soft growl.

'I can fight.'

Torei nods and looks at the Serviper. She was unnerved by the blood dripping off of it's fangs, seeing this as more of a challenge than most.


"InkBlood! Use bite and latch on. You're a blood sucking leech so...do what you do best!"

InkBlood nods and moves toward the serpent with surprising speed, hopping onto a nearby rock to launch himself in the air. The snake whips it's tail at the flying leech, knocking her off course, but only succeed to aquire a leech attached to it's tail. InkBlood skitters along the snakes body and rests on it's head, biting down hard on it's skull. She then did what came natural to her kind and started to drain the Seipers blood.

'Snake blood...ick.'
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Yay, it's open! *dives in, posts* Generic character that I use all the time, go! Yes, I realize you guys are six pages in. x_x Still, I can join in and be extremely late, yes?

Name: Tala Eiru

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: Tala is short and slim, with straight brown hair that hangs to her shoulders, occasionally done up in a ponytail. She has a pretty average face, except for a rather hawkish nose, and her eyes are green. Most of the time, she's either scowling, or looking away at something in the distance. She usually carries a backpack, and wears a long-sleeved grey shirt, with a black vest over it, and jeans. She has a leather bracelet, with two Murkrow feathers, that she often toys with.

Bio: Tala was born to professional trainers who had just recently moved to Uchu, in order to train new teams from the native Pokemon there. Her early life was stressful, because she was pressured to outdo them in every aspect of her life. As a result, she withdrew in herself and took a very casual approach to training Pokemon, preferring to spend time just relaxing and watching them instead. She never really wanted to battle in particular, and after a while started having conflicts with her parents on her habits. Finally, a good year or two after most went to get their Pokemon, she caved and went to get hers.

Personality: Tala is aloof and sarcastic, often finding that people are either annoying, horrible or tolerable - most fall into the former categories - and preferring to hold herself away from them because it made her life, as a whole, easier. She enjoys making it quite clear that she won't go with the norm, and is the type of stubborn person that would walk in silence for an hour to prove that she wasn't going to like or talk to anyone around her.

Starter/Lottery Number: 1

Inventory: Empty, woe is me.
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