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CRIMBO SURVEY: When did you stop believing in Santa?

When did you stop believing in Santa?

  • Never did believe in him

    Votes: 13 17.1%
  • Age 3-6

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • Age 7-10

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Age 10+

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • I still /do/ believe in him!

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • I don't remember

    Votes: 9 11.8%

  • Total voters

Not Meowth

Cat, are you drilling?
I don't rightly remember myself. I seem to recall saying I believed in him as late as being 9/10, but I think I might have been kidding.
Around 3. My granny apparently wanted me to believe, but my parents didn't like lying and I had two older brothers just eager to spoil everything for me.
I don't think I ever really believed. My parents weren't real fond of Santa.

Unicorns had more of my interest anyway.
hmm 7 or 8 I believe, parents keep trying to tell me he is real for some reason, i'm 15 damnit, santa makes no sense, and if he is real he is a Pedophile, he watches children while they sleep! and breaks into your house, not to mention that he eats all your cookies D:
I was a bit older when I stopped believing...

I wonder why parents tell their children about Santa in the first place. Won't they just discover it was a lie later on in life? What kind of parents would lie purposefully to their children?
I wonder why parents tell their children about Santa in the first place. Won't they just discover it was a lie later on in life? What kind of parents would lie purposefully to their children?
I believe it's so Christmas is more "magical" for their children, and possibly to give them an incentive to behave themselves so as not to appear on the infamous "naughty list".

That, and the whole fact that you have to act a completely different way in regards to small children than you do to other human beings, which I happen to hate.
I never believed in Santa. I mean, a fat old man who gives out presents to good children comes down your chimney (which we don't have) at night and leaves presents?
I believe it's so Christmas is more "magical" for their children, and possibly to give them an incentive to behave themselves so as not to appear on the infamous "naughty list".

That, and the whole fact that you have to act a completely different way in regards to small children than you do to other human beings, which I happen to hate.

I'm going to tell my children these stories replaced with unicorns becuse that would be hilarious.

Yes, my sons are all going to end up gay and my daughters will end up being neurotic about one-horned horses stalking them every Christmas, but eh!
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