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Cruel Mode Mafia [INDEPENDENT WIN]

Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

... party time? Was that a mass action block?

Edit: >|

We can ask blazheirio889 and Wargle - did you get any information last night?
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

Mass action randomizing? But that'd probably lead to a death, so I guess not. Mass role block sounds possible, but perhaps too overpowered for a game? Not to mention that nothing would really get accomplished. No new information for inspectors or roles of that sort.
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

Mass action randomizing? But that'd probably lead to a death, so I guess not. Mass role block sounds possible, but perhaps too overpowered for a game? Not to mention that nothing would really get accomplished. No new information for inspectors or roles of that sort.

Mass roleblock would have the same effect as party pooper, wouldn't it? In that case, no, it wouldn't be too overpowered for a game.

The flavour text suggests that a party host used their action last night, but why would they do that? I would like to hear from them if they did happen to use their action, though; since that's a one-use power, they'd essentially be vanilla now, so I don't really see a problem with them claiming. If that's what happened, though, I wonder if it would affect inforoles.

(okay, the forum keeps posting my message in the wrong place...let's see if it works now)
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

Can't be a mass roleblock or randomization because my night action hit who I targeted (unless Tailsy just decided to include the name of who I targeted without indicating that may not have been who it hit*).

I don't know how to explain it otherwise. Maybe all the non-info roles were shuffled? Or maybe it was one of those end-the-night-early roles where they can choose when to end the night, and they just decided to end the night early (by getting everyone drunk HURR HURR) after the info roles got their info but before killing roles got to kill?

*When I'm GMing and have a night action shuffle and have to send info back to people and don't want to indicate who it was shuffled to, I like to say something like, for example for an inspector, "Your target is not mafia" or something.
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Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

Hm, I think that the partying was definitely part of a one-off night action; it's not too far off from what I can do.
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

I've never heard of a Mass Roleblock. Though if what Jack says is true, then I don't think that was what happened.
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

Could've been a huge roleblock, but it probably won't be used again.

I really have nothing to contribute..
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

So are you thereby implying that you are the party host?
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

I did get some information last night, but it's not particularly useful and poking around would probably lead to unnecessary roleclaims. I'll say one person targeted Bachuru, but again, since she's not dead or anything I don't see the value of mentioning this person.
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

...when I first read the flavour text I didn't assume it was indicating there'd been an actual party. I thought it was just, y'know, charming narrative! :(

Oh well, I guess this is Cruel "flavour text is likely to be important!" Mode mafia. But if the party host, whoever that is, didn't party, then...

Well, have we any new information from our inspector claim? Wargle?
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

Newt could be the mass night action or know someone who done the action. This is awful vague information we get though.
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

Here's a new theory: the Mafia's hit got delayed, so no one died. Like I said, I targeted Flower Doll last night. If they're the don, then their hit did not go through, so no one died. (I thought the party was unimportant flavor.) The way to know for sure would be to wait and see if there are two deaths tomorrow, but hey, I'm impatient. I'm voting Flower Doll.
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

Hm... I think it was a mass roleblock, based on my own role.

If it takes a prank to roleblock one person, then I guess it takes a wild coke party to roleblock the entire town!
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

I can say without a doubt that the party host did not party last night!
Well that's confusing.
Maybe there's more than one, assuming it's a one-off power, otherwise that'd be quite broken. Meaning that I guess newt is the other mass-roleblocker and still has their shot. Still does seem like an unusual role to have more than one of though.

...then again Tailsy only said "flavour text is likely to be important". That doesn't necessarily translate as "take all flavour text 100% literally".
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 2]

@ole_schooler: another way to find out is to target Midnight tonight and see if Flower Doll really did heal her. My own night action obviously went through, but it seems like many people were roleblocked tonight. Unless your role PM flavour text says something about a party, I think we can rule out your theory.
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