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CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

Aaaaaaaand now I find out that he apparently never answers his e-mail.

And I refuse to call him.

I'm so screwed.
If you have a cell phone and he does too, text him! It's so impersonal, you won't feel weird.

I'm not a very subtle person, you should know that better than anyone. I am VERY blunt. Always have been, always will be.
= Downfall.

And, I think that you just admitted your jealousy
Which is nearly nonexistant.

but, you are in contact with her, I know that. I could see that you forwarded that email to her too.

Yeah no. I knew her e-mail, so why not? I never actually 'talked' to her, per say.

I'm not stupid.
A big yay for me!

I have no crushes now and hopefully it lasts so I don't have to miss anyone in the holidays which are coming up really soon[like in 3 days]!
Didn't think of that.
But there really aren't many options in that situation.
But it's almost as impersonal as e-mail.
My friend to asked my current boyfriend out (because I was too shy) and he said yes =D And I didn't believe she did at first so I didn't know for about a day xD

But if you think she doesn't tend to like shy guys I'd try of think of something yourself. I dunno, I'm useless with asking people out Dx
I asked someone out today. For one of my friends. She said no, he went spiraling into depression, and so tomorrow I have to beg her to rethink her 'no' so that he doesn't commit suicide. He needs a councilor.

Oh, BTW, SHUT UP LUCAS! I know that you were referring to me. She didn't even give a flying frick!
I asked someone out today. For one of my friends. She said no, he went spiraling into depression, and so tomorrow I have to beg her to rethink her 'no' so that he doesn't commit suicide.
Yeah, that's probably not a good idea... It won't really work, you know?
Be better he got some help. It'd be worse to have someone lying to him and giving him false hope. Really. I know this from experience. >>
I would say "who the shit would commit suicide from a rejection" but since they're probably 13 too I'll just let it slide

Also I used to be shit scared to ask people out myself (and tell them I liked them) but the last 3 times I did it, I got a yesssss
i like will
he's hot
we don't really talk much and he's likely straight

sucks for me ~
also ugh he's not on aim
I like someone in my band class... he's the drum major, actually. I really admire him, and we're both really into band. Most of the time I'm shy around him, but I've been trying to talk to him more... and now, winter break is coming up and I'm not going to see him/have any chance to talk to him for two weeks. =( My best friend (jokingly) suggested prank calling him, which I would never have the nerve to do even if she wasn't kidding.

I've contemplated doing something like anonymously making him a Christmas card or buying him a flower at the play he performed in, but as brave as I would feel for doing that, I know it wouldn't accomplish anything, really, unless I signed it, which I wouldn't be able to yet. And I also know how "omg who likes me O_O;;" I would be if I received an anonymous card or something like that, so I don't really want to do that to him...

...Any advice? How can I talk to him...?
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