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CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

^ Oh, THAT'S not epic phail.

Epic phail is probably when you've liked a guy for half a school year and it took an incident of him stating that he would go to watch you in a national competition (should you get there) for you to realize you like him. (Hi there! If you're reading this...well, that was horribly inane of me. ^^;)
No, epic phail is liking one of your best friends who would tell the entire school that you're bi if he found out.
Is epic fail being in love with someone who is married and 45 years older than yourself
and to boot I've never properly spoken to him
No epic phail is liking someone for a year and be obsessed with him but not know that you have a crush on him but other people know and then the next year be told by your best friend who says it's really clear you like him.
My little sis was being totally awesome last night and volunteered to ask my crush's sister to ask him if he likes me~

Wish me luck~
Good luck Flora :) Hope he likes you, that always feels good. If he doesn't...there is always someone else.

I told somebody who already knows I have a crush (I have the unforgeettable memory of her skipping around the cafeteria singing "He likes you, he likes you~") and she said, "I'm pretty sure he's gonna say yes." or something like that.
Ya' know what's weird? Liking someone that you have never met, probably never will, and don't even know what they look like. Anyone care to waiver a guess?
Ya' know what's weird? Liking someone that you have never met, probably never will, and don't even know what they look like. Anyone care to waiver a guess?

You mean you got a crush on somebody you know online? Or have I got this totally wrong?
It isn't that weird. hm. But maybe it isn't to me because I knew what my exes looked like, and met two of three them iRL. |: It is possible to like somebody just because of the things they say. Well, type.

Also people get crushes on celebrities. It's ... kind of like the same thing in a way. You'll probably never meet them, only difference is you know what they look like. :P

In Eric-land, crush wise, well lets not go there. IF I IGNORE IT, IT'LL GO AWAY :D
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