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CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]



I read somewhere that season 5 starts with House and Wilson going on a multiple-episode-long road trip.
I totally forgot about Thirteen and Cameron from House.

I has crushes on them. :D Love that show! The ending of season four was so sad. Speaking of which, I also had a crush on Amber.
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nooo remove that last part of the post it's easy to suss put what happens and it'll ruin the experience for everyone who hasn't seen it yet
Am I really the only person who doesn't see House/Wilson? D: I mean, I see two friends who care about one another, but I can't see it as romantic/sexual.

Then again I have an uncanny tendency to interpret all relationships between men (particularly the ones all the fangirls are screaming about *coughPhoenixEdgeworthcough*) as platonic because when it comes to males I'm this ultra-fierce platonicshipper who watches everything with friendshipgoggles, so maybe my opinion doesn't count for much. <_<;

So since you're all talking about fictional and celebritycrushes, let me tell you about my neverending love for Dr. Horrible a.k.a. Neil Patrick Harris! He's adorable and his voice is awesome and I'm uh kind of obsessing over him right now. He's gay, but shush, a girl can look. <<;

(Also, straightness does not prevent me from agreeing with the sentiment on Cameron and Thirteen.)
It just works really well, it's the dynamic between them. Of course they're great friends, but there's all the subtext and the looks they give each other because Hugh Laurie and RSL are both amazing actors. David Shore admitted in an interview that much of the hints were intentional.

I don't now, I suppose you have to be a huge fag like me to pick up on small stuff but uh D:

ARGH I'd explain better if i wasn't tired, in pain and stuffed with Judaism right now ):<
I have one crush

actually I lie, it's not a crush, it's totally and utterly unrequited love. It burns.
Am I really the only person who doesn't see House/Wilson? D: I mean, I see two friends who care about one another, but I can't see it as romantic/sexual.

I kind of agree in part, but there's definetly some kind of absolutely unconditional love between them. I'm not saying it's erotic love, but it's above and beyond what most people would call "friendship" and I absolutely love it.
and sex is what fanfiction's for :D

While we're on the subject of House, I have the most bizarre... not crush, exactly, but I want to squee every time Kutner comes on screen. I absolutely adore that guy. I've seen Kal Penn in other things and he (as an actor) doesn't otherwise cause that reaction, but good lord, Kutner's adorable <3

And Thirteen is still goregous. I have icons of her saved as "omnomnom". XD
It's someone on the forum... It's... Someone with the word DARK in her name

I vaguely remember you saying this before...

Honestly that's one adorable tCoD-shipping. ^^

I have a bit of a crush on a forum member too...

Yeah, but mainly I have a crush on a guy from my old school. ^^
Here we go.

I have a romantic crush on a random girl called Hayley who I managed to hook up with James because I'm an asshat.

I have a celeb crush on Hayley Williams of Paramore. Not because of her voice, it's the ginger hair. And no, the names were purely coincidental.

Also, a fanboy(the word still sounds wrong, srsly) crush on Dannichu.
I still fancy the girl who I mentioned earlier in this thread.
Not much has happened, I'm way to nervous to tell her.

Although once we went on a school trip (like, five people was on it) and one person told me about this 'pimp dance' I did on my last school trip (don't ask) and she tricked me into her dormitory and said she wouldn't let me out until I did it. Which I didn't. I'm sure that was only a bit of fun, I mean everyone is a bit crazy during overnight school trips (hence me doing the pimp dance in the first place).
I have a crush on a freshman who I never get to see because of the stupid freshman center my school district has. And it does not seem like they plan on finishing building the high school over there anytime soon. Plus, he doesn't text me back, which makes me think he has no interest in me :(
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