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CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

:/ I don't really have any crushes, but I can tell some guy at school has one on me. He's asked me out to two school dances, both times I accepted, but by some weird circumstances God got weirded out and made something happen where he couldn't go. And he has asked me out on a date, and I said I was real sorry but I couldn't go, and that I did like him. We haven't had many chances to socialize because the only classes we had together were P.E. and Band, both of which take a lot of breath out of you, since he takes "special" classes and I take advanced, but I'm pretty sure that he is smart in his own way, or that he's smart and just doesn't like to show it.
So, yeah, I like Jacob :3
Good Lord, there's this girl in the sixth grade at my school that, for some inexplicable reason, has a crush on me. It's not anything super discreet, when someone in my class told me I was hardly surprised. Unfortunately, next year she'll be in my 6/7/8 combined classes, which I don't think will be a good thing. :/
I like someone that I really shouldn't, seeing as I already have a boyfriend and this boy that I like is four years older than me -_-'

Ohh, but he's so sweet! *sigh*
There's this one guy I really like, we're good friends, and he knows I like him. >.>
He doesn't like me in that way but we're still good friends, so I'm cool with that. :D
I also kinda like Ash.....and I know that was random. >.> But his voice was way better before it changed. I hate his new one >(
4 years is nothing

Kinda depends on how old you are, doesn't it? When you're 12 it's huge, but if you're in your 20s, nobody cares.

Not a crush per se, but it has recently come to my attention how absurdly hot Jennifer Morrison is when playing Dr Cameron on House. Thought you'd want to know.

Wilson is pretty adorable, too. And Chase's hair amuses me.
Not a crush per se, but it has recently come to my attention how absurdly hot Jennifer Morrison is when playing Dr Cameron on House. Thought you'd want to know.

13 is totally hotter though. >:(
Hells yes. Olivia Wilde is adorable. And Thirteen's her second bi character, which is awesome.
They'd better give her a girlfriend in season 5. It'd better be Cameron :D
Thirteen is very cute, says the straight woman. :B

On an irrelevant note, I do have a huge fangirly crush on Shia LaBeouf, though. |D (THERE YOU GO STEPHEN, now leave me alone.)
I think two guys have had a crush on me, maybe they still have, but I haven't have had much contact with them after I moved up a year. They are really boring though, and I only like them like that a little, not much.

It was kinda strange how I got to know that they had a crush on me. Well, those boys are actually very good friends with each other but they still fight for the smallest thing -_- Okay, so I once had one of them visiting me, and while we were playing on the trampoline, he told me that his friend (The other one I'm talking about) had a crush on me. I said "Oh... that's nice..." Then we talked nothing more about it.
Then I had the other boy visiting, and again, while jumping on the trampoline, he said his friend had a crush on me.

But I'm not sure if it true, since they were "enemies" at that time so they might'va had lied to me so that I maybe wouldn't spend more time with the other boy.

I confused myself while writing that @_@ And I'm pretty sure I confused you too...

There's just one boy I've had a real crush on. And I mean real, seriously, I still think about him even though it is 3 years or so since we talked with each other :[ I miss him so much.

Well, it was on Runescape I met him, I was 10 or 11, I can't remember. We met by trading something, then we talked and stuff, I added him on my friends list and we became reaally good great friends. So when I quit Runescape for a year and started again, he had quit :´[ And so, last time I met him, about a year ago, I remembered him, but he didn't remember me, just faintly. Like that I had a brother with the username Runar123000 and small, unimportant stuff. So when I said we were friends, he said "oh. but i have to go do something, brb" (brb=be right back) then I waited... and waited... about 2 hours later I gave up and went to sleep. The next day, he weren't online. I was sure he had put me on his ignore list. My bro says we were really good friends, like if he were my boyfriend.

I know, I am pathetic, but I miss him and I loved him. You can't change that.
well excuuuse me if i haven't been able to watch series 4 yet even though i want to really badly princess

season four was just the icing on the cake; it's on Fox, they're never going to admit it but it's about as canon as any relationship.
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