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Daily Move Discussion

Echoed Voice is interesting, but I think it has the same problem as Rollout, Ice Ball, Fury Cutter, what have you. Takes too long to set up and you're probably dead by then. In ASB, though, you could perhaps find opportunities to use it.
Todays Move shall be

ROAR OF TIME!!! wahahahaha

I love this move for Dialga. It is so awesome. Dialga litterally roars and a time-warphole opens up, sucking everything into it. I use it to frighten the young trainers in Pokemon Diamond. Despite their in-game-set responses to battles, I know that they are thinking "WTF did I just batle Blazer? He just used the legendary Diety of Time!!!"
Oh lookie I get to choose in both threads!
Um... Megahorn!

A great powerhouse attack, but it's hard to use, considering it only has 5 PP. Not really much else to say on my part.
Definitely a favorite move of mine! I have a Samurott and Scolipede who both use it. Haven't had much issues in-game with it missing, too.
Megahorn is powerful but IMO average. 85% accuracy and no side effect. 120 BP for coverage is good, but only Heracross will fully exploit it.
Megahorn is a poweful move, sure, and can save Heracross from a psy-death, but the low PP and Acc. is a bit iffy. I prefer something that's a little more PP and Acc. for someone other than Heracross (who can pull it off with aplomb).
Today's Move shall be...

Aura Sphere

I love aura sphere. Mainly for its appeal. A huge ball of energy getting thrown at a Pokemon seems rather cool-looking to me.
Aura Sphere indeed looks better than other Fighting moves. And it's ultra-accurate and has twenty PP, meaning that it's pretty much a counterpart to Magical Leaf.

Seems like Jedi powers are Fighting-type.
Aura Sphere = win. One of my favorite moves, seeing as it's the signature of one of my favorite Pokémon, Lucario!
Aura Sphere is awesome. I love it, but anyways, new day, new move. Leaf Blade.

Leaf Blade is awesome and cool-looking in the anime and in Ruby. If I'm not mistaken, only two Pokemon learn it via level-up, Snivy and Treeko.
I do believe thats true, Kronos. Though Snivy I am not too sure about.

Still Leaf Blade is one cool move.
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