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Kyogre's design is awesome because the red design on its hand-fins have "H2O" hidden in it. The big circle is the O, the |-| right underneath is the H, and one of the zig-zag lines looks like a 2 if you look at it sideways. I'm pretty sure this is intentional. Also, it looks like a killer whale.
We need an actual dolphin Pokémon. Maybe legendary as well, but friendly, speedy and with more of that Special Defense.
Actually, Kyogre draws some design inspiration from the Orca whale, which is actually in the dolphin family!
We all know that pokemon anatomy isn't real anatomy because 1 ton isn't that heavy at all and the pokemon people make a big deal out of how Groudon is the heaviest thing ever.
Presumably its mass (weight divided by the force of gravity) divided by its volume, also known as its density, is less than that of seawater.
god i hate physics
We need an actual dolphin Pokémon. Maybe legendary as well, but friendly, speedy and with more of that Special Defense.
Bulbapedia said: