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@Coloursfall: I'm pretty sure sv_01 meant dolphins as in this:
Except Orcas are still in the dolphin family. So it's a dolphin, unless you wanna get more specific. (try 'bottlenose dolphin' or something, and I'll stop being annoyed at people ignoring Kyogre when they just say 'dolphin')
Which would be sort of like saying "we need a shark pokemon. Except Sharpedo doesn't count because it's the wrong kind of shark. I mean a hammerhead shark."
Your analogy doesn't really make sense because when people think of dolphins, usually the image that comes to mind is something resembling a bottlenose dolphin, not an orca. Meanwhile, when people think of sharks, they usually imagine something shaped like a Great White or a Tiger shark instead of a hammerhead. So in the second case, there is a need to specify which kind of shark the person's thinking about because it's not a "normal" shark, while in the first case there isn't because everyone knows what type of dolphin the person's referring to anyway.
Anyhow, let's stop arguing over pointless things and get back on topic: does anyone know what's up with Kyogre's chin-spike-things (how do I describe them??) in this official poster? Is that just a mistake or what? It's been bugging me ever since I bought the official Pokemon Emerald Guide Book a looong time ago and stuck the poster on my wall...