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Daily Pokemon Discussions

Ummm, I don't really have any feelings when it comes to Croagunk. I don't like the mouth, but the eyes are somewhat cool, so it's just "meh". Toxicroak is awesome though.
Next up is, ehh...


Someone has mentioned that it is not clear how his tails work. Maybe I would like him if he had higher Special Defense, because he's sort of like Scyther. You know, speedy and stuff. But not as fearsome (which is only because it isn't fully evolved. Floatzel makes me think of Ice Fang.).
Also... What's up with the "females have bigger spots but males have more of them" thing?
I can only express my love for buizel and floatzel with one emoticon: <3

They are so cute and amazing and fast and best pokemon ever.

I have an ev trained one called Betty (on my boyfriend's game, which he has lost atm. >:( ). She is my best pokemon, along with Scrafty and whimsicott.
I used a Floatzel in my Diamond. It was great.

Buizel has a pretty nice design. Eye-catching, but not extravagant, and easily recognizable as a water weasel. The tails are what makes the design so amazing though. It'd like they're not even connected properly to the main body! And it can /fly/ with them!

Now if only the Buizel line could actually learn Fly. Then it would be the most amazing thing ever.
Haven't used one in any of my teams, but I've always wanted to.

I like how the designers opted for an orange color scheme when most water types are blue and how you can tell it's still a water type. I've always been a sucker for eyebrow markings, too. One of the better designs in fourth gen. I don't even try thinking about how its tails work, though; it just gives me a headache. I think I tried to chain for a shiny one, but that failed.
Buizel is awesome. But Floatzel can go die in a hole. Anyways, I love how Buizel's tails don't make sense. Just makes it better. Plus, it was one of my first pokemon in my first run through Diamond, my first pokemon game.
I absolutely loved my Bui-Bui when I had one. He was a very reliable battler.
Re: Tails
Buizel's tails warp reality. By not making sense. Also, Buizel keep tiny TARDISes hidden in their tails.
End of disscuisson.
My brother's under the impression that Buizel flies with it's tails, like Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog.

Also, I like Toxicroak. (Just saying that so I don't miss one.)
I've always wanted to legitimately use a Buizel. It's just that Diamond plays too slowly for me (especially compared to Black; I've only ever played through Diamond twice and one was a no-save run). I always liked its design and it's got a pretty good movepool so I'm probably going to go buy an ASBuizel now.
Why aren't there any big Psychic legendaries in Unova?

But I actually think of Meloetta as the better Psychic legendary in Unova. Victini is just a Fire legendary with psychic powers, but Meloetta's domain is indeed of the mind. I think that Arceus created most of the Unova region only with the assistance of Regigigas (that explains all those Fighting-types), and Giratina only gave Meloetta imagination-based powers.
I have a Meloetta (I use AR to get Pokemon and train them to the maximum legal stats)...Pardon my AR usage rant. I do say that the design is quite captivating and it works great in battle.

@sv: ABSOLUTELY. Meloetta in Aria Forme is great. It has only one weakness (I think), a nasty movepool, and good stats all-around.
Don't worry about getting a better image, LS99; I don't think one such has been released yet -- as before, we're discussing an unreleased Pokémon.

I had a bit of trouble understanding the design; at first I thought it had no legs and didn't get what those things to the side were. Aside from that and the slightly creepy cry, though, it's a nice Pokémon, I guess.
I never got to knowing the Meloettas. I guess I never really found any use for it in battling, but I've really thought about finding some good use of it lately. Part of the fact that I never felt a need for it is that it's unreleased, but surprisingly, I seem to like Keldeo quite well...
Please don't be another Azure flute situation

I kid.

Anyways, waiting on the event
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