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Daily Pokemon Discussions

Hey, a new day! How 'bout we use one of my favorites?

It's the only Pokemon that looks like a real-life wolf. AND IT'S NOT EVEN BASED OF THAT.
The fact that it gets called a wolf so often when it's ostensibly not (it has "hyena" right in the goddamn name) can be very irritating. That said, though, it's still an incredibly awesome Pokémon.
Yes, the wolf thing is weird. So far, the only Pokémon I consider a wolf is Suicune.

Otherwise, Mightyena is sort of... not what the Dark type had been before. In Generation II, Dark and Steel came to existence, but while Steel was all about armor and/or fancy shiny stuff, Dark was mysterious and you could only get Dark-types at night. And then the Yenas came, putting a Dark-type alongside the two basic Normal-types. And about criminals using Mightyena? You could say it's the new Raticate.

This was one of my most favourite pokemon for a good amount of time. But with my attention span it eventually shifted.

NOT a good battler by any length, but oh so cool to look at. Wish gamefreak did a whole bunch of evos for Hoenn introduced pokemon. (i.e. Zangoose, Seviper, Mightyena, etc, etc.)
I like this Pokemon, but intimidate annoyed me. And its cry is weird. Its like some snorty growly thing. O.o
I've always wanted to legitimately use a Buizel. It's just that Diamond plays too slowly for me (especially compared to Black; I've only ever played through Diamond twice and one was a no-save run). I always liked its design and it's got a pretty good movepool so I'm probably going to go buy an ASBuizel now.

do note buizel are consensually flying!

Just kidding. But I wish Nintendo were more nice to Mightyena, like a bigger movepool or an exclusive item.


Anyway, mightyena have a wonderful wonderful design that is extremely saddened by their terrible stats and general everything. (Their movepool seems like it could be workable in ASB, but the main factor is the games here.) And on the wolf factor, well, manectric resemble canines in their own way.
New day, new mon, so....



Honestly, another Johto 'mon that just needs a little family. And it's movepool allows it to troll, shame it's stats hardly allow it to back up this ability...
A very original and cool pokemon. Competatively it can be a good supporter, and it can even be a decent sweeper in RU, but otherwise it's stats hold it down. It looks pretty cool with those spikes and it reminds me of a certain rage comic face. It does suffer from the same thing that Huntail does though, the abundance of water types. There are many other water types that outclass it, and unfortunately it's stats aren't really that great. I definately would use it if I didn't have that many options.
An ugly fish with low special stats. This type combination has got better Pokémon. We can be glad it doesn't learn Selfdestruct by level up.
Wait, those lips remind me of Goldeen.
Adorable and worthy of a hug if it wasn't so venomous. If I had the chance I'd definitely use it in-game since I've never had one other than in mystery dungeon, but I haven't played many of the old games lately. Perhaps when I start a 3rd generation Nuzlocke I can try to get one. Shame it's outclassed in competitive battling.
I like how it's original, and I'm not sure how well it battles due to the fact that I've only seen one in-game twice. The design isn't the best, but it's okay. I guess.
Qwilfish is pretty awesome looking, though I forget it exists half the time haha. I've never used it in battle, but from what I heard it's not that great. Maybe it'll eventually get a really badass evolution that's a bit better at battling...
Okay, it's a new day where I live sooooo...

Sceptile! I didn't really feel like getting any actual art :P

I love Sceptile. It looks awesome, it's great in battle, and it's from Hoenn. I'm not really sure where I would place it in the Hoenn starters, but I personally think it's the best Grass starter. Ever.
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