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Daily Pokemon Discussions

The Pokémon of the day is the bipedal rhinocerotidae, Rhydon, another classic Rock & Ground Pokémon. I was planning to have Rhydon next after Golem, before Fynx mentioned Rhydon.


Rhydon evolves from the quadrupedal Rhyhorn at a high level. Three generations later, Rhydon is able to evolve into Rhyperior; Protector + trade required. They say that Rhydon can live in 3,600-degree Fahrenheit lava. BEWARE OF THE HORN DRILL!!

Can you see the Rhydon sprite? I can't.
The Pokémon of the day is the bipedal rhinocerotidae, Rhydon, another classic Rock & Ground Pokémon. I was planning to have Rhydon next after Golem, before Fynx mentioned Rhydon.


Rhydon evolves from the quadrupedal Rhyhorn at a high level. Three generations later, Rhydon is able to evolve into Rhyperior; Protector + trade required. They say that Rhydon can live in 3,600-degree Fahrenheit lava. BEWARE OF THE HORN DRILL!!

Can you see the Rhydon sprite? I can't.

I don't think sprites are working right now, for whatever reason.
I can see both sprites.

And another Rock/Ground, this time obviously animal-based. A rhino-like dinosaur. Or a dinosaur-like rhino.

Brings out anime-related memories. Ash's Pikachu has beaten a lot of Rhydons, some of them with electric attacks. Also: Blaine has a Rhydon that he's not supposed to have. And in the eighth Gym, that Rhydon is the only Pokémon they got right.
The first Pokemon added in the game, you mean. It's HEX code is 001, isn't it?

New day! Introducing...!


Azurill! One of three normal types to evolve into a water type (Eevee and Bidoof being the other two), and is notable for having a chance to become a male Marill when it evolves if it's a female. In battle? Sucks like donkey balls.

Take a look at its sprites from generations three through five:


Poor thing. It gets sadder with every passing generation.
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no i mean it was the first pokemon ever MADE, as in THE first pokemon, but whatever. I like azuril but hosestly i think it is rather odd looking....
I can see the Rhydon sprite now. I was going to have a Yellow sprite, but I was not sure if Yellow sprites were available, so I had an Emerald sprite.

Azurill has a huge tail. It is hard to tell whether those on the evolutionary line of this cute, sad, blue Pokémon are mice or rabbits. They may be both, and they look like the Pokémon of Pichu's evolutionary chain and the "Pikachu clones".
The first Pokemon added in the game, you mean. It's HEX code is 001, isn't it?

That's what you'd think, but actually an interview with Ken Sugimori actually confirmed that it was the first one designed.

Azurill is USELESS and it changes gender and it's normal type for no reason and it's a baby and it's really weak and unnecessary and wehhhhhhh. It's pretty adorable, though.
I love how cute it is. x3 Perfect for blingeeing and making adorable fanarts. :3 x3;

And using for dress ups/contests. :3 x3

I love how it can become an azumarill one day too. With huge power those can be fun to use :3 ^_^
Aw. I guess the only way to make a pre-evo of Marill was to make it smaller, plain blue and Normal-type. Anything else would be the same stage of an alternate branch.
The day's Pokémon to be discussed is Scizor.


This red, armored advancement from Scyther, who is green, has semispherical "scissors" for arm-mounted weapons, instead of the "scythes" that Scyther had. Scizor has wings, but is a poor flyer.
A red cyborg mantis with pincers. It looks like they actively tried to make it cool. But it's a bit slow. Those Metal Coat evolutions...
The Pokémon of the day is Tangela.


The opponents of this bush of vines with eyes and feet are grabbed, binded, and constricted. Tangela, one of the shyest Pokémon, is weak against extreme temperatures, like plant Pokémon are. Just as it is unknown what Cubone's face looks like under that skull helmet, what Tangela is, inside that shrub, is a mystery.
This sounds terribly vicious, but it seems like scientists should strap it down and pry off its tentacles to see what it looks like.

TBH, Tangela is just that necessary burden required to get to Tangrowth (who is amazing). It's pretty useless IMO.
i know where to find them, I'm saying that they have a low capture rate (45) and I haven't been able to catch many of them.
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