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Open Darkness Rising

Lucidia watched as Luno finally unleashed his Bide attack, possibly dealing heavy damage. He had fainted, but even so appeared really satisfied with himself; a wide, contagious grin had crossed his face as he passed out, which made Lucidia grin as well. This style of opening her mouth caused her to think bad thoughts... as in, those of attacking hard. She cackled silently at the Nasty Plot move, and suddenly turned to face Cresselia.

She sneaked closer, once again approaching from the shadows of the trees. She was secretly charging a Flamethrower in her mouth, breathing slowly so the air could grow hot. Cresselia suddenly whirled towards Lucidia, who was slightly startled by the action. The Light Pokemon appeared to focus on something over the horizon, but it didn't take long for the Houndour to notice that her eyes were slowly closing. Apparently she was going to use a psychic attack, but which one? Most didn't affect Dark-types...

The heat in Lucidia's maw suddenly became unbearable, and she launched her beam of blazing fire, straight for Cresselia's face. It had been a mistake to be so distracted...

But immediately a sort of pain ripped at Lucidia's mind, and she collapsed, hit by the Future Sight attack. She wasn't fainted, just tired... really tired. Her enemy was strong. The little dog slunk to the shelter of the foliage to rest for half a minute or so while more of the battle unfolded.
Melpomene woke with a start, her body stinging all over. She was laying on the ground, and last she recalled, she had felt a strong force invader her mind... That bitch had used Psychic on her! Enraged, the Banette rose from the ground, eyes narrowed and mark glowing a bright crimson, shooting a look of death at Cresselia. She made a move to attack with Shadow Claw again, but her body froze up on her yet again, and Melpomene stopped in mid-air, shuddering.

She growled, more angry than before at the foolish little Umbreon, and shook her body to try and throw it off. The grip of paralysis wasn't as strong anymore, but still there, and very annoying. Then she had an idea. She looked down at her claws and smiled.

This should work well...

The Ghost type threw out her clawed hand before her, and a sudden flash of light signaled the summoning of a giant needle, over a foot long and glistening in the light. Melpomene started to laugh as she trust the point into her chest, where the sharp metal tore through her and out the other side. To a more foolish observer, it would look like large amounts of thick, dark blood were oozing from the self-made wound, but it was in actuality, the Curse she was laying. The thick 'blood' rose quickly from the ground and flew towards Cresselia, forming itself into the rough shape of a serpent, where it wrapped around her and faded away into her body.

>How do you like that, bitch?! Taste the bite of the Darkness, and cower before the might of me, Melpomene Murder, Godwife to Our Lord Giratina!< She screamed, mental voice much less calm and level than before, now a tone of rage.

The Banette lowered herself to the ground a bit, almost close enough to touch it, and wheezed in pain a bit, the needle through her chest rather uncomfortable. The mark glowed brighter.
Lucidia watched as Luno finally unleashed his Bide attack, possibly dealing heavy damage. He had fainted, but even so appeared really satisfied with himself; a wide, contagious grin had crossed his face as he passed out, which made Lucidia grin as well. This style of opening her mouth caused her to think bad thoughts... as in, those of attacking hard. She cackled silently at the Nasty Plot move, and suddenly turned to face Cresselia.

She sneaked closer, once again approaching from the shadows of the trees. She was secretly charging a Flamethrower in her mouth, breathing slowly so the air could grow hot. Cresselia suddenly whirled towards Lucidia, who was slightly startled by the action. The Light Pokemon appeared to focus on something over the horizon, but it didn't take long for the Houndour to notice that her eyes were slowly closing. Apparently she was going to use a psychic attack, but which one? Most didn't affect Dark-types...

The heat in Lucidia's maw suddenly became unbearable, and she launched her beam of blazing fire, straight for Cresselia's face. It had been a mistake to be so distracted...

But immediately a sort of pain ripped at Lucidia's mind, and she collapsed, hit by the Future Sight attack. She wasn't fainted, just tired... really tired. Her enemy was strong. The little dog slunk to the shelter of the foliage to rest for half a minute or so while more of the battle unfolded.
(( *eyeroll* If you're purposefully disregarding it you could at least mention that and give reasons, uber charizard. Although since you're completely ignoring my OOC notes there, I suppose not. Really, now. Endure while doing something else? ))

Lunoso was very, very lucky, in Phren's opinion, that exactly the right amount of damage was inflicted on him, just short of knocking him unconscious. Or perhaps sheer willpower had helped. Either way, it looked like there was some competence in the group, although he personally would frown on the risk. Since the grimer had been so willing to sacrifice himself, Phren thought, he probably would have used the destiny bond trick if he'd been able. Phren's respect for the grimer crawled up just a little. And to think, it was a mere poison-type that proved himself superior...!

Ah, but of course Miss Melpomene was the one to follow Phren's suggestion - at least as far as she was willing - and she laid a curse on Cresselia. Phren watched with no lack of glee as Cresselia, already badly burned from the unleashed bide more than anything else, significantly changed expression for the first time. She was bravely hiding it, but there were hints of fear, and her eyes flitted to the shadows tormenting her from the edge of her vision. She shuddered. Even her soft green aura could not protect her from the curse, and Phren knew of nothing that could actually remove it so long as Cresselia was still conscious.

The ever-weakening rain was a light drizzle now, and Phren frowned up at the clouds. Behind them, the moon was as bright as the sun. Who knew how powerful a moonlight could be if the rain cleared? He did not wish to find out, so he called upon the rain spirits again, leaping off his ball and performing the strange dance of the azumarill.

I am water. I climb. I am cloud. I gather. I am rain. I fall.

The clouds thickened with moisture again, and the drizzle strengthened until the rain fell in torrents once more.

But this time was different, because Cresselia saw him, even while being distracted by the pain. Phren saw this in her eyes. She saw. She knew.

"Oh poo."

That was not what Phren had intended to say, so perhaps his charade had affected him more than he'd thought. But he realised now that Cresselia would show no mercy. He had been the only Light within the Dark, or so Cresselia thought, but now she knew they were all of the Dark--what then?

More stars appeared, points of light burning in the night, but they were more numerous than when she merely targeted that umbreon scum. With a cry, Cresselia loosed the stars in all directions, and they locked onto random souls. Their aim would always be true, and Phren did not think he could stop them.

If I was still a ghost...

But that was the least of his worries.

Cresselia's powerful voice rang through Phren's mind. > Even traitors can be forgiven. That is the mercy of the Light. But they must repent. < Then his mind was seized by psychic power, more powerful and terrifying than Phren had ever experienced. But Cresselia didn't throw, like the more merciful psychics, for that would have been too easy. Instead, she squeezed.

That Phren blacked out early was the only mercy Cresselia offered.
Draxwea watched as the Army of Night swarmed around Cresselia to attack. She almost joined them, but for one thought:

Not yet.

If she immediately began fighting, then she would probably be knocked out in no time. She didn't want to be the wuss who got knocked out in the first five minutes. She wanted to be the hero, the one to strike one of the final blows.

She waited and watched.

Cresselia seemed to be taking a lot of hits, but wasn't exhauasted quite yet. Then the Grimer unleashed a Bide.

Good idea, but I will do better.

Sneakily, she slithered into the crowd, hoping that Cresselia was at least distracted from her. Fortunately, she was torturing an Azurill.

Draxwea crept up behind her, slithering to her side. She kept low to the ground so that she would not be noticed until she attacked.

Beneath Cresselia now, she was finally in position.

She raised her head, eyes glimmering with an insane glee, opened her mouth, and bit down as hard as she could.

She knew Psychic types like Cresselia were resistant to poison, but enough toxins would kill anyone, right?

((That was Poison Fang. I think.))
Cresselia did not answer. So be it. She must fear her own response.

Ocent's thoughts were then cut shot by a flash of energy from Cresselia. Stars shot towards him at incredibly high speed. Too high for him to avoid.

Not that it mattered, as most of them shot right through his ghostly form. A small amount actually struck Ocent's keystone, and that blow sent the spiritomb flying.

She is more resilient than we thought. Very well, then. She must know that we, too are full of surprises.

He then attacked, not with darkness, but with malice. A draining force, taking the form of darkness in a winged shape, shot toward Cresselia.

Let this weaken her further.

((The move Ocent just used was Spite.))
((Ugh... my post was deleted. >.<))

Lucidia watched as the Grimer unleashed his Bide attack; it would most likely do quite a bit of damage, but Cresselia always had more Moonlights up her sleeve. This frustrated her. Luno's contagious grin spread onto the Houndour's face, and she immediately fired up a Nasty Plot. Thoughts of maiming Cresselia purely by luck entered her mind, and she cackled silently. During this, she was getting hyped up, so she might as well charge up a Flamethrower... as her mind settled down, she began gathering energy in her closed mouth. It would be another sneak attack, hopefully doing more damage to Cresselia. While Lucidia waited for the attack to charge, she sneaked about in the shadowy foliage behind Cresselia.

It seemed like forever until the move was ready. Pouncing at her enemy, Lucidia opened her maw, releasing a blazing stream of fire. Cresselia immediately turned and appeared to be charging some psychic attack as the Flamethrower sped towards her. Psychic attacks normally didn't affect Dark-types, but there was one that Lucidia was on the verge of remembering that--

At that moment, pain ripped through Lucidia's brain like a migraine headache. Unable to endure it, she crumpled to the ground, and didn't get to see her burning attack strike. Now she remembered: Future Sight was practically typeless. The little hound slunk back into the bushes to rest for awhile before she continued fighting. Her mind needed repairs.
((Oh. Egg moves. Forgot that..... too late now. *headdesk*))

Hm -- it seemed that the rain was so heavy that it had caused her clones to disappear. Only the actual Shadow Ball had gotten through, although Cresselia seemed to stagger the slightest bit. Satisfied, the Mismagius smiled almost invisibly, chuckling at a hardly audible level.

Drowned out by the sounds of battle, Requiem heard someone shout about attacking him. Puzzled, she glanced towards the source of the voice -- a Grimer. But why? She scowled slightly, turning away. He already had so many Pokémon attacking him; he would probably faint if he were hurt any more. But just after she stopped paying attention to him, she realized that he was releasing his Bide. Cautious, she floated further away, not wanting to get hit by the blast of power. Just in case, she started thinking about the rain, devising a plan. This would be an idea... but she didn't know how powerful it would be. After all, the attack she was going to use wasn't her type.
(( What is wrong with our posts D: You can only see them if you reply! ))

The poison that would otherwise course through her body and possibly, if she could not psycho shift it away in time, kill her, decayed to nothing harmful as soon as it was injected. Her blessed aura still protected her, and every so often the glow brightened momentarily as she gave it more energy so it would not fade. Most likely, it would be impossible to poison her until she was all but fainted, and the only purpose then would be to kill her.

Not a bad idea, as many Darklings undoubtedly thought, but it would be so much more satisfying to tear into her with their claws and kill her immediately.

Shadows were still flickering in and out of her vision, and her psychic powers could sense only a disturbance. But these disturbances did not match the shadows. Cresselia knew where all pokemon but dark-types were at any time, but these shadows she could not see. All she knew was that somehow, they were hurting her, and she had to spend more time healing than she liked. The weakened moonlight would soon be at full strength, and when that happened, she could heal everything. But until then...

A more visible shadow creature came toward her, the cruel grin associated with the Dark marring its face. She threw a weak barrage of stars at it, but the stars had nothing to track and just flew through it. The creature reached out with tendrils, which sank deep in her body. No - her mind. She could feel it wrapping around her memories of swift, making it harder to remember the move, but it wasn't possible. It would just take more effort, and those of the Light did not find effort foreign. But that was the point. She glanced at the spiritomb that did this to her.

"I see," she said. "You truly know no honour. But that is expected."

She had wanted to use the light to destroy those of the Dark, for it was more symbolic that way. But there was no loss if she could not, and the forsaken ones did not deserve it, anyway. She had more attacks that could strike them all, and now she decided she would do so. She inhaled, drawing air into her massive lungs, and made it cold. Then, like the treasonous azurill, she let the frigid air rush out all at once, sweeping through the clearing. It did not pierce the dark as well as light did, but it would strike everyone and make them slower and easier to deal with.

It was naught but a distraction, but she only subconsciously realised this, because if she did so consciously, she might realise it was much like what the Dark did. She might think it was cheating. Most likely, though, she would see nothing wrong with using tactics against the Dark.

It was nearly impossible to realise when she was piercing the veil of time to find snippets of the future, into which she could launch a blast of her beloved Light. The only hints might be a lack of reaction to a taunt or a slightly vacant look in her eyes. Then, a short time later, only a matter of seconds though never fewer than ten, a blast of light would apparently appear from nowhere, and a pokemon would be seared by light.

This, too, she would think cheating if used by one of the Dark. But she did not think of this.
Lucidia watched as Cresselia exhaled deeply. It had to be some sort of attack... not good. If Lucidia took any more, she would faint. Like the little puppy she was, she cowered behind a thick tree. Traces of the Icy Wind still stung at her stubby pelt, but she did her best to ignore it. She breathed a small Ember into the air, away from vegetation. She wanted to stay warm, but she didn't want to start a full-fledged conflagration.
((Same problem here, Kusa. The threads list says that someone made a new post, but seems to be unable to point me in the right direction. Until I post or some amount of time passses.))

Meletios was finally able to catch his breath. He propelled himself up higher onto a branch, but saw another attack coming his way. This time, it was a bright star. Meletios then focused his psychic energy again, this time throwing a shield up. Most of the stars bounced off, but at least one sheared through, and a feather flew off.

"Well not too bad...", he said, before realizing another attack was coming.

The air grew cold, something Meletios obviously dreaded. Meletios quickly reinforced his psychic shield before it was buffeted by a strong gale. Eventually, it died down, and Meletios' shield with it.

"I hate the cold!", he boldly declared out loud before preparing to take wing and strike again.

Fortunately for Meletios, he was able to stop himself, and remind himself what that... Azurill, said.

"Wait... wait... He said... Special moves?", Meletios said, before questioning, "Why am I taking advice from an Azurill anyway?"

"Ah, but he was awfully well-spoken...", Meletios then reminded himself, "Erm... what can I do in tha respect...? I got it!"

Meletios' gaze turned towards Cresselia. Resisting any urge to charge, Meletios' eyes glowed bright purple. A wave of ghostly energy quickly made it's way to Cresselia. Meletios then flittered away to a different tree to avoid a counterattack.

((Wouldn't a forest fire also, you know, burn us? Especially as we'd more or less have to rely on a possessed Azurill to put it out? >.>))
Vanxir took a break to watch the other battlers. Apparently, a Grimer used Bide on Cresselia and severely weakened her. Luckily, she did not notice his attacks, so he took the opportunity to survey the battle. Many dark denizens were weakened. Especially a azurill. He was still wondering why it was there, but he shrugged it off.

When he noticed The Being of Light conjuring up a Icy Wind, he was not worried. He is half ice type anyway. He saw many in need so he tried to be the centre of attention. But not for them, but to win. "I'll try to hold her off!"

He jumped in front of Cresselia and started streaming taunts at her.

"Hey! You weakling! The dark is better! You can't defeat us! Besides, do you have to use dark tactics to beat us!? Use your own!"

With that he conjured up an avalanche and got into a defensive position. I pray this will work. Was all he thought.

(( And By the way, I used Taunt and Avalanche on Cresselia.))
Requiem was slightly impressed. Cresselia was still standing... brilliant. She would get time to use that attack plan. But her thoughts stopped in their tracks when cold pierced through her like a Dark attack. She shivered, but being a Ghost type, it didn't cause as much sensation as it did damage. She had an obvious feeling of being weaker, which slightly disturbed her. But now, although she was a bit slowed by the frigid air, she would be able to use that attack.

As she looked up, she realized that it was still raining. Good. Carefully, she began to charge in the shadows as light began to collect in front of her. The Mismagius suddenly loosed it towards Cresselia, feeling the electricity crackle in the air and the rain continue to fall gently. Though the precipitation wasn't enough, it would ensure that her Thunder technique would hit.
((Sorry about the late reply! TCoD wouldn't load. Also, Kusa is awesome for taking care of this while I'm gone.))

Darkrai had blocked most of the Auroa Beam for the Darkness-- Akabari could not tell whether he did it on purpose or not -- but the Pitch-Black pokemon had went down with one hit, a dark pool of blood already gathering at where he fell.

Akabari stared in horror, but his attention was quickly snapped away as clouds covered the sky and the Light. The Azurill...? Akabari blinked, his vision coming back as the darkness once again covered the forest. A pokemon -- his vision had not recovered enough to allow him to see who it was -- fired an attack at Cresselia, and others soon followed suit. Shadows launched through the Darkness, cracking, some hitting their mark, some missing and flung away. Akabari joined the melee, his mind a complete blank as he slashed, barked, and fired attacks at his mortal enemy. Their mortal enemy. He had allies now, creatures he could trust, creatures who would help him fight the Light.

Some part of his mind laughed at the pun, but a Swift attack had struck him on the side and he was bleeding. It did not matter. Cresselia had to die. Akabari fired another Shadow Ball, not caring that the first had missed, and continued in with a Night Slash. His attack was blocked, and he was flung back with a beam -- some sort of beam -- but he persisted. He fought even as his allies fell around him, a fire-breathing dog (he could not tell what kind it was because it was too far), a Grimer who had so gallantly took their attacks to unleash a brilliant Bide attack, a Banette who had harmed herself (he was pretty sure it was a her; he was half blind when he saw her) to lay a Curse on Cresselia, and the Azurill, who he no longer doubts, for he had abandoned the Light and joined the Darkness.

The air crackled, the yellow jolt of Thunder dancing through the rain and striking Cresselia. She gasped, concentration lost, pain bolting through her body and heart.

She was hurt by her own Light. The blinding Bide attack, the Flamethrower, and now, the Thunder. Despair crawled its way up from the depths of her tired, pained mind. She shook it off. No. They were not the Light, she thought. They were evils from the Darkness that copied the Light, pretending that they were great and powerful and right.

The poison ate away at her body, and she cringed, her vision blurring. A dark creature danced in front of her, but she was too tired to care. Then, a sharp, burning pain at the edge of her mind, growing stronger and stronger, an evil, hissing creature reeking of Darkness, ate away at her mind, and she almost collapsed then, from the fatigue and the pain of it all.

Curse. She laughed, a cold, bitter chuckle that chilled the souls of even the most powerful Light. It was the Curse that had been the last straw, the wicked art of the Darkness that tore at her mind until there was nothing left but a mere shred of consciousness that cannot hold on. Her body stung from the many wounds the Darkness had inflicted, and her head drooped. Darkness cannot defeat the Light! Shadows danced in her vision, laughing, grinning, their evil tendrils spreading Darkness across the lands. She had failed Arceus, and she cannot defeat -- no! She must stop this line of thought. Darkness cannot defeat the Light. Darkness cannot defeat the Light.

Darkness cannot defeat the Light. Cresselia floated up, a renewed determination in her eye. It was Arceus's will to destroy the Darkness Army, and, while she had failed, her efforts will not be lost. Blood oozed from her wounds, but she ignored it, focusing on the Light she will draw for her last move, the single dance dedicated to the Light and Arceus.

The dance was fast but graceful. The deep red glow from her rings and the blood trailed behind her, the beautiful tail of a red comet, as she twirled across the sky. Shafts of moonlight broke through the thick rain clouds, dying the world in a sea of red.

Cresselia danced. Her rings glowed, red to pink to a blinding white, then she fell, as streak of whiteness in the Night. The moon shattered behind her, the red shards falling like rain, and the clouds faded into the sky as Darkness finally reclaimed the Night.

The light faded as Cresselia collapsed to the ground. She struggled for a bit, then finally gave in, and as her eyes slowly closed, she breathed out her last words: "Darkness cannot defeat the light."

And the Night was still.

((Taunt failed because Cresselia was basically dead, and Avalanche failed because, really, how exactly would that work in the middle of a forest? ))
Er watched as Cresselia died. Good riddance, he thought to himself. As he turned, he saw a faint light coming from the shrubs in front of him. He approached cautiously, and found a houndour using an ember to keep herself warm. He narrowed his eyes. So while they were all out fighting Cresselia, what had she been doing? Suddenly, Er was furious. He picked the girl up bu the scruff of her neck and put her face to face with himself. "What in Helll do you think you're doing!?!" he screamed at her. "How dare you sit there warming yourself, when others are fighting, despite their obvious pain?! If you're going to run from every battle because things get a little chilly, then I swear on the Darkness, I will kill you!!" Then he calmed himself slightly, and said, "On the other hand, nothing I say should keep you from coming. You were Chosen, just as we all were, and we have not been properly. I am Eron'ta," but before the little dog could respond, Er flung her to the ground roughly, and stalked off. As he left, he told her, "Don't let this happen again."

Once among the darkness pokemon once again, he began looking for the Nidorino he had seen shouting at Cresselia earlier. He would not be as rough with him, because he had at least stayed and stood his ground, but his earlier stupidity was still unacceptable.

((Now you see who my character really is...))
"Hahaha!", Meletios said, as he turned his head to see where the shouting after Cresselia fell was coming from, seeing a Nidoking suddenly drop, or maybe fling, a Houndour to the ground, "Well, we certainly have some colorful characters."

Then, his stomach growled, "Still hungry. Very hungry."

Meletios searched the branches for something to eat. He found a few berries, not entirely the type he liked, but there was no way he could discriminate now.
For a moment, Ocent was silent as he watched Cresselia die. The Spiritomb gazed coldly as the Lunar pokemon fell to the ground, never to rise again.

But only for a moment, as the Spiritomb began to laugh loudly and manically.

It is our first victory, he thought, even as he continued to laugh, The first of many.

"Rejoice, fellow servants," Ocent yelled, "The first strike for the Darkness has been completed. In due time, more and more of our victories will allow Darkness to encompass the entire world. The days of the Light are numbered!"

And once that number reaches zero, he thought, I will learn my true name. After that... I will no longer need to serve these fools.
And Requiem continued to watch as three attacks hit Cresselia. Two others, and her Thunder. With her Electric attack, the enemy seemed to be under great pain, and the Mismagius cackled to herself, satisfied. But her eyes widened as light began pouring out of Cresselia. The lunar Pokémon began to make many dance-like movements, and Requiem could not pull her eyes away. As the red light became white, Cresselia dropped, and muttered something: "Darkness cannot defeat the Light."

After those last words, a feeling of triumph rose in Requiem. But it was washed away as she heard something shatter. Looking up, she saw in the sky, the moon falling to many pieces like glass being hit by a Hitmonchan's punch. The tiny shards, each only a small sparkle like a snowflake, fell to the ground, fading once they reached it, and then everything was quiet. And so was Requiem. She merely floated there, wondering what in the world had just happened. She was so mystified that she even ignored the commotion that had to do with a Houndour behind her.

For they had overcome the first obstacle in the Darkness's quest for the power that had always been rightfully theirs.
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