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New member
ok im stuck i have budiki tenkichi 2 or ow ever you spell it and i am missing 2 characters. i need kid goku and grandpa gohan. i need to know what items i need to fuse to get them.
hey guess what i did use google went threw 2 pages and omg there was no answer there exept what i already had. so plese dont do that.

googling 'budiki tenkichi 2 "how to get" gohan goku' gives you a link on how to do so.

i guess you need to learn how to use google.
Oh great. Another thread has turned into something about some sort of food. By the way, what are burritos?

Seriously though, this belongs in Entertainment, and what exactly did you search in Google?
No, let's not, because that's completely unrelated to the topic and almost spamming.
oh zephy~

so oblivious to the fact that the op has changed the topic at hand


also burritos are superior
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