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Deeeep dreaaams!!

I just remembered a really amazing one from a few months ago. It was about chillis which made you time travel! The time chillis were kind of shiny and translucent red, and not spicy at all, otherwise I probably wouldn't have eaten them. When you took a bite and thought really hard about a particular time, you would be transported there. The bigger a bite you took, the further you could go, but even a tiny nibble could go very far.
I went time traveling to all kinds of places with a friend. Eventually we ended up in the far future, where the world was probably about to end because of humans screwing it up so much.
We eventually got fed up with seeing all the stupid people everywhere, so we ate the last pieces of the time chilli and went way back to an island full of dinosaurs and lived there forever.
I had an odd dream - not because of the dream itself but how it ended:

Anyway in the dream I had one mouthful of alcohol (a tasteless dream-whisky I think) - and then at that moment my alarm went off and I woke up instantly.
He gave me a hug when he came up to me and I breathlessly told him that my parents were voting for him and he smiled.

I always dream the same thing about Neji from Naruto, except I don't say that I'm voting for him obviously.

The odd thing was that the thing I just said happened in another dream I had, and it happened again last night. It's odd because at first I was convinced by the dream, but then slowly I didn't believe it, and I never expected to have it again. So now, I'm rather confused with myself.

Except before, he didn't say anything before I went up to him, and this time he asked me something, but I can't remember what it was. I think it was something like "What's wrong?" Or "Why are you acting like that?"

Except this time, about four people were standing near us, so... I'm glad it was a dream... XD
Oh, I absolutely love this one. It was the most exciting, tell-the-future dream, that I believe Arceus or StarClan or whatever is the god thing-dong sent me to tell the future about the Naruto anime *not sure whether to be :D or :/*

Okay, so I was on this beach with black sand, and an arch-shaped rock formation to the left, along with a 20-foot clif behind me, and both were made of black stone.

And then I appeared on a tan-sand beach with an underground tunnel of sand that started as stairs, and there was Marowak,
you know, the sensei of the dojo,
and he lectured me about failure and failing, blah blah blah, and there was a Delibird standing behind him. I got bored of the Pokemon's talk and went down the tunnel back to the previous beach.

While on said beach I started to look around, and there was this long mound of dirt not so different from an inflatable structure that I read that they would use as houses on the moon, so I decided to explore what was inside.

I went in, and there was a long snake coiled up staring into my eyes. It was pure white, more of a very very very very very light grey, but meh, and it was strange because it had this black-purplish hair for some reason...

I looked around for a minute or two and then left to the side-yard thing where Anko was waiting for me, and she said something about being careful on a mission. Despite the fact that she's one of the better characters, I ignored her and went down underground stairs, and while I was doing so Sasuke appeared and he looked pretty glum.

The next thing I knew I was trapped in this cage in shallow water. It was four wooden posts with chain link in between, and there was a Slowbro in one corner, in the Sugimori art position. The water level slowly rose, and I tried to open the lock, which did not need a key and was facing this side. For some reason it took me until the water was up to my neck to escape, and then I swam to a nearby island. It was very near, actually, about fifteen feet away, and then Tortimer from Animal Crossing congratulated me for passing "the test" and showed me around inside the cliff he was facing, and then Kapp'n, also from Animal Crossing, rode an orange stick-figure bike in the sky.

I woke up after that, and my sister and I interpreted it at school two days later.
Recently I've been having dreams where one element stays the same, but the location changes. I first dreamt that I was in a strange shopping centre, the location clearly not being that of England (it was sunny for one thing). I entered a shop that seemed to hold only retro video games and consoles but on closer imspection, it also held old SEGA merchandise. I looked around and found all sorts of old hidden gems, before I was pulled away by my mum.

A few nights ago I dreamt a similar thing, only for some bizairre reason it was at my old school. I was walking down the corridors and stopped, seeing a rank of merchandise much like the stuff I saw at the shop in the other dream. I did pick up some this time before anyone could make me leave without it. XD'''

I've had this one and it's still vivid...

I'm sitting on a train (one of the ones used in the London Underground) and am watching various shades of green whirl by the windows. When it stops, it's in a jungle, just by a big clearing with a shallow river running though it. I get out and noticed that the train has suddenly become covered in vines, like it's been there for years. But it doesn't bother me, and I just explore a little. The train stood on a track that was raised about seven, eight feet above the floor and that has arcs craved into it, to create little pockets.

In one I saw what looked like a sliver egg so I approach it. I turn to my right and find these weird, liquid creatures that kinda resemble Chao. They weren't dangerous though - they were quite small and cute. Behind them was a grand, rocky waterfall and a small pleatau/altar, where the silver egg suddenly now is. They indicate behind me and I turn, to see more of them swimming the water and basically going about their everyday business in this jungle. I saw those a sort of tunnel leading away from the clearing and deeper into the jungle, though it seems really light in that direction. Like, unnaturally light.

I return my attention to the three who I had seen before and who seem to be the leaders. They're around the egg now and encourage me to join them and inspect the egg. Without thinking I pick up the egg and feel it shake, like it's about to hatch. But before it does, I wake up.

...anyone know what ANY of them mean? xD'''
I just woke up; I'm not feeling so well.

had quite a long night:

I was in a classroom, school building at the fourth floor. The high sky room with the big window. I had to deal with a cool guy named Tray, he was giving me trouble. I can't remember much.

Ok, the second sequel came.

Morning. I was preparing for school in my room. I was playing with an odd gun toy that shoots a pellet. Had to stay in because of a storm. It was almost time for school. The outside was brighter and the storm sort of cleared up.

I opened the door and saw two of my school peers. They were ready for me to come to school. The bus ran past us. We were in shock. I had trouble putting my shoe on. We ran down the streets when it was slight drizzling. I could feel the rain touch me.

It was a beautiful cyan third-person view scene where bunch of us had to ran down to the bus stop.

We reached the bus stop and the bus came and we went in. I had to sit in another seat because we were slightly late (thus the bus had to cycle around).

I had to sit in a seat that parallel where Tray was sitting. I realized I forgot my belt and my backpack. I could feel the soft texture of my white t-shirt.

I came to the bus driver. ...from the looks, he's like he's from ATC of UK. He was old. Had structural face and white hair. His eyes were a cold, light, and pale steel blue.

I asked him if I could be dropped off. He did not listen, didn't seem to recognize my existence. I went and sat down. My alarm sounded.

Yes. Look at me type this. My head is clear and my mind is awake. But I feel mucky in the stomach. Can not type well. I'm sorry. It was very deep anyways.
First, I dreamed that we had early dismissal, but then I dreamed something else. Again, I've dreamed about a place I've dreamed of more than once.

It was a church/pyramid-like thing, made of sandstone-colored bricks, and the floor on the inside was sloped down, except a small flat section into the middle. If you stood in the middle, you would be erased from the universe. (What does that remind me of...?)

All along the wall, there was a ridge that was just wide enough for a human to stand on, about eight feet tall, starting from the level where the door was.

On the opposite side from the entrance, there was a big window-like thing that was a huge indent in the wall. I can't remember what it contained, though.

The first time I dreamed about this place, which was in the past but I can't remember when, I, my sister, and the shippuuden versions of Naruto and Sakura petrified it, but I can't remember why. Then, it wasn't exactly petrified, but it was more solid, and you could still be erased from the universe in the center.

This time, I dreamed that we were fixing the middle, but that somehow required the whole town to be turned into the church-thing. Now, this took place in an Animal Crossing-like town, and I didn't want to lose my flowers, so I had to go and pick all the hybrids that I had. When I finally thought I was done, I went back to the church, but then I realized I had forgotten my Jacob's Ladders. We never got around to expanding the church, though. There were a lot of people around the church, waiting for it to expand.

And at the end, there was a little cut-scene with only Naruto and Sakura, but I can't remember what they did.

...I have a lot of Naruto dreams.

I had a pretty amazing dream last night.


My dreams are rarely vivid or spectacular in any way, but this one was. I was in some sort of amusement park. It looked like Disneyworld, only it looked like it was based on Smash Bros. So after spending some time there (and eating a LOT of chocolate bars), I went up some stairs...and suddenly, I was in the sewer apartments from Mother 3! But here's the thing: It was all completely live-action. It was if it were an actual place, and it was in incredible detail. The music from this area was playing too, but it was literally echoing through the halls, as if it was being played on an old stereo. Oh, and for some reason, Solid Snake was with me, too.

After wandering through there, I came across not Leder, but an empty, abandoned lobby-looking area, with what looked like a Porky-bot at a desk. When I went up to him, he just pointed at a monitor. I don't remember exactly what was on it, but it was very large and menacing.

So I went outside into an abandoned lot and Porky (he was young here) was there on a platform, giving some grand speech and gesturing wildly. He saw us, yelled, and started attacking us with lasers and what I think was PSI (which is weird). It was about then that I woke up.

I have no idea what this dream meant, but it was the best dream I've had in a LONG time.

Also, I have a lot of recurring dreams. One common theme is that my house has a secret room that I find out about. Every time I have this dream, the area I discover is different. It's been a second house, a Wal-Mart, a giant arcade, a massive school, an opera house, an entire hotel, and even a pet store that slowly turned into a hardware store the further I went into it. Yeah...I've had this dream a lot.
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I've been craving pizza for some reason for the past couple weeks.

Last night I had a dream about eating pizza.

I need to get myself a fucking pizza soon D:
I have a nightmare interpretation book, but I find its symbolism doesn't match mine: skulls mean knowledge to me and not death, things like that. And it was completely useless when I actually had a nightmare!
My dreams usually end up really odd.

But lately I've been dreaming about this guy who was my best friend and had had a crush on me, but I was with my gf at the time, not to mention sooo blind. D: I think I keep dreaming of him because either I miss him a lot or I really do regret not dating him. But meh.
Fuck books.

I'm going off what my intuition is telling me, which knows me better than some book.
My dreams usually end up really odd.

But lately I've been dreaming about this guy who was my best friend and had had a crush on me, but I was with my gf at the time, not to mention sooo blind. D: I think I keep dreaming of him because either I miss him a lot or I really do regret not dating him. But meh.

p. much this
I dreamt about that Animal Crossing got some casino-like building(think Game Corner-ish)where we could play slots and the like. Srangely, there was no animals, only people, and they were in a very non-Animal Crossing style. Eventually, it changed into a Simpsons style, and there was a woman with kinda Yu-Gi-Oh(the main character there, Yugi or whats-his-name) style hair.

I've had a couple of interesting dreams involving politicians. :)

And I had one a couple of days ago where I looked like Timothy Dalton and sounded exactly like Sean Connery. Probably because I watched some James Bond before going to bed.
It was awesome.
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