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On the 16th I'll be going to Germany again. :D

My dad lives there, so instead of going on holidays, me and my little sister basically go there three times a year - October half term, February half term, and the last few weeks of the summer. I can't wait~

We'll be going camping, and additionally (although this was supposed to be a secret, my dad let it out over the phone to me by mistake) my big half-brother will be there! I've only seen him once when I was nine and I don't remember a thing, so that will be amazing. And I'll be able to get my awesome camera back that I left there. XD

I don't think there are any German TCoDers... but I'll be going to the state Rheinland-Pfalz if that means anything to anyone.
Wow, Germany! That is cool~ I do hope you have a time filled with lots of awesomenocity. :D
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You are so lucky. :D Um, um, I know hardly anything about Germany but that sounds like it's near or something to do with the river Rhein? (Yeah, I'm good. xD;) That's just my two cents... Euro cents... whatever you want to call them. Have tons of fun!
That's awesome! I'm in Berlin right now. Only for a day and three quarters though. :P We're going out to tour the city now. ^^ Anyways, have fun.
I like Germany, but for me that's just because my girlfriend is from there...

She's from Baden-Wurttemberg though, which is to the south. And Rheinland-Pfalz is cool.
I'd love to go to Germany; it's such a beautiful country and such an awesome language <3

Hope you enjoy yourself and the weather's good for you :D
Ja! Das ist gut. And there you have all the german I can come up with off the top of my head related to this thread. Enjoy, and until you get back, Auf Wiedersehn!
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