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Ditto's Docks' new ad thread

Whenever I click the link to your website I get either a blank tab in Firefox or 'this page cannot be displayed' in IE. :/
I have no idea why this is, it's never done this before.
So um. :|
The chatbox is supposed to look like Ho-oh
Then don't use a really dark red. Also, that's still ugly.
Some people still sprite even though they don't have websites to put them on.
So? They've probably got sprite threads on some forum or another. You could link to those.
And viewing the source would kinda ruin the fun of waiting to get an award and seeing what I have provided to make you wait.
I have marquees disabled as a rule of thumb. So do a lot of other people. What you wrote, though, wouldn't be entertaining anyway. If it's boring when I'm not waiting for it to scroll past at an arbitrary text speed, then why should it be entertaining when I am?
If you notice, at the bottom of the page I have mentioned that every thing is from Psypoke and the PoTM is meant as a way for my visitors to interact with me and learn a bit about their favorite of the four pokemon I listed.
They probably already know all of that and why not just link to Psypoke instead of regurgitating the same information over and over?
I want people to know that the page is still there but I have to re-do it.
But it's not actually there.
Do you want to go through all that Javasript and remove the ears? that nobody except it seems you care about?
Why the fuck do you have it if you're not going to make it actually look like what you're claiming it is?
I didn't know that the procedure is different for a different OS. I also wouldn't have a clue about how to do it in any other OS.
You mentioned "My Pictures". It's not necessarily called that in non-Windows.
DD v 3.0 is still partially in the trial stage, so things like the size of the text on my left and right menus are subject to change.
Then change it and get rid of the stripes. You don't actually need gradient backgrounds anyway; if it's too difficult to edit the stripes out for some reason, just go with solid colours.
Could you please tell me how to make it non-fixed width with the current page setup?
Go look it up yourself.
I assume that you mean my sprites page, since you didn't say. However, I did spend quite a lot of time on all of those, and somebody taking credit for my time and work is not something any artist would look forward too.
You're still stressing that the sprites are yours when there's very little you actually did with it. Did you draw the actual sprites? In most cases there, no; you edited somebody else's image and didn't actually mention that you did so.
Leonardo Da Vinci didn't create humans, he just painted one, and yet we aren't annoyed by the Mona Lisa.
He actually painted his art; he didn't take other people's paintings and trace over them then declare that it's HIS, DAMMIT.

He also did a damn good job of it.
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You're still stressing that the sprites are yours when there's very little you actually did with it. Did you draw the actual sprites? In most cases there, no; you edited somebody else's image and didn't actually mention that you did so.
Oh, come on. It is perfectly fine to simply assume by default that Pokémon fans know what the official Pokémon sprites look like and are aware that splices are made by taking parts of official sprites and pasting them together and so on. It's not just "somebody else's image"; it's an image universally recognized as being Game Freak's. There is really no need to go all frothing at the mouth because he doesn't bother to mention what is already completely obvious and inferred. :/ (Also, whether the artist is any good is irrelevant; you may find it humorous to go "LOL WELL HE COULD DRAW" but it is logicfail and makes kittens cry. :()

That said, surskitty is generally right and you ought to listen to her. I mentioned the eye-hurt potential of the scanline pattern when you asked for affiliation in January; why are you so adamant to keep it? I also mentioned that the raise-a-Pikachu game's face doesn't look a thing like a Ditto. If you absolutely must have this stupid old game and can't be bothered to edit it, then why don't you at least keep the name as "Raise a Pikachu"? You can't call it "Raise a Ditto" if the thing you're raising is clearly not a Ditto, and you can't use "but I can't be bothered to edit it!" as an excuse. :/

(Also, why in the world do you want your saybox to look like Ho-oh? It's eye-hurting. The colors look good on Ho-oh; not so good on a saybox.)
Oh, come on. It is perfectly fine to simply assume by default that Pokémon fans know what the official Pokémon sprites look like and are aware that splices are made by taking parts of official sprites and pasting them together and so on. It's not just "somebody else's image"; it's an image universally recognized as being Game Freak's. There is really no need to go all frothing at the mouth because he doesn't bother to mention what is already completely obvious and inferred. :/ (Also, whether the artist is any good is irrelevant; you may find it humorous to go "LOL WELL HE COULD DRAW" but it is logicfail and makes kittens cry. :()

Thank you for that.

That said, surskitty is generally right and you ought to listen to her. I mentioned the eye-hurt potential of the scanline pattern when you asked for affiliation in January; why are you so adamant to keep it?
After it's become public demand, I'm working on fixing it. Same with the space between the link titles and actual links.

I also mentioned that the raise-a-Pikachu game's face doesn't look a thing like a Ditto. If you absolutely must have this stupid old game and can't be bothered to edit it, then why don't you at least keep the name as "Raise a Pikachu"? You can't call it "Raise a Ditto" if the thing you're raising is clearly not a Ditto, and you can't use "but I can't be bothered to edit it!" as an excuse. :/
I heard you, and I'll work on it.

(Also, why in the world do you want your saybox to look like Ho-oh? It's eye-hurting. The colors look good on Ho-oh; not so good on a saybox.)
It's to go with Heart Gold and Soul Silver, and I'm going to have a Lugia themed style... I'm just wondering, did you see it when it was dark red? I changed it earlier today, to better match Ho-oh's color scheme.
It's still pretty eye-hurting, especially where you type your message. Plus those yellow links on a white background! :dead:

And why are all your pages PHP pages? I don't think there's any PHP on your site except for that Cutenews.
Just bringing this up again for a sec..

You're still stressing that the sprites are yours when there's very little you actually did with it. Did you draw the actual sprites? In most cases there, no; you edited somebody else's image and didn't actually mention that you did so.He actually painted his art; he didn't take other people's paintings and trace over them then declare that it's HIS, DAMMIT.

He also did a damn good job of it.

I DO have down at the bottom of the page in really big letters so you won't miss it:
Pokemon, Pikachu, and all other pokemon characters are copyrighted...by NINTENDO...

Go look it up yourself.

So you complain about something, and when somebody asks about how to fix it you can't be bothered to tell them how?
Error: No keyboard detected.
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I worked on making the Scan lines less irritating. How do they look now?

I also fixed the ears on the Raise A Ditto.

The Chat Box's colors are now from Lugia, and I hope they aren't eye-hurty...
The "click here" page was clever, but the "disguising a link as a non-link" thing isn't working for me. I'm using Firefox 3. And it has worked on other sites, so I dunno what the problem is. :\
I worked on making the Scan lines less irritating. How do they look now?
Quite honestly, it looks exactly the same as before... =/

The Chat Box's colors are now from Lugia, and I hope they aren't eye-hurty...
They look much better. =D

And I see that you got rid of the submenus and blank pages; that's good. =3 It looks a lot more organized like that.
That looks much better. =) I'd reccommend toning down the banner and disclaimer in the same way, but the menus are much easier to read now, and that's good. Though, it could still be toned down just a little bit more if you were willing to.
I have the styleswitcher working now, so you can choose to use Shiny Ditto Style, which looks really good with the Chat box. I realize that the text is small, and I'm working on it...

Also, the styleswitcher is working, finally. Those things must hate me.

I've written a new theory, on Pokerus, but I haven't linked to it.

I've added two new styles to the forums, and around 500 smilies.

I've edited the first post to account for that, and added a banner for the forums.
Hi Ditto :) Nice site! Wonder who am I? Torosiken from SPPF or Achamo~Torchic on my own site ^^;
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