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Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 5]

They were almost safe.

They bring Houndoom up to the stand, and with a concentrated burst of energy, tear him in two. Found hidden with him is yet another Mafia entry letter.

The citizens return home, hoping that they will be safe another night, yet the feeling of death looms strongly over this town...

ole_schooler is dead. He was Mafia.

48 hours for night actions.

Player list for page six:

  1. Stormecho: Dragonair (Innocent)
  2. I liek Squirtles: Squirtle (Innocent)
  3. RK-9: Bisharp (Innocent)
  4. ole_schooler: Houndoom (Mafia)
  5. Glace: Glaceon (Innocent)
  6. Mai: Swoobat (Innocent)
  7. Legendaryseeker99: Chandelure (Mafia)
  8. Chief Zackrai: Dusclops (Innocent)
  9. Superbird: Ditto
  10. Seritinajii: Kingdra (Innocent)
  11. DarkAura: Charizard (Innocent)
  12. Squirrel: Altaria
  13. Parasitic: Zoroark
  14. Metallica Fanboy: Magikarp
  15. ya ok: Gengar (Innocent)
Re: DIY Pokémafia [NIGHT 5]

The last of the townspeople wake up, hoping that they will be able to last for another day. Yet little do they know, the war has been won.

Lying in the square are the dead bodies of a Zoroark, who is covered in burn marks, and an Altaria, with again no wounds. The two left alive recognize Zoroark as an invader, but cannot find any others - neither of them are invaders themselves. They soon realize that this means the town is safe.

Parasitic was modkilled for inactivity. They were Mafia.

Squirrel was killed. She was innocent.

The innocents win!

Is a sheet of everyone's actions the entire game on its way? I'd love to know what happened last night.

Yeeeaaaahhhhh!!!! Great! I hope I helped out a bit during the first few days in which I was still alive. I was a healer, and I did use my action, although I don't know if it did anything. I guess we'll see soon.

I was Squirrel's fishing brother. I got modkilled cause I didn't know how to use my power. This was my first mafia game on here. =)

You know, there was something that actually concerned me while i was dead- All of the mafia were either ghosts or dark types. Sometimes, looks are decieving, but not this time!

And ya know, It's funny how when magikarps seem harmless, when you hit em, FUCK YEAH! he was alien. I somehow knew that when the last 4 people were alive.

And ya know, next time, the fishing brothers shouldn't be next to eachother on the list.XD

This was fun to watch, even though I was a little disappointed that I got killed the first night. This was my first mafia game and I didn't get to do anything, but I guess that's just how it is sometimes. :c

I was the Terrorist. I'd also like to see a list of all of the player's roles and all of the actions that occurred if possible :)

This was my first mafia game HERE. I've played lots of mafia games, but the roles in this one weren't like the roles I play.

For your benefit, every player's roles and night actions:

  1. Stormecho - Dragonair - Roleblocker (Innocent)
  2. I liek Squirtles - Squirtle - Doctor (Innocent)
  3. RK-9 - Bisharp - Vigilante (Innocent)
  4. ole_schooler - Houndoom - Mafia Goon (Mafia)
  5. Glace - Glaceon - Day-freezer (Lover, Innocent)
  6. Mai - Swoobat - Lover (Innocent)
  7. Legendaryseeker99 - Chandelure - Poisoner (Mafia)
  8. Chief Zackrai - Dusclops - Inspector (Innocent)
  9. Superbird - Ditto/Vaporeon - Variable (Doctor, Innocent)
  10. Seritinajii - Kingdra - Doctor (Innocent)
  11. DarkAura - Charizard - Fishing Brother (Innocent)
  12. Squirrel - Altaria - Fishing Brother (Innocent)
  13. Parasitic/Defective Turret - Zoroark - Mafia Don (Mafia)
  14. Metallica Fanboy - Magikarp/Gyarados - Alien
  15. ya ok - Gengar - Terrorist

Night Zero

- Stormecho roleblocks DarkAura
- I liek Squirtles heals Chief Zackrai
- RK-9 kills ya ok
- Glace freezes Stormecho
- Mai chooses Glace as a lover
- Legendaryseeker99 poisons Seritinajii (Kill on Night Two)
- Chief Zackrai inspects Superbird (Innocent)
- Superbird chooses role and alignment, and heals Seritinajii
- Seritinajii heals Superbird
- Squirrel targeted Metallica Fanboy
- Parasitic kills ya ok
- DarkAura did not send in her night action

Night One

- Stormecho roleblocks Chief Zackrai
- I liek Squirtles heals DarkAura
- Legendaryseeker99 poisons Glace (Kill on Night Three)
- Superbird heals Chief Zackrai
- Squirrel targeted Glace
- Glace, Chief Zackrai, Seritinajii, DarkAura (modkilled) and Parasitic did not send in their night actions

Night Two

- Stormecho roleblocks ole_schooler
- I liek Squirtles was away
- ole_schooler kills Mai for Parasitic
- Glace does not freeze anybody
- Legendaryseeker99 poisons Stormecho (Kill on Night Four)
- Seritinajii heals ole_schooler
- Squirrel targets Glace
- Superbird did not send in their night action

Night Three

- Stormecho roleblocks Superbird
- ole_schooler kills Metallica Fanboy for Parasitic
- Legendaryseeker99 poisons Squirrel (Kill on Night Five)
- Superbird heals Squirrel

Night Four

- Stormecho roleblocks Parasitic
- Superbird heals ole_schooler
- Parasitic did not send in their night action

Night Five

- Superbird heals Squirrel
- Parasitic (modkilled) did not send in their night action
Re: DIY Pokémafia [NIGHT 5]

neither of them are invaders themselves. They soon realize that this means the town is safe.

Yeah, nothing like an alien magikarp and a fucking ditto(No offense guys.) to replenish the entire town. Whoo....This was fun. It could be a little harder, with actually hints on the mafia instead of inactive lynching. That would be more fun. =)

Night Zero
- RK-9 kills ya ok
- Parasitic kills ya ok

Yeah, that's what I thought. Gengar probably wasn't the best choice, but I guess my death was sort of good for the mafia (at least in the beginning) because it drew attention away from them by making people second guess whether stereotypically evil ghost/dark types were really mafia or not since I showed up as innocent.

The only surprises for me by the end of the game were Legendaryseeker being a poisoner and DarkAura being the other fishing brother instead of Seritinajii. Everyone else's roles were what I'd expected them to be.
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yeah. to be honest, i picked Charizard cause it's badass, and i wanted to be mafia. I've NEVER been mafia. it's boring when it's bland.

But actually, the people were right. The mafia were either ghost/dark, and you were terrorist since you were gengar probably. Good game.

Hm. My double-ruse didn't work.

Too bad, it was so close to doing just that.

I guess it just really sucks when people can easily deduce you're the alien.

I know. While magikarp may be the one that's not usually thought of as alien, most people usually think the least expected.

I would have know sooner, however, i didn't noticeyou were in the game. XD

Well, it was a good run. I was actually surprised how long it took before I got lynched. Mwahahah. If only I had started sending in actions for Parasitic sooner...

if i had sent in night actions, i'd be one of the innocents left....if i twasnt lynched.XD

but ole-schooler, you were pretty convincing as a innocent.

Well, it was a good run. I was actually surprised how long it took before I got lynched. Mwahahah. If only I had started sending in actions for Parasitic sooner...
If I had anything to gain from it, I'd have had you lynched a good deal back.

lol, stormecho's role block on me was useless.X3X3X3X3

Hm. I was always suspicious of ole_schooler, but you know. Still new to Mafia and all, so wasn't sure if everyone would turn on me for no reason. :v
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