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Do you have any fears or phobias?


New member
It's just as the title says.
Mine are:
Bridges. It's enough that I can't even walk over a really short bridge.
Heights. Couple that with bridges and you've got a really freaked out Mawile.
Failure. I constantly worry that what I'm doing isn't good enough.
Dancing. I never dance at all. It just feels scary.
Making decisions. I worry that I'll make the wrong one.
Public speaking. I really freak out when I have to talk to 10+ people in public.

Plastic water bottles.
Cell phones.
Plane crashes.
Third world countries.
West Nile Virus.
The end of the world.
Wild animals.
Poisonous plants.
Deep water.

So what are yours?
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No real phobias.

Heights give me the wiggins, though. Gotten worse over time. I'm not particularly fond of the dark, either, and the biggest proper-fear I have is really a loss of identity. It's kinda hard to explain. Small, tight, enclosed spaces as well, I start to get quite panicky if I can't move my limbs fully.

Oh, and rollercoasters. Not really scared of them, but I despise the very idea of them and won't even go near something that moves me around quickly.
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i dunno if there's a word for it but after i have a really freaky dream, i'm not able to fall asleep for a few days.

otherwise i'm mainly just paranoid and afraid of stupid things like blowing the house up by accident or dropping/losing my ds and soulsilver.
Mawile said:
Making decisions. I worry that I'll make the wrong one.

This kinda, for now. Only really big decisions like the one I'm up against now. D:

Also, a fear that I'll be abandoned by people I care about and mild claustrophobia. And that's about all I can think of.
- Failure. Sometimes I don't even want to try something if I don't think I'll succeed.
- Being hated. Well, technically being hated by those I consider my friends (I was gonna say "rejection" in a general sense but I actually don't think that's the case anymore :D)
Heights - so bad that sometimes I get scared when I'm a metre off of the ground with very little to support me.

Tall buildings - It's because if the clouds above it are moving it looks like it's going to fall on you.

Spiders! - and other creepy crawlies

And I'm also extremely paranoid in general.
Sometimes I might want to go somewhere but I don't because since I never go anywhere other than school I worry that my parents will think I'm keeping something from them. (because it's not like leaving the house is something people my age usually do! I'm sure they'd actually want me to go places.)
i never got what was so scary about the dark. i remember in fourth grade though i was big on aliens and stuff so i could never sleep at night.
-Flapping wings (only if they're close by, though)
-Big, open windows (although that's gotten a bit better since moving recently)
-Getting pregnant or having a child (I don't know why, but the idea scares me more than anything else)
-Being abandoned
I mainly just have visual fears, and I generally can't forget them for a really long while; basically stuff like surgeries (in particular eye-related stuff, but pretty much anything) and such

and obligatory fear of death post, but I try not to think of it much, since when it comes, I won't have to worry about it anymore anyway
I don't like water deeper than I am tall; in that sense I guess I'm really really scared of drowning. Doesn't help that I can't see worth two snails when I'm swimming.

Other than that, not much. Heights are cool, crowds are annoying.
I think abandonment is one of my biggest fears, actually. Aside from that, though, I'd have to say spiders bigger than about -- that dash, public speaking, aging, and making big decisions.
Oh boy. Uh, let's see...

GREATEST FEAR EVER: All arthropods. All of them. Even butterflies. If my cats hadn't killed those moths that flew in through my bedroom window I'd probably still be paralysed with horror. In fact, I think the only exception is the common house fly (which is pretty ironic, if you think about it). They only scare me in large numbers.

Lesser fears:
  • Coral reefs, and most kinds of seaweed.
  • Earth, roots, boulders, and any combinations thereof that suggest the presence of insects. This one is pretty hard to explain, but, uh...
  • ... Actually, let's just say "nature".
  • Moving at "high" speeds and/or heights. I'm afraid of swing sets, motorcycles et cetera... (Actually using them, I mean, not just seeing them.)
  • Embarrassment/humiliation.
  • Being squeezed in with lots of other people. Not sure if this counts as claustrophobia, because I don't mind small spaces as long as I'm alone in there.
I usually don't care about bugs; sometimes they're kind of gross but it's like eh whatever, and buzzy ones make me nervous, but I wouldn't call those phobias. I also find things like cicadas cute because I'm a freak like that.

, however, are the bane of my existence. And they live in my walls and like to chill out in my bathroom. :'(

Also failure, I guess. Not so much individual failures, but the fact that I know where I want my life to go, know that it isn't in any way traditional/conventional and because of that I'm probably not going to have a lot of support, and, hell, my career choice is a pretty shaky one too. Other people in my family have tried similar things to what I'm trying (career-wise, anyway) and they're all still living with their parents into their late 20's and working shit jobs. There's no way I'm ending up like that too. (Granted, they all had awful business sense and failed at capitalizing on opportunities. 'let's turn down the offer to live rent-free in LA and pursue a movie career to stay here and try to make movies in some state that half the country hasn't even heard of!')

Other than that, things that people are usually afraid of tend to fascinate me, even if they scare the shit out of me at the same time.

  • Wearing open-toed shoes.

  • Guns, even if fake.

  • HUUUUUUGE stage-fright. (Although I often have to get up on stage anyway. The universe hates me.)
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