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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Do you have any fears or phobias?

I'm totally okay with a lot of things people find scary - I don't mind creepy-crawlies of any stripe (everywhere I've lived, I've been the designated "take the spider/wasp/moth outside" person), I love rodents (I had pet rats for years <3), and I really enjoy public speaking (I get to be the centre of attention yay :D).

I don't like lifts (elevators for USians) - it's partly a fear of being in a small space, partly a fear of being shmushed in with other people (I don't like strangers touching me) and partly being in a metal, airtight coffin suspended by wires hundreds of feet up.

I also freak out massively over loud banging noises. I don't like balloons very much (I feel anxious the whole time I'm in a room with balloons and somebody who might pop one), and loud, sudden noises like cars backfiring make me jump way more than anyone else around and it takes me forever to get my pulse back to normal afterwards. I suspect I was shot in a past life. :)

Also, pregnancy.

That's everything I can think of offhand.
I am mildly afraid of heights and I'm a bit claustrophobic

don't mind creepy-crawlies of any stripe (everywhere I've lived, I've been the designated "take the spider/wasp/moth outside" person),

yeah, me too, although I usually use some kind of plastic container for wasps because those motherfuckers hurt, seriously
I usually don't care about bugs; sometimes they're kind of gross but it's like eh whatever, and buzzy ones make me nervous, but I wouldn't call those phobias. I also find things like cicadas cute because I'm a freak like that.

, however, are the bane of my existence. And they live in my walls and like to chill out in my bathroom. :'(

...Man, I'll never get what people have against these guys. :C They're awesome. They even poison wasps and watch them die. They sometimes hang in my room actually, but usually my washroom.
Of course that said, I'm a rather blatant bug-person, so to speak. For the most part I adore the creepy crawlies. I've got an utter fascination with spiders, centipedes, all sorts of things people tend to find terrifying. Moths are also my favourite things ever, I'm always so upset when people get uppity about that.. they're so adorable. :C
Also Cicadas, Roaches, Mantis'... The ONLY thing I fear, is wasps. Not bees, but.. wasps. Fuuuuuuuucking wasps.
"A wasp entering an office has roughly the same effect as a crazed gunman.
'Oh god, here he comes!'
'Just find out what he wants and gives it to him!'
'Do you want my daughter? Take my daughter!'"

So yeah. Nasty buggers. I think it mostly stems from how many liked building nests in the bright plastic forts that kids tend to enjoy without stingbeasts. >:I

Other phobias, the ever present needle-phobia. In general, small pokey things getting under my skin- hngjrrkkkk i dont even.
To put in in perspective I've fainted in the doc's office before.
It's funny because I plan to go to university in nursing courses once I move.

Also a slightly less explanatory one... Rail crossings. I cannot explain, I've never been involved in a train-related-anything, I've never even been on a train, but for as long as I can remember I've gotten this terrified sinking feeling like suddenly one is going to smash right into the car while crossing, even if I can clearly see there's none anywhere within visual range. I tend to look back and forth to check for them maniacally, or otherwise (considering I'm not driving..) shut my eyes tight and duck my head down. Or try the whole 'happy place' train of thought.

Also: Loss. Just.. in general. And coinciding, the unknown. Queue panic attacks for that one, I'm sure you see where that leads. I:
Embarassing myself in front of certain members of the female species. Along the lines of that subject, rejection by said members.

Death is a big fear of mine (or rather, what happens afterwards)

Also, I used to be afraid of roller coasters, until I was peer pressured into riding this
In short, it was worth the hour and a half wait.
Getting pregnant or having a child (I don't know why, but the idea scares me more than anything else)
This, although it may be because the only conceivable way would be by xenomorph. And that looks pretty painful.
Or seahorse, but I don't see how that would work.

I used to be afraid of theoretical heights, until I decided to actually look over the banister at the top of my school.
Wasn't so bad. 'Don't look down' is balls.
Also, pregnancy.

This, although it may be because the only conceivable way would be by xenomorph. And that looks pretty painful.
Or seahorse, but I don't see how that would work.

I'm not the only one! I've never been able to convince anyone that it's actually a genuine phobia and not just "not understanding the miracle of BABIES!" or whatever.
I don't really have any... phobias, persay. Except unfamiliar social situations. They give me like these heart attacks.

Just today, I went to a place where I knew nobody and was left alone there without my parents or anything. And I almost like... freaked. I had to stay calm. Lots of social anxiety. It stems from a fear I have, an INTENSE fear, of being criticized. I'm really afraid of people saying negative things about me. And looking stupid and being embarrassed. (I used to have mini panic attacks when I first joined this place, in fact, that someone would negatively criticize my posts.)

Also, because of a virus my computer got, I tend to freak out whenever something weird happens. Like when it starts loading slow or something. I'm really afraid of anything happening to it, as well as my internet going. I'd lose everything.

I'm afraid too of getting old. To me, it just seems to symbolize losing your prime and your identity. You're not... the main character anymore in your life, or something. Since young people are what's new and hip and old people get shafted. It's hard to explain, but I don't want to get shafted. I don't even know if that makes sense. Having kids too because it means to me that I'm no longer just taking care of myself. I live for more than one person and lose my identity. I guess I'm just generally afraid of losing my identity.

Also, afraid of becoming evil. Yeah. I just don't want to become some bad hypocritical person who ends up alone and is mean and bitter and nobody likes.

For less psychological fears, I'm also afraid of the typical bugs. I scream like a little girl. One time, a cockroach that wouldn't go away and my dad refused to kill brought me to hysterical tears. Yes, really. Don't like spiders either on their own and because I associate them with screaming due to my mom's HUGE phobia of them.
Oh, I nearly forgot this motherfucker who has repeatedly made me afraid to go upstairs because he might be hiding in my parents' bedroom, or be on just the other side of my bedroom door.


, however, are the bane of my existence. And they live in my walls and like to chill out in my bathroom. :'(

mother of fuck why did I click that

Heights; spiders, when above the waist when I have no shoes; large flying insects like wasps, especially those that make noise, like large individual houseflies and bees, but moths and butterflies are totally okay though, even in close proximity; miscarriages and various birth defects without much apparent cause, such as harlequin-type icthyosis and spina bifida. Actually especially harlequin-type ichtyosis. I want to have children when I'm older, but I've had nightmares about having children with birth defects and being unable to deal with it... I also have trypophobia- it's one of the few things that'll make me lose my appetite. I'm not a very squeamish person and I'm usually surprised at things people don't want to talk about while eating.
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Just today, I went to a place where I knew nobody and was left alone there without my parents or anything. And I almost like... freaked. I had to stay calm. Lots of social anxiety. It stems from a fear I have, an INTENSE fear, of being criticized. I'm really afraid of people saying negative things about me. And looking stupid and being embarrassed. (I used to have mini panic attacks when I first joined this place, in fact, that someone would negatively criticize my posts.)

I have something similar to this, I think. First, I'm afraid to say anything at all to someone I don't know, even if it's really minor. I guess the "don't talk to strangers" lesson for kids really got to me or something.

I'm afraid of saying things that make other people angry. I think this ties in with how I'm really afraid of people saying bad things about a specific other person (resulting in me having to assume everyone hates said person from the start to avoid me being "scared" or whatever it is).

I think I'm just too protective of myself and others is all, but who knows?
Females. Err, rather talking to females. I get all nervous and clumsy...

Spiders. No idea why. I can hold a snake, but not get within five feet of a spider before screeching and running away/grabbing something and demolishing the general area the spider was in/something else ridicolous.

ALIENS. I've been morbidly afraid of them for quite a decent while... I have these weird dreams. They involve me getting killed. By aliens.

Parasites, flesh eating viruses or major physical alterations of myself.

Quicksand. Never seen any, luckily.

"Infected" people. Sort of like those in I Am Legend.
Oh, I nearly forgot this motherfucker who has repeatedly made me afraid to go upstairs because he might be hiding in my parents' bedroom, or be on just the other side of my bedroom door.


Oh jesus christ my friends make fun of me for being paranoid at night because of slender man. :<

Not sure if it's a phobia or not, because I love him design/concept-wise and stuff... it probably falls under my 'it freaks me the hell out but I still love it' thing I mentioned before.

L'il Dwagie said:
...Man, I'll never get what people have against these guys. :C They're awesome.

But they move all fast and have like a zillion legs and they get to be fucking huge, and I hate it when they're on my ceiling because it's like aaaaaaah don't fall on me and D: D: D: D8!
I have trypophobia. basically, seeing clusters of holes grouped together freaks me out. although generally this only extends to biological stuff like open pores and parasites.

this one time, I saw a (photoshopped) picture of a maggot-infested boob. I literally couldn't sleep or eat for the rest of the day.
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since steele mentioned it, i remember when i was like... 1st-2nd grade, i guess? i always watched animal planet and saw all these horrible parasite programs. left me paranoid for a while about eating beef. also finding everything i could about aliens when i was ten freaked me out.
~If I see a cockroach in my house, I jump about 2 feet.

~Also, I don't know if this is actual fear, but I sometimes just drop out of an activity (usually climbing or something) because I see what's ahead of me and think, "That's too much, too dangerous, and I don't wanna risk it".
I'm afraid of spiders, stinging bugs, huge dogs, porcelain dolls, and holy crap, 'Slender Man' now has me freaked out. xD even though he is a total fabrication... I'm afraid of a lot of stuff, can't think of it all at the moment.
I don't see what's wrong with Slender man. He looks sorta like Cabadath, and he's adorable.

Oh, and if a social event is perfectly planned up to the meeting point, I bail.
Really, I'm terrified of waiting. No, really. I can't get somewhere early, but I can't arrive too late, so I need to know when the optimal time of arrival is.
After that point, I prefer not knowing. Weird, no?
I don't really like insects that move super fast and have a million legs but it's not really a phobia since I can deal with them alright. I don't think I have any proper phobias, really, except maybe fear of failure and abandonment.
I have three weird paranoias though: during the day while walking about I'll sometimes get a bit nervous and wonder whether some man's going to round the corner and shoot me. Whenever I'm on an escalator I keep thinking I'll slip or something and fall down the sharp metal steps and crack my neck. And the last one is getting my achile's tendon slashes. There's no context for this fear, sometimes it'll even be just when I'm sitting down alone in a room and suddenly I'll worry about it.

I don't really know the cause of any of these but oh well

edit: actually the gun thing is kind of general. I'm okay around replicas or fake guns or whatever but if I know there's a real gun with real bullets around I'll be scared as hell the whole time. I hate guns. But I'm conflicted because I think old guns look pretty! Oh no
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