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Do you think you're attractive?

r u hawt?

  • Sizzlingly so

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • Not particularly

    Votes: 42 47.7%

    Votes: 13 14.8%
  • Sometimes...

    Votes: 28 31.8%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't class myself as particularly attractive--if I remember, I'll find the camera cable and take a photo for the Behind the Avatar thread. I can't think of anything more to say, so~
Naw, I'm not attractive...
Sometimes I think I look rather ugly, sometimes I'm "Eh, okay" and sometimes things work out pretty good. Kind of.
In general, it's people telling me I look pretty and should put more effort into my appearance (wear skimpy stuff, make-up, etc.) and me blinking at them in confusion and going "Uh... really?... okay..."
*scratches head* I admit to practising some of my expressions in the mirror to see if they are bearable to look at. (Sometimes they aren't...)
Also, I seem to look pretty good on video, pretty bad in photographs, and... something in between in real life...

Also to be trendy I will post about other people being attractive... or something.
I used to refuse to put any effort into looking nice, but then I really started to get bugged when people at school would pull at my clothing (pull down the long socks or such) and laugh or look disgusted because I didn't shave my legs. I don't mind if people don't love the look of me but being looked at like a pile of vomit is unsettling! (They probably did that because they didn't like my personality and that contributed to their opinion of my appearance, though.)
But I think wearing lots of make-up constantly is a waste of time and it looks really fake and obvious, and people shouldn't wear 3 shades of eye shadow and bright sparkly lip gloss to school every day.
Finding people attractive, um... it's amazing how much effort people go to! I have met very few people who are genuinely ugly, and people I really like stand out as pretty despite whatever the previously perceived reality may have been in my mind. There was a guy who I thought was rather plain in the looks department, perhaps even ugly, but then I met him and found out he was a really nice guy and amusingly enough I eventually began to think that there was a really pretty shade of colour in his eyes and things like that. (This happens with friends on the small scale also- once I had a friend who when I didn't know her, she seemed sort of ugly as a first impression, but then when I met her properly and we started talking her appearance became second nature and ceased to bother me... everyone's appearance has its own unique charm.)
People finding me attractive just confuses me! Random compliments like "...hey you know, you have really pretty eyes!" (I started laughing at that one. Because it was right in the middle of a completely unrelated conversation.) and friends who tell me about how I'm gifted in the looks department... ehe...
Then there was the time I told my friend about this guy who randomly decided to hug me (three times...), and she was all "If he ever hurts you I'm going to hunt him down. You're too beautiful" and stuff and that guy is confusing enough already and I was like "Whoa." at her.
I don't consider myself drop dead gorgeous, but I'm not particularly ugly either. But I'm don't consider myself average. I guess I consider myself fairly attractive for the most part.
To quote myself, "No sane boy would ever want to go out with me."

In short, no.
I tend to avoid flourescent lights, cameras, and mirrors. It's a force of habit.

Although I usually have no confidence in anything I say or do. So yeah.

Expecially if I'm the center of attention. So I avoid that too.
I frankly couldn't care less. I believe my personality is something more important than my appearance. I've gotten into arguments with my mom, who wants me to look nice even if I'm not aware of it. >> Hm. If I get a camera, I might put up my picture on the Behind the Avatar thread. :P
I'm not attractive.

As a counterpoint to all the 'People won't date you unless you're attractive' discussion, both my boyfriend and I did not find one another attractive when we met. I just started to really like him anyway because he was cuddly and adorably nerdy and liked to blabber about things that fascinated him and was ridiculously nice to everyone, I spent a few days of not-so-subtle first-time flirting, he picked up on it and found it cute (and was Not That Picky), we ended up together, started to appreciate one another even better, and ta-da, madly in love. Being madly in love, incidentally, skews your perception so that where you previously thought 'okay kinda chubby nerdy guy with crazy curly hair' you start thinking 'awww so cuuuuuute must cuddle and MOST AWESOME HAIR IN THE WORLD and oh god those adorable ears I could spend hours obsessively stroking that earlobe'. And apparently I look better naked. (He doesn't, but perception-skewing still now says he is the Cutest Guy In The Universe.)

So yeah. You can be attracted to someone despite how they look.
Well, I'm hideous and otherwise totally unlovable. So I'm still in the "unattractive" pile. Hooray =D

And apparently I look better naked.
Thank you for sharing. xD
No I am not attractive. I am happy with some individual features but they do not look good together. Loev my hair
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Not really, no. But my best friends say that every boy in my grade (and they'll probably be coming to the same school this year) has a crush on me. Is that why some seem so desprate, some tease, and some act cool about it? There are times where my best friend's little brother takes the phone and says "I love you, Khaelin!" That's weird... A boy asked me out in the store, and he was completly random...So, they may think I am, but I don't.
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