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Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [GM Win]


Uh, I didn't do it.
Silence, Doctor, Silence will fall.

Earth, United States of America, 1969.

For three months they travelled across the United States, searching for something they couldn't even remember. Something in the dark. That thing you see with the corner of your eye. The shadows in the night, the darkness. The Silence around you as your heart stops, frozen in fear as you listen, you think you see something, though you will never remember what you saw.

Amy Pond, the girl who waited; her husband Rory Williams, the Last Centurion; and River Song, the woman who even the Doctor hadn't met yet, all of them were searching, waiting... counting.

They were planting the seeds of a new revolution in America, and the Silence will fall.

All PMs are sent. If you didn't receive a PM, you do not have a role.

Signup Thread


1. NO out of thread communication for innocents. (Unless you are Amy/Rory) Mafia may talk amongst each other ONLY.
2. You do not send your action for two nights (if you have one) you will be modkilled. No exceptions. You may opt to withhold your action for a later time if you wish.
3. Doctors may not self heal.
4. You may not post your PM.
5. Have fun.

Remember this isn't like other mafias, it runs more like a story. Flavor text at times can be very important, and may have clues hidden inside. It can also be merely plot development, as those who have played my Who mafia before.

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Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 0]

So I wrote a huge first post, with story and everything and it was shiney and great... Then when I go to post SERVER BUSY and everything falls into the void never to be seen again.

I will rewrite when I stop crying over it.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 0]

you could have copy and pasted it. (like i did when i was gonna post my poem on the writing thread)

Of couse, it'll be easier for you to write it again since you already written it once.


someone should do something about it.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 0]

They can't. It's a problem that happens; haven't you seen the ridiculous amount of threads about it where the mods say they can't help? I've had problems too; save large posts in Notepad or something.

Sorry about that, Phantom. I've had things like that too. :(
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 0]


Though note due to extreeme displeasure it won't be as epic a post as it was.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 1]

All night actions are in.

Begin Day 1.

In a large empty warehouse sits a man chained to a chair with a bag over his head. No ordinary man, as one could most likely tell by the multiple guards posted around him in a circle. Hard soled footsteps echo through the warehouse as a man in a black suit approaches the chained man.

Canton Delaware orders one of the guards to remove the bag from the Doctor's head. The Doctor squints as he is attacked by the pure whiteness of the room, "Well Doctor," Canton says as the Doctor regains his vision, "Been a while. I think it's time we had a little chat."

The Doctor laughed to himself, "I take it your not here for tea then?" The Doctor was surprised at the rasp that was his voice, "Or is it coffee?"

Canton couldn't help but smile back, "In all seriousness Doctor, I'm here to talk about your 'companions'." The Doctor's hearts sunk, Have they found them? Canton put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a notecard, "Target Squirrel confirmed dead. 2116 HRS, " he read. Then he ripped it in half and watched the pieces fall to the floor. "Squirrel gave us a bit of a chase, but we found them in the end."

A lump sat in the Doctor's throat, They can't be dead, then his anger started to boil inside him, "Why?" he said, pulling against the chains, "Why Canton!? They were your friends too. What did they do to deserve this?!"

Canton smiled and kneeled in front of the Doctor, "I don't need to tell you why, you should already know, Doctor." His smile grew wider, "But I will tell you this, we're hunting them nationwide. They've got nowhere to hide; now that they're America's Top Wanted numbers 1, 2, and, well I guess we already took our number 2."

The Doctor had nothing more to say.

Squirrel is dead. She was innocent.

48 hours for discussion or until majority is reached.
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Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 1]

I'm glad you rewrote the opening post, though, because it's really good (Squirrel being dead notwithstanding). We didn't get to 'see' the body, but I take it from what Canton's saying that her death was a Mafiakill.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 1]

So, I suppose that the "3" being dead means that whoever got the third envelope was the one who died? Meaning Squirrel was either River Song, Rory Williams, or Amy Pond?

... I don't know much at all about Doctor Who, sorry. I didn't see it on the wiki.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 1]

...huh. Phantom edited the text from "we got out number 3" to "number 2". That's almost certianly significant, but I have no idea why. I assumed that the 3 was referring to Amy, Rory and the Doctor (since they'd already caught one of them), but given River's on the run, too, that doesn't make a lot of sense.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 1]

Hey Phantom, get Firefox, and if you already have it/another browser with Add-on compatibility, Lazaurus Word Recovery is your friend.

Has anyone else noticed ole_schooler being unusually quiet instead of talkative and helpful? Because I did.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 1]

Has anyone else noticed ole_schooler being unusually quiet instead of talkative and helpful? Because I did.

:P For the record, I'm at my most helpful when I'm Mafia. And if someone else pops up real quick as wanting to lynch me right away, I'm calling Silence on one of you.

I agree with the 1, 2, 3 meaning either Rory, Amy, or River was killed (since the Doc is already in custody), and I'm assuming it wasn't Amy or Rory, else we'd have two deaths. (Unless someone was healed out of it, possible, but less likely.) Based on the list of roles, I would have said Rory, but maybe River rates a number 2 spot.

In other news, Mai, what do you mean by envelopes? (I haven't seen the episode(s) this game was based on, but you say you haven't either...)
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 1]

The envelopes thing is from (I don't think it really counts as a spoiler since it all happens in the first ten minutes) the start of the newest series of Who, where Rory and Amy, River and old!Canton are summoned (by numbered Tardis-blue envelopes) to meet the Doctor at a place in the US. Shortly after everyone meets up, the Doctor goes over to the shoreline, where someone in an astronaut suit has just come out of the water and then is killed by the astronaut with no chance of regeneration. But then a slightly younger version of the Doctor shows up with a numbered envelope, and doesn't know that everyone else has seen his future self die. Then they all go on the run from the government and get killed (only not really).

Tl;dr - the current series is off it's head. As someone said on Twitter "For those confused by Doctor Who's interlocking plotlines, they DO make sense if you consult my handy diagram."
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 0]

I'm gonna abstain so Ole_Schooler doesn't get lynched for no reason.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 1]

I don't know anything about Doctor Who but I voteabstain to balance out the votes.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 1]

ole_schooler |
Abstain ||

Hours passed and the Doctor had no more visits from Canton. The whole time the Doctor tried to sort through a million different thoughts. What if Canton had been influenced by the Silence? The Doctor tried to push that thought back in his mind. He would have to wait until Canton arrived.

Though he was unsure of whether it was night or day outside the Doctor attempted to rest. At least for a while. Maybe his dreams would help him figure things out.

No one was lynched.

Begin night phase. 48 hours for night actions.
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Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 1]


Any night actions not sent in will not happen.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 1]

Time has expired.

Not all night actions were received.

The Doctor was barely awake when he heard multiple footsteps walking across the cold warehouse floor. The Doctor watched as at least four construction workers walked in, with them, Canton.

The workers began to talk amongst themselves and making plans and Canton approached the Doctor. Canton must have noticed the Doctor's questioning eyes and smiled, "A little remodel. Right on schedule. We need to add a new room, I think," he pointed at the Doctor, "this is the perfect spot."

"We'll let them work, in the meantime we found one of your friends."

"One of them?" The Doctor asked. He almost didn't want to ask the next question but it came out anyway. "Who?"

Now Canton looked frustrated, "That's the thing, we don't know. But,"he said as he paced in front of the Doctor, "we know it was one of them. We didn't get them, it was close, there was another casualty. You will be happy to know it wasn't one of your friends." Then he looked at the Doctor, "And not-so-happy that it was an innocent you tried to help your friends."

A fury welled up inside the Doctor, then he remembered, this was the plan, but part of the plan was for no one to get hurt! He let the fury fade as he remained silent.

Canton, seeing the Doctor wasn't in the mood for more conversation left, the workers followed, leaving the Doctor alone with his jailers.

Mai is dead. She was innocent.

48 hours for discussion/until majority vote is reached.
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