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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

I have to say that I do believe in a God, and in afterlife. Like Dark Shocktail said, sometimes you just have feelings, and you have to have faith. I don't believe in evolution.

Okay, I wasn't going to comment on this until I got to the last part -- why on earth would any sane person not believe in evolution? It isn't something you 'believe' in, it's something that happened.
congratulations, you have the same amount of evidence for your new religion as christianity does
But the Bible says... has to be the most annoying phrase ever. (or any variation on that same theme.)


your holy book doesn't contain an accurate history of the world and the universe. It probably doesn't even make much sense in context, either.
GameFreakerZero and Xikaze: If evolution was possible, then how come monkeys don't turn into people now? And how was evolution ever proved?
GameFreakerZero and Xikaze: If evolution was possible, then how come monkeys don't turn into people now? And how was evolution ever proved?

Because that's not how evolution works?

And read On the Origin of Species, kthxbye.
GameFreakerZero and Xikaze: If evolution was possible, then how come monkeys don't turn into people now? And how was evolution ever proved?

I couldn't find an image suitable of the amount of facepalm I need in this situation.

A note to all people who do not accept evolution as a theory:
Humans did not evolve from monkeys, humans share a common ancestor with them.

Monkeys don't evolve into humans now because monkeys are perfectly adapted to their environment with their tails and their tree climbing and etcetera, however they likely do evolve to fit their environment constantly based on what monkeys get eaten or killed by the dangers of the wild, and what monkeys don't and get to breed with other monkeys who've survived.

You cannot draw a straight line of evolution that goes, "bacteria -> plant -> fish -> amphibian -> reptile -> bird -> mammal -> monkey -> ape -> human", we're not the 'top' of evolution, we're as much animals as anything else and we share common ancestors with other animals. The reason animals aren't evolving 'towards' us is because we fit a completely different environment; one where tools and braininess are the best weapons to survival, meanwhile other animals are suited to their environments.

As for the "how was evolution proved," 1. Evolution has never been proven 100% and likely never will, it's a theory, and a very, very likely one at that, 2. read this site, basically, and Origin of the Species, and maybe a science text book that doesn't claim evolution is "just" a theory.

tl;dr, learn yourself some science before trying to point out inaccuracies based on your own lack of knowledge.

EDIT: Oh and you never answered my question :<
^Thanks for at least explaining that. I still don't believe in evolution, and I probly never will, but at least I can understand why some people believe that theory.

Oh, and what was your other question?
how does one believe in evolution anyway
i guess it's like do you believe it happened?
also these are relevant i guess:

See, this is what happens when we talk about evolution on a Pokemon based forum. We get a bunch of kids that think "BLOB EVOLVED INTO SNAIL LOLOLOL".
If I'm not mistaken, that happens to be spam, therefore, I should tell a mod. It has nothing to do with this subject, so go spam someone elses forum.

Anywho, I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that creation was proved because it was written in the bible. But, then again, so was that homosexuality and shellfish are evil, so, you can't really trust that.
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