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Well, my dream last night was epic...it was a road trip from hell.....aka we were being chased or something or the police/government thought we were criminals. And we almost ended up in Alaska but some kind lady in Alabama (Yes, in this dream Alabama was close to Alaska....and Alaska could be driven to) let us sleep at her place...and I think she got us stuff so we could go back home. We never made it back but when I awoke I was like "I'M BACK!"
Last night, I dreamed I was a bird or something (again, which was awesome) and there was a flying contest or something, where there were rings of magical levitating buoys that were levitating about 10 feet above one another, and they went up to 500 feet (so presumably there were 50 rings of levitating buoys), and the goal of the contest was... I actually can't remember. I remember flying up high, and then diving down really fast, and catching myself about 10 feet above the ground, and flying up again. It was so fun!

I don't think there was anywhere to take off near the buoys, though, so I went over to a cliff a while away and jumped off of that to get into the air. I also watched others fly, and they were pretty good too.

I'm guessing I was a Swellow, since that was what I was last time I dreamed I was a bird, but I'm not sure.
About a week or two ago I had a dream that I was married to Teddy Roosevelt (a former US President). He was dying, so I had to take him to the hospital by carriage for some reason. After we got there, he turned into a cat and jumped into a weird pool-type thing where my father's co-workers proceeded to drown him. Also, Princess Celestia was there.
I had a dream where my sister was watching Supernatural and on the show somebody got demonically possessed and strangled somebody else.

This is why I'm not allowed to watch horror movies ever! (This dream was brought to you by Insidious)
I've been reading too much Jurassic Park lately. I dreamed that I was reliving the beginning of the book where Guiterrez finds the howler monkey eating the dead lizard and then I magically appeared in front of some huge building after reporting my find to some scientist.
I had a dream that I was given a tiny shark that was about an inch long without even asking for one (nor did I particularly want one), then it died because I wasn't given anything better than the glass fishbowls I have to keep it in and I was told off for killing it because it was so expensive.

That segued into a dream-game of League of Legends where we were winning so hard and one of our team members kept trying to surrender because the other team consisted of all assassin-type characters. I pointed out that they had absolutely nothing to keep them from getting killed instantly and that we were ahead in both kills and destroyed turrets, but before I could see if we actually won or not I was woken up by a friend texting me asking how my games last night went.

:[ It's become an addiction.
I was living with my mom and a couple of my friends when my suicidal thoughts came back. All of a sudden this random boy came and started living with me (he always wore green for some reason) and soon we fell in love. However, my mother forbid me that I should see him or come in contact with him. She then started to tell me that I was really ugly when I ate and that I had to eat in another room.

As I went to another room, the boy followed me and we started talking about how we both went to the same hospital and surprisingly occupied the same room. However, I quickly remembered that that was untrue, as I got confused with which room was which.
I had a strange dream last night:
I heard that Boromir was a dragon rider the commander of something called the "Hammer Squad". It reminded me of Thor from Stargate, because he is a commander as well. Later, I had an idea based on a DeviantArt contest about making a legendary evolution of a non-legendary Pokémon (that exists in real life). I thought of a World Turtle version of Torterra, which had another Norse Mythology reference in it because of a big tree being in the middle of the world. Later, I was watching snow fall on a mountain and thought something like: "There will be more snow after some years, and eventually, it will recrystalize." That's all I remember from this dream.
Had several odd dreams recently, so I'll post them here. (Copy-and-paste'd from my "keeping track of weird dreams" text files, pretty much unedited except for the little notes added in italics here and there.)


Apparently Julia [my little sister] and I were talking about some movie that was supposed to be coming out soon. She had somehow seen a few parts of the movie (from the previews?), but not the storyline-related parts, so we were trying to figure out what happened in the movie based on what she had seen.

The main character of the movie seemed to be this teenager-looking guy with brownish hair that was kinda spikey. He was apparently a vampire, along with several other characters I can't remember. There was also a demonic-looking guy with horns and a cape, and for some reason a lot of random Pokémon. The teenager had to go to some weird dark place with bluish-green grass, which looked similar to the Realm of Darkness in Kingdom Hearts. There was an ocean, and a full moon, and a bunch of little islands off in the distance somewhere. At some point in the movie, the guy had to learn how to fly in order to get over to the other islands, and in the movie flying involved jumping several times and launching off in midair like you were kicking off from something, and then spinning around rapidly to speed up. The guy had a hard time at first and kept dipping too low and almost getting into the water, but eventually got the hang of it and reached the islands... where he kept running into random Pokémon (including a huge Metapod just kind of hanging out on a little island by itself), and was really confused by them. The demon guy was on the islands, and apparently several other characters that I can't remember (I think the teenager guy was trying to save his girlfriend or something... I can't remember.)

Later, me and Julia actually went to a theater where this movie was playing, and apparently Julia had heard some spoilers about the movie from some fat guy who was sitting in the front room of the theater before we went in to see it. Apparently the movie was a lot different than the previews suggested--learning how to fly actually wasn't really all that important (apparently it's only used once or twice in the whole movie), and the demonic-looking guy wasn't actually supposed to be a demon or anything like that.


I was at the nursing home visiting my grandma, and she mentioned that someone she knew had found a bag full of guns and a stack of old magazines in an abandoned house recently. They were going to just throw them away, but Grandma was able to convince them to give them to me instead.

The dream ended before I actually got to see either the guns or the magazines, though.


Several countries were all at war over one small area (looked like an old town with a mountain/cliff area behind it), though I'm not sure why. Everyone's military uniforms looked more like superhero suits or something GI Joe action figures would have--the Americans had red suits with American flags across the chest, somebody else had blue, somebody had purple, and I think there were a few others like black and brown, too. The American soldiers were coming up through the sewer of the city to fight the others that were already there, and somebody apparently had gotten tired of all the fighting and just wanted to drop a nuke on the place. Then they realized that they weren't allowed to use nukes, so instead they came up with a REGULAR bomb that was just ludicrously huge (the thing looked more like a zeppelin when it was first dropping, because it was just that big.) The bomb dropped really, really slowly, and I grabbed the kittens [three small kittens that we recently took in after someone dumped them along the side of the road] and ran away from the place where all this was happening.

Sometime later, after the bomb had dropped, the city and the cliffs behind it were completely flattened (nothing but a big crater was left) and I was hanging around somewhere far to the west of the area with the kittens. There was a set of bleachers sitting out in a field, which the kittens were playing in--Midget [the smallest of the kittens, who has black shiny fur and really big goofy-looking eyes and ears] was on the seat part in the front, rolling around all goobery. Edward Elric was also there for some reason, and he seemed very angry that they blew up the whole city.
I remember a dream in which I had some kind of plant growing out of my face. It's strange how in some dreams, getting my leg stuck in a door hurts horribly, while in other dreams, I don't even feel stuff that would probably be painful in reality.
I had a weird dream some time ago that I was some kind of monkey hopping along a bridge and playing a tamborine, but then I fell down. I had to follow the ants to find the birds' hole in the ground, and as I began to bargain something for the return of bird hostages (who were actually members of both Nidoran families), I suddenly somehow got into a snowy city, and I was human. Suddenly, all of my friends from a school club popped up, with one of them being a wheelchair. Also, instead of some kind of blanket over his legs, he had an American flag. I dunno, but anyway, we all started running from a sudden avalanche, which magically disappeared when we turned a corner onto another street. We turned back and began to loot the town, but I remember looking behind us and seeing some guy with a jackhammer, who I almost called a jackass. Then we started to climb some kind of spiral stairway to somewhere, but we had to go through all these dungeons, but only I was going through the dungeons. The first was some kind of Egyptian tomb, and I had the ability to change into a genie lamp, which was the only way I could get to some places. However, if I fell into water while I was a lamp, I would change back into a human, and not be able to complete the dungeon. I woke up while I was dreaming about myself being a lamp jumping down a waterfall.
I remember something about my crush, getting two new stuffed animals, and not knowing which one I was going to bring to school or sleep with. I think both crushes were there, actually... Maybe each one gave me a doll (one was a monkey and the other was a chicken) and I had to choose which one I liked better, kind of like how now I'm having a really hard time decided which one I like more :(
I had a dream in which I saw someone fight Michael from Stargate Atlantis. Then, he showed up for a lesson instead of a teacher (most likely a Biology lesson, we don't have any other subjects in that classroom) and since then, I considered that classroom "Michael's classroom" even though the normal teacher returned.

It's strange how my dream self sometimes recognizes something, but it doesn't look like what it is supposed to be, a part of me realizes it, and I still don't recognize that it's a dream. For example: In the dream with Michael in it, I saw someone who looked a bit strange. His skin was dark grayish blue, sleek and strangely shiny, but there are uglier aliens in Star Trek, and some of them are even good guys. This one looked a bit like something between an Andorian and one of those gray guys that were supposed to crash in Roswell. He didn't look ugly, just... alien. But I looked away because I considered him ugly and thought: "Oh no, it's one of those monsters! Michael must have brought them with him!" Then I thought: "But those things are supposed have black exoskeletons." And I still didn't know it was a dream.
If I realize that I'm just dreaming, it usually comes out of nowhere. Once, I even forgot that it was a dream and remembered it later
I sometimes imagine strange things in my dreams, like being something inanimate or very strange, sometimes not even solid. But I just imagine it, it doesn't actually happen in the dreams. The feeling of positive strangeness (I don't know how to describe it) is the same as in reality, just much stronger.
I had the weirdest dream last night :o I know supposedly they only last 10-15 minutes, but it felt like it lasted all night xD I didn't realize I was dreaming, either. Basically I dreamed that I woke up and everything was changed and different. I was like an inch tall kitteh and everything else was normal size. Thank god for claws because (I know it was a dream but still) I don't think I could have climbed down the covers of the bed to the floor without them XP Oh. And the house was apparently crawling with these little creatures everywhere that were friendly but..I dunno. They were kind of eccentric in how they talked an everything. They didn't have mouths, so I don't even know how they talked xD It felt like I was inside of a video game, which I guess is what I get for playing Zelda 'til I fall asleep x3 I'll draw a picture of what the creatures looked like (if I can remember it right) and write a more detailed thing of what happened, and edit them into this post ^.^
I've decided to mention some dreams that were unpleasant, but either wouldn't contain that much negative emotions if i was myself in my dreams or were just plain weird. But it's probably normal for my real-life personality to get pushed aside like this. so, some dreams included:
Falling from a giant cake while holding my blanket (being scared might be realistic, but the situation wasn't)
Having problems with a white ghost thing in a computer game which exists, but the ghost isn't there. (I had more dreams about that game, and they might have been recurring. But I might also have thought so because of fake dream memories).
Being eaten by a dinosaur that came alive in a museum (This time I am sure the dream repeated itself several times in a row).
Alright, last night I had a dream that everyone from my school had to start living at my old elementary school. While living there, I confronted my crush and asked him if there was any chance we could be together. He said, "No, not a chance. We're different species." So I still stalked him and took pictures of him when he didn't know it. Then I had a buffed-out clone that was supposed to party and whatnot for me while I studied all summer break. I took a short break and found my other friend, Jon. He was all like, "Every time I see you I get wet," and I was like, "You have a vagina?" and he just ran away, leaving me and my best friend to wonder what the hell was going on. We then destroyed my aunt's house.
I recently had a dream where my (14-year-old) sister was pregnant, and each part of the dream showed a different part of her pregnancy.

...She was PISSED when I told her about it the next day.
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