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Open Dry Bowser's Reign


Actually more of a harmour fan
In a gigantic rectangular room painted red and gold, there were two... things. One, a gigantic turtle with huge spikes covering its shell, stood on a levitating platform, and the other was basically a bipedal turtle, standing below on the floor and looking up at the other.

"Welcome, Dry Bones," boomed the mammoth turtle, stomping a white foot on the ground.

The small turtle, who was apparently Dry Bones, bowed his head. "I am honored to be a new recruit."

"You will learn how to behave around here," the spiked tortoise replied. "I will take you in, and teach you how to be my minion." He opened his bony jaws and roared intimidatingly, signaling it to be a promise.

"Yes, Dry Bowser. I have had no experience with this before, so I may not meet your standards right away."

"It is not expected to be perfect before training. Come, Dry Bones, and we will start your minionhood."

Dry Bowser pulled a lever, and his platform lowered to the ground. He stepped off and lumbered up to Dry Bones, leading the small villain out into the rest of the castle.

Before this, Dry Bowser has become rivals with Bowser after beating him to the throne. Infuriated, Bowser joined Mario's team to overthrow Dry Bowser with company. Everyone, Even Dry Bowser, was very surprised, but no one has given up yet. Which side will you take?


1. First things first. This isn't really a rule, but I'd like to let you all know that Darksong and I will be running this RP. I will be playing Dry Bowser and she will be playing a Dry Bones.
2. Use common sense. Don't do any godmodding, bunnying, etc.
3. Use decent spelling and grammar. Also, make each post at least one paragraph (5 sentences) long to avoid monotony, and to keep this RP running smoothly.
4. If you break the rules, it will result in the killing-off of your character.
5. You will not be accepted unless you put the word "lightbulb" in your form. But don't make it obvious, i.e. no bolding/italic/underlinig-izing it, etc.
6.You can be any character from Mario. If for some reason you don't know any, there are some really good ones here. There can only be one of each main character (e.g. Mario, Peach, Bowser, etc.), but the number of side characters (e.g. Koopa Troopa, Dry Bones, Goomba, etc.) is limitless.


[b]Name:[/b] This is for if your character is a side character and has to be called by something other than its species to avoid confusion. If you have a main character, leave it blank.
[b]Character:[/b] What character are you playing?
[b]Gender:[/b] For characters that can be either gender, i.e. no female Marios, etc.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Is there anything special about what your character looks like? If not, leave this blank.
[b]Personality:[/b] How does your character act in certain situations?
[b]Biography:[/b] What was your character's past like?
[b]Primary Weapon:[/b] What weapon do you normally use? Don't make it a gun or anything.
[b]Other:[/b] Anything else?


Cryptica / Dry Bowser / Male
--Pet: Bakun / Anuboo / Male
Darksong / Dry Bones / Dry Bones / Male
Exo-Raikou / Dimentio / Male

Philly / Mario / Male
Zephyrous Castform / Bowser / Male
Lucas755 / Luigi / Male
Philly / Peach / Female
Thunderfox / Daisy / Female
Thunderfox / Birdo / Female
Lucas755 / Blue Yoshi / Sky / Male


This RP was inspired by a two-player round of races between Cryptica and Darksong soon after Dry Bowser was unlocked.
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Name: Dry Bones
Character: Dry Bones
Gender: Male
Personality: Dry Bones is rather nervous about serving Dry Bowser. He doesn't know how to be evil, but he hopes to learn over time. He's not confident, but he is definitely loyal. At times, he can be childish.
Biography: He was all alone in his childhood because he looked different than the other Koopa Troopas. He knew that he was Dry Bones, but could not fit in, simply because of his appearance. He resorted to seeing Dry Bowser, who gave him a lightbulb in his mind of darkness.
Other: Primary weapon: Bob-ombs.

Meanwhile I might as well post my form. I will finish it.

Character: Dry Bowser
Gender: Male
Personality: Dry Bowser is hospitable to those on his side, but fierce when it comes to battling. He can be demanding, but he isn't so very often and is respected by his minions. He thinks before acting and takes precautions to make sure there's nothing that foils his plans.
Biography: Dry Bowser used to be Bowser's minion, but Bowser was cruel to him. The skeleton was innocent, but he felt that Bowser needed to be taught a lesson, so eventually he took the throne and now runs the kingdom more kindly than its previous ruler.
Primary Weapon: Bullet Bills
Other: I'm all lightbulbs.
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Gender: Male
Appearance: An Italian plumber that wears red overalls and hat with a sizable mustache. If you don't know what he looks like then you were never born.
Personality: He is very heroic in dangerous situations. He can jump really high.
Biography: He was born and raised in the mushroom kingdom. That's all we really know.
Primary Weapon: He jumps on peoples head and steps on axes to destroy bridges. He also can create and control fire and hits thing with hammers.
Other: In addition to plumbing he also screws into light bulbs.
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Luigi reserve please - just making sure nobody ninja's me to getting him.
Philly, you always seem to beat me to RP's.
Character: Luigi.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Luigi is sometimes timid, and scares easily.
Biography: Luigi started out as a simple useless clone of Mario. This made him sad, so he eventually broke away and even starred in his own game, saving Mario. But recently, he has dropped back down to clonedom.
Primary Weapon: Luigi primarily uses his fists and Thumnderhand. He can also use green fire, but only while fighting people not from the Mario universe. His KO move is the Fire Jump Punch.
Other: He enjoys screwing into lightbulbs with Mario.
Well, this looks fun.

Character: Dimentio
Gender: Male
Personality: Dimetnio is, for all intents and purposes, a psychopath. He comes off to most as a rather strange person, but is known for formulating complex plans to acheive his ends. If something doesn't turn out as he originally planned, he does what he can to turn it to his advantage (though that backfired on him at one point, whcih led to his supposed death). He sees himself as being serious at the time, but is always grinning, even when he performs violent acts.
Biography: Dimentio's past is mostly unknown, though it is known that he feigned allegiance to Count BLeck in order to advance his own plan on domination of many dimensions, but, as I've said before, he was nearly destroyed. Realizing that he would need to lie low for a while, he waited in his own dimension for quite some time, ebfore returning and joining Dry Bowser
Primary Weapon: He mostly uses Magic as offense. His favorite attack method is to create star-shaped energy bursts and toss them at his victim
Other: Would it be lightbulb okay if he's mostly a "hidden" hit man for Dry Bowser?
Hit man? What's that? Sorry for not knowing, it's just that I'm not very experienced with... whatever what is.

Accepted. I've never heard of Dimentio but he sounds okay.
Hit man? What's that? Sorry for not knowing, it's just that I'm not very experienced with... whatever what is.

Accepted. I've never heard of Dimentio but he sounds okay.

He's just an assassin, really. That's what it means.

Oh, and Dimentio's in Super Paper mario. (Great Game, by the way. I highly reccomend it)
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