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Open Dry Bowser's Reign

Let's see...........



As many as you want, I guess. *shrugs* I don't know a suitable number.
Hang on, I'll be Bowser if you like. Will edit this post in a minute...


Character: Bowser
Gender: Male
Appearance: A giant yellow Koopa with a dark green shell covered in spikes, Bowser has a tuft of red hair between his sharp horns and black metal bands around his wrists and shoulder covered in spikes.
Personality: Bowser is a cruel, angry leader. He tends to roar a lot, and doesn't really like anyone - except himself. He expects to be respected and pampered, and gets angry if things don't go his way.
Biography: Bowser was just an ordinary Koopa for a while. He was very begrudging, and wanted power more than anything else, but had not idea how to get it, until one day a lightbulb-style idea came to him. He created a diabolical machine, contaminated with the most evil of materials, and used it to mutate himself into a terrible monster, allowing himself to intimidate his way to becoming King of the Koopas. However, his throne was recently taken by his arch-rival, Dry Bowser, and he vows to have revenge one day.
Primary Weapon: He uses his sharp claws, teeth and horns, and can also spit fireballs.
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Sign up with the form then, Philly.

@ZC: If you read the plot, Bowser no longer rules the Mushroom Kingdom; Dry Bowser does. Normal Bowser is rivalled with him, and that's why he joined Mario's team. If you can change the history and the personality a bit, you'll be accepted.
Aah. I did read the plot, but that was yesterday, 'twould seem I forgot. Fixed.
Oh, sorry.

Name: Peach
Character: Princess Peach Toadstool
Gender: Female
Appearance: Wears a pink dress and has a parasol that can protect her and allows her to float.
Personality: Sweet and nice. Mario's wife.
Biography: Raised by Toadsworth Toadstool and is constantly being kidnapped by Bowser.
Primary Weapon: Parasol with a smile on it.
Other: She is a ligtbulb. *Snicker snicker*
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@ZC: accepted.
@Philly: Accepted. You can RP, but add the primary weapon.


Dry Bowser was crouched on his levitating platform, breathing slowly and evenly. He looked down at the empty floor, devoid of footprints and subjects. Not that he needed anything right now.

His mind switched to the statue of Bowser in one of the more dangerous hallways. Its roar echoed through his head, and he imagined one of the gigantic fireballs it breathed when it opened its mouth to intimidate with sound.

And then, he thought of his new recruit, Dry Bones. He had said he didn't really know how to be evil, but Dry Bowser could definitely, in time, teach him.

((By the way, this takes course in part of this version of Bowser's Castle, since I decided it would be fun that way.))
((Peach would use her umbrella.))

Dry Bones flinched as the statue let out a humongous roar, momentarily shielding himself.

"What's that for?" He asked curiously, at one point looking down at the scalding lava below him. One wrong step and...
One other, more experienced, Dry Bones named Hakumaru happened to be walking through the long hall, and answered Dry Bones' question.

"Well, sometimes people in cars race by here for fun, and this gives them a bit of a challenge." Hakumaru quickly dispersed from his comrade and disappeared down the hall.

((Bakuphoon: reserved))
((*undoes disappearing*))

Hakumaru smiled. "Maybe. But Dry Bowser might need something at the moment. They might come by sometime soon and you can watch if you're not busy."
"YAY!" Dry Bones cheered, clapping his jaws together to make a sound like applause.

"What do we do now?" He asked Dry Bowser.
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