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Open Dry Bowser's Reign

"Are they done racing yet?" Dry Bowser asked impatiently, checking his wrist to make sure there was no watch.

"Yes." He answered his own question. "We should plan the attack. What's your say?" He confronted the loony-looking guy.
"I am thinking of being on the attacking of their 'Plumber-Pad.' We could have the cutting off of the leaders." Fawful walked out of the room to prepare without waiting for a response.
"Well, Mario, I think we should find people to fight with us."
"Like who? Bowser?" Said Peach

((Let it be noted that 70's Mario is the only one who says Bow-Wow, and that his house is a disco.))
((Bowser is already in our group))
"Y'know, people we've met. And/or fought. Ayone who will help us defeat Dry Bow-wo-- Bowser."
"Do you think that one Goomba would be much help? We need to find powerful people, like..." Luigi couldn't think of any powerful good people.
"Yes... we could recruit some of our enemies by telling them that Bowser is on our team! We could find the Gooper Blooper, Donkey Kong, and Wario!"
Dimentio raised a hand. "Odds are that they won't be sitting around watching TV when we come to kill them," he said, 'I say, we either brign them here, trap them, and then kill them, or we simply wait for the darkest part at night and then strike, like an unseen dodgeball in an echoing gymnasium."
"The latter sounds like a better idea," said Dry Bowser. "Chances are, if we confront them they're going to beat us first. And I don't think we're killing, just... defeating. You know. Sorta like how you jump on a Goomba's head?"
"True, my crazed bean, but it seems you offered less how and more what. If we want to destroy these simpering fools, we msut trap them so they're wallowing in helplessness like upside-down turtles.

Of course, there's still the matter of where we attack. So when will it be, oh Great King?"
"As for the where, it's not going to be in their home place, whatever it is. Usually they come for us first, so we can strike while they're unprepared and romping through the area like nothing's going to happen until they get here. It's easy to get through our own territory, so that's part of the how... we're probably going to need Fawful for the rest of it."
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