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Open Dry Bowser's Reign

"I'll go check." He began to walk out of the room.

Then, with his mouth open, he turned around, and asked, "Do I still get to race a kart?"
"Um, why not?"

((Mario and his buddies need to stop racing and start plotting against Dry Bowser XD))
Dry Bones nodded. "I am officially leaving now." Then he did so, heading to the castle's food wing, whatever it was called. He knew the eating places were the kitchen and dining room, but...

The skeleton Koopa got two bananas; one large, for Dry Bowser, and one small, for him. It wasn't long before he was back at the throne room, and he handed Dry Bowser the banana.

"So, are we just going to wait for Mario to do something, or are we going to destroy him now?"
"If the enemy makes the first move," Dry Bowser said, "it is more likely that the allies will succeed." He took the banana and let himself snack on it. "Bananas. The peels can be used to slip up races with minor effect."
Bowser stood outside the castle, gazing up at it wistfully - and furiously. He was here again - the castle, his castle, that had been stolen from him.

He sighed and sat down on a rock, waiting, bored, for the others to come back out.
"Woof!" Anuboo had just woken up, and when he heard the word food he jumped up on Dry Bowser's lap. "Woof! Woof!" He barked again, but this time at the banana Dry Bowser was holding. He wanted him to know that he was hungry. He always woke up when someone mentioned food.
((Maybe one more character...))
Character: Fawful.
Gender: Male.
Appearance: Link.
Personality: Fawful is a strange person, especially because of his weird way of speaking. Instead of saying "I am furious!" he would say "I have fury!"
Biography: He was once Cackletta's right-hand man. After being defeated by Mario and Luigi, he lost his amazing headgear. After that, he became a sewer merchant in Peach's castle. After hearing about Dry Bowser, he fashioned a new piece of headgear, plus backup wristbands that do the same things, and headed off to join him.
Primary Weapon: He uses his headgear (or backup wristbands), that can "fly, shoot energy balls, and contain the spirit of dead people for a while."

Dry Bowser's gaze followed Anuboo's.

"I see that," he muttered, and dropped his unfinished banana at his pet's paws. "Go ahead."
Fawful walked into the room with an air of madness. "Master of Dryness, I am in suggestiveness of us making the first move. We can strike when they have not defenses."
"What do I get to do, Master?" Dry Bones asked shyly. "Can I use the bob-ombs? You must have some somewhere..."
"Possibly. They're on the first floor. In the first door on the right down the right hallway."
DImentio, idle as always, floated through the halls, and was passing by a room when he heard an instantly recognizable voice, as well as what he figured was Dry bowser's-and clearly heard the words: "strike when they have not defenses."

Ah, Fawful, he thought, So unstable, like a fat cat on a thin branch on a tall tree in the middle of an earthquake-shaken forest.

Still, this gives me an idea...

He entered the room, saying "If I may be so bold, my king, why not attack them while they're racing? it would surprise them, like a mouse being punced upon by a cat from the shadows, hm?"
"Tell me when I should get them!" Dry Bones said joyfully. If he were typing, he would add a tilde to his sentence, but sadly, he was not.

((Irony for the win! :D))
"But that would destroy the cars as well," he pointed out. "We needn't pay for the damage done to them."
Mario and Peach were at Mario's Plumber-pad, thinking about how to defeat Dry-Bowser. They both knew that Dry Bow-wow was terrorizing the land, and that he needed to be stopped. However, up until now, Mario was a silent protagonist. But now that he was not the protagonist he could talk. "Well, a-princess, I think that we should wait for Luigi to come and help us a-brainstorm."

((Is it OK for Mario to call Bowser Bow-Wow and Dry Bowser Dry Vow-Wow, and for Mario's house to be called his Plumber-Pad. I'm feeling 60-70's ish.))

Luigi walked into the Plumber-Pad like a drunk old man. "Why do those Piranha Plants need to attack me all time?"
Luigi plopped down next to Mario to see what they were up to.
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