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Open Dry Bowser's Reign

Fawful walked back into the room with the snack he went to get. "If I may have suggestiveness, then I will have saying: This place is part kart racing track. We could gather up lightning bolts, heat seeking shells, and POW blocks."
((I call them thunderbolts, homing shells and Pow-boxes XD ))

"That would be a good idea, but that would only win us a race, not them, hmm?"

Character: Bowser Jr.
Gender: Male
Personality: Bowser Jr. is happy and outgoing. He acts like a normal 6-year-old and never hesitates to help "Papa."
MarioMonsters.com said:
He is Bowser's son. In Super Mario Sunshine he disguised himself as Mario using the power of E. Gadd's paint brush.
He often appears alongside his "papa" in Mushroom Kingdom sports tournaments and he tried to help Bowser kidnap Princess Peach a second time in New Super Mario Bros.
Primary Weapon: Torpedo Teds.
Other: Lightbulb))

Bowser Jr. came racing by on his Super Blooper and hopped out at the throne room. Simply, he entered. "Hi, papa! What's going on? Is someone trying to steal mama Peach again?"

((Don't ask me why he calls her "mama" Peach...))
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I'm making a Baddie because I feel I'm not included enough
Character: King Boo
Gender: Male.
Appearance: A boo with a crown
Personality: Nefarious and evil, he enjoys disappearing and snickering.
Biography: Umm, he was presumably alive at one time, but then died, and rose through the ranks of boos.
Primary Weapon: His hands.
Other: He has never screwed a lightbulb.

Bowser Jr. looked around "Where's my other papa? Did he leave?" He shrugged. "See ya!" He hopped back into his Super Blooper and sped away, nimbly dodging fireballs from the roaring statue.
"Ah, my great King, you've forgotten someone: Me! I can trap them and destroy them... with magic! Surely a Charming magician of ym caliber wouldn't be considered useless, hm?"
Dry Bowser nodded.

"First of all, I need you, Dimentio, to trap them with a wall of magic. While the King Boo keeps them frightened, we attack with Bob-ombs and Bullet Bills, et cetera, until they lose all their lives.

"We'll leave at a good time. We need to cross a small mountain range and then a steppe, and then we get back to the normal plains in which what you're used to takes place."

Bowser Jr. went to DK Mountain to have some fun driving over the rocky slope.
"Of coruse! I will be waiting and ready. Until then, Ciao, my King."

And with that, he teleported out of the room.
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