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Open Dry Bowser's Reign

((The reason I made Hakumaru pass by is because Dry Bones is in the fire-breathing Bowser statue hall, not the throne room.))
Name: Sky.
Character: Yoshi.
Gender: Male.
Appearance: A blue Yoshi.
Personality: Is a bit sarcastic and wisecracking, but can keep his head wrapped around what's important. Most of the time.
Biography: Once upon a time, Luigi hit a ? block with his head. A blue Yoshi came out. This Yoshi and Luigi always stay together, and fight their battles together.
Primary Weapon: His tongue.
Other: Tried to help Mario and Luigi screw into a lightbulb once, but accidentally ate it.
Luigi sped by - in his kart - the area that Mario and Peach had fifteen seconds before. Sky was in his sidecar. Hey, I have a Bullet Bill!
Suddenly, they morphed into a Bullet Bill, and sped off, after Mario and Peach.
Charecter: Princess Daisy
Gender: Female
Apperance: She wears a yellow dress with an orange hem and orange middle. She has short, white gloves that are frilly around the wrist, frilly ends of her short sleeves and neck area. and she has a white flower with a turquoise middle on the chest of her dress with matching earrings. She has a crown with flowers that are similar to her dress and earrings. She has brown hair that stops near the beginning of her back. She has orange high-heel shoes.
Personality: People refer to Daisy as a tomboy. She also has a friendly rivalry with Princess Peach, and is kind. She also likes Luigi. Even though she has flowers as part of her appeal, don't judge a book by it's flowery cover~
Biography: Daisy is the princess of Sarasaland and isn't usually the one to be the damsel in distress, unlike Princess Peach. (Except one time)
Primary Weapon: Flowers that can shoot up from the ground and protect her from traps. (I got this from Mario Party 7 with Daisy's Flower Orb. If anyone has a better idea, tell me, please!)
Other: Daisy thinks Peach's hair is as bright as a lightbulb.

Charecter: Birdo
Gender: Female
Apperance: A pink body and a white oval shaped stomach with a short tail and ner houth is like a funnel. She wears purple eye make-up. She has 3 fingers and a giant diamond ring on one of them. She wears a red bow on the back of her head.
Personality: She's known as one of the "good-girls" and has a romantic feeling for Yoshi. She also can be very determined and has confidence.
Biography: Birdo used to subside in Subcon, but now in Nimbus Land, and sometimes comes to Mushroom Kingdom.
Primary Weapon: She has her special eggs, and uses her snout as a vacum.
Other: She thinks of lightbulbs as something other than...lightbulbs.
Name: Anuboo
Character: Anuboo
Gender: Male
Appearance: Here's description and appearance.
Personality: Anuboo is usually calm. He's very loyal to Dry Bowser, and would serve him to death, like most dogs would do. He would like to get treats and stuff for his actions, though. Anuboo is also quite lazy, laying at Dry Bowsers feet all day, unless he has to do something, like pee.
Biography: Anuboo was the son of a Sphinx but got possesed by dark magic. Now he is an Anuboo who is only loyal to Bowser.
Primary Weapon: Anuboo can change to any shape and form, though he prefers his dog form. To attack, Anuboo changes to the shape he is going to attack (he keeps his black form and red eyes) then shoots red lasers from his eyes that are many times lighter than lightbulb, er, light.
Other: If it's okay, can Anuboo be Dry Bowsers "pet".
DImentio was spending him time in the Wavy room of The castle, brooding.

This is... perplexing. Dry Bowser took me in just as easily as Bleck did... and I could betray him just as easily...
No. I can't do anything too suspicous. Not this time. Making the same mistake as I did with the Prognosticus is suicide.

But what to do? If I stand around here like a statue in the dead of winter, then any of my involvement would be pointless.

On the other hand, if I wait for Dry Bowser to make the first mvoe, it will be less suspicous... yes, that will work
((@Lucas755: Please don't post until you've been accepted.
...Accepted. :D
@Thunderfox: Accepted.
@Bakun: Accepted.
@Darksong, okay.))

*edits to RP*
((Yeah, sorry. I was planning on editing it out if I wasn't accepted.))

Luigi was right on Mario's and Peach's tail, when his Bullet Bill wore out. I can still win if I can get ahead in time.
He pushed the gas to the floor, and advanced to become even with the two.
"Wait, yeah!" Dry Bones said, waving to Hakumaru as he walked down a long passage into the throne room.

As soon as he entered Dry Bowser's room, he asked quickly, "What do we do now?"
Mario had a secret weapon saved up. Triple Mushrooms! After he used the last one he wa way ahead of Peach and so very close to finish.
No! I'll have to settle for second.
Luigi broke a ? block, and got a red shell. "Sky, spit that at Peach!"
Sky nodded and took the shell in his mouth. He spit it with such force that it took less than a second to reach Peach.
Peach was hit with the red shell. Then, she ran into a ? block and got Lightning. She used it and zoomed up on the side of Luigi, taunted him, and went on. She crossed the finish in second.
Dry Bowser looked through the window overlooking the door.

"Are those people racing in my castle?" He switched his gaze to Dry Bones.

"What time is it?" he asked.
((Philly, Peach already crossed the area with the ? block, and Luigi hit it out of her, so she couldn't have an item))
"What is it?" Dry Bowser asked. "Have you checked to make sure Mario hasn't made another distraction to attempt to invade the castle again?"
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