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Easter Vacation?


Water/Psychic Goddess
So do you get any, and if you do what are your plans, I'm going to my grandparents summerhouse (Sumarbústað), and I'm gonna stay there for a while. What are your plans?
I only get tomorrow through Monday off cause I go to weirdo private school. Oh well.

Doing nothing to my knowledge. Yay!
I have this week and next week off.

Lots of studying to do, though. :(
I'm not even having a real Easter Dinner.

We're going to Red Lobster the day before Easter. xD

We were going to have a four-day weekend, but after a million snow days they made us come on Good Friday, so it's been shortened to three. In any event, I'm not going anywhere.
Today is the last day I must be dragged to school YUS.
Until the 20th but fffff.

Well, we don't celebrate Easter. Not even my Catholic parents. Meh.
So...nothing,really. Just stay here.
What what what who celebrates Easter anyway? I mean, the chocolate-flavored (it's most probably not made out of real chocolate, although they still call them chocolate) eggs taste horrible. And what are you supposed to celebrate on Easter? Am I supposed to eat pink bunnies?[/fob]

But, uh, I get next week off, but it's called "Spring Break". And I'm not doing anything of any importance, if that's what you want to know.

Speaking of Easter, can anyone explain to me what bunnies and eggs have to do with Jesus?
I think I get two weeks off, and one of those weeks = me having to do work experience. </3
(plus a shitload of paperwork).
What what what who celebrates Easter anyway? I mean, the chocolate-flavored (it's most probably not made out of real chocolate, although they still call them chocolate) eggs taste horrible. And what are you supposed to celebrate on Easter? Am I supposed to eat pink bunnies?[/fob]

But, uh, I get next week off, but it's called "Spring Break". And I'm not doing anything of any importance, if that's what you want to know.

Speaking of Easter, can anyone explain to me what bunnies and eggs have to do with Jesus?

You get fake chocolate eggs? Woah, that's crazy o.o

Oh, the bunnies and eggs thing comes from the pagan fertility rituals that used to happen around springtime.

I don't finish till Good Friday (three weeks after all the other unis >>), but our term doesn't start again until the 10th of May. Except, I don't have to come back till my exams start, which means I can hang around at home till the start of June :DDD

No real plans; a lot of revision and sitting around in the sunshine will do me fine :)
I got last week off. :V It's because next week is testing for all the Sophomores, like me, if we don't pass it we can't graduate >: Jerks.

I want a chocolate bunny on easter, I want to pick it's tasty little eyes off C: No really the eyes are delicious, unlike the rest of it :P
Only? I also get Friday and Monday off, and that's plenty. My friend in California doesn't even get Easter off.

One week? Two weeks? I wish... v_v

I say only because I hear a lot of people saying that they had the whole week off.

Oh, the bunnies and eggs thing comes from the pagan fertility rituals that used to happen around springtime.

Funny how a lot of traditions on Christian holidays come from pagan rituals.
my break starts tomorrow afternoon. i don't know what i'm going to do; i'll probably sit around and read a lot, on top of planning for projects i have in three classes. i also need to find options for community service, for which the pickings are getting slim.
The only day I have off for "Easter break" is tomorrow (Good Friday). :( And on Easter Sunday I have to work 3pm-9pm. So I'm not really looking forward to Easter.
Mine starts today, with Good Friday tomorrow, and a week of reading Romeo and Juliet.
I did nothing but sit in front of my computer this week.

And that's my plan next week.
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