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[Event] Battle for Asber

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Zhorken has decided per'd prefer not to play, which means there's an open spot that needs filling! If you'd like to join in the battle, just post here with the pokémon you'll be using--remember that you're restricted to something that can hover or fly--and I'll get you added to the list.
Could we possibly tell the new person what's happening, so they can pick a pokemon that's appropriate (and fully evolved, that's probably important)?
I'd like to join. I have one question before I make my choice though. What exactly happened to Skylark's Sableye? I was considering using a levitation course Pokémon, but it looks like there's a risk of its ability being disabled? :x
Ah right, I didn't realise embargo nixed signature attributes as well, I should really check the AAAG more often. That sucks.

I think I'll go with my Mr. Mime then.
wait wait but I didn't manage to prepare my briefing

the highlights: psychic and ghost are inadvisable are generally inadvisable without some brilliant plan because horrible weaknesses; and poison and psychic are inadvisable because their STAB aren't that great.

inability do do significant damage is bad (which ... we are finding out the hard way), because we are forced to attack at least once and taunt exists, so is best to make it count -- ideally, at least 15% a shot to at least one of the enemies with at least 90% accuracy ... but that's shown to be impractical.

uh ... I have more useful information, I guess, but it would be classified.
I need six more people to re-balance the teams, here. Make sure you understand which pokémon you're allowed to bring with you if you'd like to play.
Sorry, but I really dooon't want to deal with any more side-switching drama this battle.
can we have time to actually write and deliver a briefing before choices are locked in?

say, until the next time we actually need to send in a replacement?
Oh like you guys wouldn't enjoy a togekiss on your side. >| I have a honchkrow or golbat you could use too. Or a magneton or a clefairy (or a starmieskarmorymetangaerodactyl ok etc.)
You've been having negotiations and were gunning for more players, so it's not like you didn't have sufficient warning and time to create a briefing.
Not that long, but you can have a couple of days. And if someone really wants to use a pokémon of their own choice rather than one you want them to use, I'm not going to let you bully them into picking something different.
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