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Ever "caught 'em all"?

Ever "caught 'em all"?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 40 36.7%
  • No!

    Votes: 32 29.4%
  • Nearly!

    Votes: 37 33.9%

  • Total voters
151 in Red, though my friend's cheating device came in handy when it came to catching Mew. I've never completed a dex since.
All of the Hoenn dex in Emerald, woo for getting Cynda legit!

Uh, at 412 seen in diamond, and 3 hundred something in plat seen.

Had all 150 in LG, but there's no reward for being a dork... T_T
In Emerald, I succesfully finished the Hoenn pokedex with my last Pokemon being Heracross. Currently trying to finish the National.
I've been close twice... on Sapphire I had I think about 180ish (missing some, but not all, of the Ruby-exclusives) before I migrated them all to Pearl and restarted.

And on Pearl I have 440ish which, admittedly, isn't THAT close but it's getting up there. I have all the Kanto and Hoenn Pokemon except the Ruby and FR exclusives and Mew. And I'm missing a ton of Johto/Sinnoh evolutions and exclusives. I need to go through Colosseum so I can get those into Pearl. That's the biggest part of what I'm missing.

EDIT... 17 days later: Stupid stupid me. Max in the Hoenn dex is 200, not 400. Somebody hasn't played Sapphire since then. XD
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No, never. The closest was the Sapphire file I accidently deleted. I had 196 seen and 195 caught. I was very proud of that file. I needed Treeko, Latios, and three Ruby exclusives as I remember.

I think I may have gotten 151 on a very old Red file... but seeing as I recently restarted, I have no idea.

Oh, I just remembered my current Pearl file. If I beat Cynthia, I'll get the National Dex. Another reason to hate her; she and the Elites are the only thing in my way of getting the National Dex and Pal Park!

...I'm currently in the hundreds on Pearl and Sapphire, but I have a way to go on Red and Platinum.
In my fired i had all kanto+ Jhoto pokemo except mew and celebi
And i had around 75% of hoenn spiecies I did have deoxys but not jirachi
On Diamond, I'm far from that - heck, I don't even have the National Dex! I've seen almost all of the Sinnoh Dex ones, though.
I caught all the Pokemon on Blue and Emerald version fair and square. But as for Diamond and Platinum, I used an Action Replay, which is cheating and does not count, obviously.
The closest I ever came to completing a Pokedex was back in the Silver Version. Around 230 I think.

But guess what happened next?


The battery died and I lost everything! Beautiful, no?
Through a combination of honest catching and training, trading with my Yellow version, and several runs through the Mew Glitch, I caught every Pokemon possible without a Gameshark on my Blue cart, even all the possible glitches. But that file is gone now. I was so devastated that I didn't own a GB Printer...I wanted my diploma dammit!
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