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Exam Nervousness


if the nineth lion ate the sun.
So I was sitting revising for my English exam (it's on Friday) and then I realised that I don't worry at all about exams until those two minutes when you're sitting down waiting for the invigilator to tell you to open the paper. My mind just blanks and I go OH SHIT I KNOW NOTHING then I open the paper and I'm all \o/ this shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S

Conversely, my friend panics like a lunatic right before she goes into the exam room, then she's perfectly calm. Then she comes out and goes OH GOD I FAILED :( and she gets 89% and I want to punch her for being a clever twat.

So, when do you guys get nervous about exams? Are you sitting any this year? If so you should tell me what levels and stuff!

If you're used to the UK system (England and Wales, anyway - the system's different here and in NI I believe), then I'm sitting 5 AS Levels between the 15th (English) and the 5th of June (Art). Interesting, right??
I had a psychology one today, have another one tomorow, and the others are at June...eh...

I just get nervous lining up before the exam. Or the night before when I am trying to sleep. =[
I'm taking my GCSEs atm, although we did half our science exams last year. So far, I've had my French and German orals (shit bricks in both, surprisingly enough found French easier O_o). English Language is on Friday, and then everything else.

I get ridiculously nervous before exams (I used to get dreadful insomnia, but that doesn't seem to have happened this year), but once I start writing I'm normally fine. Strangely, after an exam has passed, I am physically incapable of worrying about it. :D
One GCSE paper done (Religious Studies lawl), got twelve more to do until the 24th June.
I'm actually pretty calm regarding exams, although being pessimistic about what results I'll get afterwards doesn't help.
i have state-regulated tests coming up next month, but i'm not at all worried about them.

as for the nationwide ap tests, i took my last one this afternoon. neither one was that bad.
I'm doing ASes atm
Did my first one yesterday (first paper of ancient history) and it was EASY AS HELL.

I only really panic in exams when I get loads of questions I know I'll do shit on. My second history paper will be abysmall :(
I also tend to swear a lot under my breath during exams at annoying questions...

Results day however, I shit bricks. Last year's results day was not a good day.
I'm actually...not that worred :/
I'm confident enough in my ability to do well -without- revising, but on top of that, I'm doing revision anyway, and I'm only looking for 5 Cs to get into my chosen course.
My Art Coursework achieved a C, and I'm quite proud of my exam piece, so I'm 99% sure of a C there.
I could flat-out fail my Media Studies exam and still get a C, according to my teacher, thanks to my Coursework (not that I will though ._.)
If I could get 14 more marks than I did in my mock in Maths (I did the mock without revising anyway), then I'd get a B.
Graphics is less about learning stuff and more about doing the tasks you're set in the exam, and my Coursework impressed my teacher.
I'm fairly confident about my IT. Most of the revision material was common knowledge to me anyway.

To be fair, the only things I'm concerned over are Chemistry and Physics. Both are difficult subjects for me. No matter how many times I get taught, I just don't seem to be able to keep the information inside my head ._.
I never get nervous before exams.

However what I do do is after the exam is realize the answer to a question I wrote the wrong answer for and then worry I got the rest wrong.

So realy I get nervous after exams.
I stress myself the fuck out. Not necessary because the calm me can pass everything. But I don't work unless pressurized.
Yeah, I had an RE exam on Tuesday, and although I wasn't that nervous initially, as we were walking into the room I started to get a bit "Ehh", and in the last few seconds before he said "You may begin", I suddenly realised I probably should have revised a little more. But I think I did pretty well.
Doing GCSEs at the moment as well. Did Working Life and R.E. yesterday, which are the easy exams... then next Monday all hell starts to break loose with Maths. :/ And then the next day it's English and it's just ewww from then on until the 19th June. At least near the end it's all the crappy Science stuff that's so easy because my school screwed up and put me in foundation and this weird rubbish set I really shouldn't be in. Funnily enough my prom is on 19th June as well, so that night will be the last day I ever spent near my school. XD

Also did French Orals last Thursday, I don't think I've ever been more nervous for anything in my entire life. Not even for my GCSE exams which actually really really matter and my French orals is only about 25% of my overall grade and I was doing foundation for them anyway. >_> I think I did okay but I'm still pretty worried about them.

I tend not to worry much about them. I'm not really revising anything much apart from Maths which is just like OH GOD TRIGONOMETRY, WHAT and a bit of Geography. I'm pretty laid-back with exams. Not that I don't care about them or don't revise, I just don't get worked up for them. Except for the French Orals, still don't know why I was so stressed about that - I think it's because we had to learn absolutely tons and I didn't. XD

Good luck for everyone doing their GCSEs right now. <3
And of course, good luck to anyone doing exams. xD I just know personally how stressful the GCSE period is.
Nothing major. Those come next year.

I am never stressed about tests. Before class I might be a little frantic, but that's just me trying to make sure I've got everything I need to know sorted in my mind somewhere.

Conversely, my friend panics like a lunatic right before she goes into the exam room, then she's perfectly calm. Then she comes out and goes OH GOD I FAILED :( and she gets 89% and I want to punch her for being a clever twat.

these people annoy me so much >:(
I haven't revised for any of my exams, and I don't panic.

For some reason I pass all my exams without even touching a book. So I don't panic.
Hmm, I want to pass well so I'm studying as much as I can. I think I can get an A in English and History if I try really hard!
I get butterflies thinking about how fun exams can be. *gets atomic wedgied, trashed, and swirlied all at once*
Economics exam tomorrow. I should do well anyway, all it really is is a bunch of graphs.
I get butterflies thinking about how fun exams can be. *gets atomic wedgied, trashed, and swirlied all at once*

I'm sort of like that, the only exam I get nervous over is the end-of-the-year exam. Mostly I'm just glad we have a test instead of homework.
I usually don't get stressed by exams at all. Especially not the bloody General Studies ones I've had so far <_<; Even though I usually just cram at the last minute, maybe revising a little ahead of time for subjects I'm REALLY unsure of. In fact I find that does the trick nicely. :3
I've got five exams this year; Sociology, Social Anthropology, Social Policy 1 & 2 and Modern Culture (I adore everything but Social Policy 1 and MC). I'm slightly worried about them (mostly because I haven't started studying at all), but it's really hard to motivate myself because the first year of uni doesn't count towards my final grade, meaning I only need to get the 40% pass mark, and given I'm averaging a high 2-1 at the moment, I'll have to do terribly to fail.
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