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Famous Ancestors/Relatives

Some guy on my dad's side founded a village in Scotland!

uh, other than that not really

Here I must step you up. My family were the original owners of Urqhart Castle on Loch Ness before King Charles the 1st (?) stole it from the good scots. Now it's just some historical monument I'd like to see. But here I sit in Canada because my scond great grandfather moved here, and my Great-Grandfather became a lawyer having attended the University of Manitoba in the early 1930's. And my Dad still has the yearbook from that. Talk albout rare possesions...
My great-great-grandfather (or some guy I'm related to who was alive quite a while ago) drew the logo for Old Dutch. :3 I believe it's been added onto and colour has been added, but he drew the little windmill. :D

Also I don't remember if this is the same guy or not but one of my ancestors MAY have been on the Titanic. And died. Which is cool, I guess. And sad.
I believe Donatello is a distant ancestor of mine. The French side of my family also came to Canada (or New France at the time) as some of the first settlers.
if scotland is the most exciting thing that happened in your family i feel super-bad for all of you
Apparently, my godfather (once married to my aunt, but they've been divorced for nearly two decades and I've not seen him in years) is related to Scott of the Antarctic.

Nothing especially exciting other than that, except if you Wiki my surname, the following comes up: "[...] The Rundle family was then centered in the southwest, where amongst other things - and like many in the area - the family was a prominent member of the seafaring community and owned a large number of taverns until the mid seventeenth century." Which I have taken to mean "The Rundles WERE ALL PIRATES :DDDDD".

Are you secretly two people I went to school with? Because they never stopped going on about how they're related to Scott of the Antarctic and pirates.
One of my cousins is an actor who's been on a few TV ads here and he writes his own musicals and stuff iirc. And my great-grandmother used to live on the same street as Rolf Harris when they were kids! apparently he was an annoying little shit, too.
And that reminds me, a brother of my bassist uncle's is also a moderately famous actor. He's been in a fairly successful TV show but his role was... Not exactly minor, but not exactly big. He does mostly plays, though. I've been to one -- he's frickin' hilarious.
Oh, and if it means anything, I'm descended form the Dorward Clan of Scotland, which in it's own right is a branch of the Gordon Clan.
My Grandma went to school with Dr. Seuss.

Other than that, I am Native American, so I'm probably related to some ancient tribe.

Or something.
Nah, I've done some digging and there isn't anyone famous in my family. They're a pretty cool bunch, though.
(also if anyone thinks they're '''descended''' from a clan simply because they have relatives who have that surname

you are wrong

the more you know)
(also if anyone thinks they're '''descended''' from a clan simply because they have relatives who have that surname

you are wrong

the more you know)
some people take it really seriously! my ex-boyfriend's family is descended from clan Graham and they have their tartan (which tbh looks like ... ordinary tartan but apparently they're all different so) and they also have a huge stained-glass coat of arms!

oh idk if this is relevant but apparently my family is descended from Irish convicts? but I don't know if it counts because I'm like 7th generation australian so um
I have the Jardine clan shield in the hall! CAVE ADSUM (Beware I am here)! And tartan is a mysterious game. you might THINK they look like same, but...
I'm releated to the guy who played Doc Brown in the the 'Back To the Future' movies.

And my great-grandmother used to live on the same street as Rolf Harris when they were kids! apparently he was an annoying little shit, too.
and this is absolutely hilarious idek why

as for me er
my brother is the antichrist
i have no idea if i'm related to anyone notable. if anyone notable is english and has Mays as a surname though, i am most likely related to them.
I have the Jardine clan shield in the hall! CAVE ADSUM (Beware I am here)! And tartan is a mysterious game. you might THINK they look like same, but...
the Graham clan motto was like NE OUBLIE or something which meant 'never forget' I think? and the crest was an ANGRY HAWK beating up a heron which was supposed to be some other clan or something. and all the firstborn men have the middle name 'john' because of some dude in the Graham clan who died or something. Serious business! my family doesn't have a motto, everyone's talking too loud at the same time for there to be a motto

I used to think tartan was red so yes it's certainly an adventure. :o

Jolty said:
and this is absolutely hilarious idek why
Rolf Harris 'being a little shit' was my great-grandmother's own words, by the way, not mine.
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