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Favorite song

I only have To Mega Therion, but everything past Into the Pandemonium (I hear that one is a masterpiece) is rumored to be crap anyway
I only have To Mega Therion, but everything past Into the Pandemonium (I hear that one is a masterpiece) is rumored to be crap anyway
I listened to their newest one Monotheist a while back as well I remember, but it was insanely slow so got boring quite quickly. Like slow enough to make Black Sabbath sound like Dragonforce or something :S
I listened to their newest one Monotheist a while back as well I remember, but it was insanely slow so got boring quite quickly. Like slow enough to make Black Sabbath sound like Dragonforce or something :S

apparently that is a weird goth/doom album, they tend to be slow
Varies. I do like Riot by Three Days Grace and a couple songs from Hoobastank.
Candlemass are indeed the finest doom band imo. I do agree about doom in general being a bit dull, all I've heard of Celtic Frost was one doomier song, and it put me off a bit.
listen to early celtic frost, that's pure proto-black metal (thrash metal with a gritty avant-garde edge and a bit lacking production)
I'll be honest though, I prefered Obituary's version of Circle Of The Tyrants to the one on that album. The rest of it is quality though :D
Changes a lot for me as well, even within a day sometimes

right now, my fave songs are:

Pain Of Salvation - Lilium Cruentus
Duran Duran - Ordinary World
Katatonia - Teargas
Hmmm... Either Goodbye by Breaking Benjamin or If Everyone Cared by Nickelback. I can't decide. Probably If Everyone Cared.
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